Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 281 He Wencai Such a Scumbag

Chapter 281 He Wencai Such a Scumbag

When the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination came, Zhou Niannian had been paying attention to the registration.

Before she could go to the town to inquire about registration, Li Yuanjia came to her.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhou Niannian saw that half of the sleeves of his clothes were broken, dangling from his body, there was still a lot of dirt on his body, and there were even shoe prints.

Li Yuanjia sighed, and patted the dirt on his body, "Don't mention it, I went to the town to buy review materials, and the people who went into the bookstore to grab the high school review materials were crazy, and the doors of the bookstore were smashed."

"I squeezed in with great difficulty, but only grabbed a review series of mathematics, physics and chemistry. I'll come over to see if you have it here. If not, I'll borrow it for you to copy."

Zhou Niannian was a little shocked. She was so crazy. She really didn't know about her previous life. She didn't participate in the first year. When she participated in the second year, her parents prepared the review materials properly, and she didn't worry about it.

Fortunately, I bought the book in advance, otherwise I would not be able to squeeze in if I let myself squeeze in.

"I have it here, no need, besides, I want to study law, I want to take liberal arts, I don't need this review series of mathematics, physics and chemistry." Zhou Niannian thanked Li Yuanjia for his kindness with a smile.

"Which university does Deputy Factory Manager Xiao Zhou plan to apply for? Is it Kyoto University?" Li Yuanjia saw that she was not short of books, and quickly put the books he had snatched back with care into his bag carefully.

"Yes, which school are you going to apply for?" She asked Li Yuanjia's plan.

Li Yuanjia scratched his head and smiled, "I've thought about it carefully, and with my grades, it would be good to be admitted to a technical secondary school, but it may be difficult to get into a university, so I plan to apply for the local technical secondary school in Zezhou, so that I can get a chance Gu family."

Zhou Niannian knew that his wife Pan Na was pregnant again recently, and Li Yuanjia probably didn't want to go too far to go to university.

Her heart moved, and she looked at Li Yuanjia with more thoughtful eyes.

She was thinking about who to take over her position as deputy factory director, and Li Yuanjia in front of her was the most suitable candidate?

He stayed here in Zezhou to go to school. Not to mention that he can take care of him nearby. The most important thing is that Li Yuanjia is flexible, quick-witted, and a good businessman.

Zhou Niannian had this idea, so she went to find Meng Sanqiu.

Meng Sanqiu had no objection after hearing this, so the matter was settled like this.

Zhou Niannian talked to Li Yuanjia about business management when he had time, and handed over some work by the way.

The educated youths in the village and those preparing to take the exam pay attention to the college entrance examination every day.

Bai Yuqing didn't worry about reviewing the materials, Zhou Hongshan and his wife sent her a set not long after the letter came.

She proudly showed off in front of Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian was very speechless. Zhou Hongshan and his wife knew that she had a set, so they didn't send it to her. There was nothing to show off.

The whole Mengjiang Village has set off a wave of learning. When I get up in the morning and after dinner in the evening, there are night readings everywhere.

Qi Jiayan and Zhou Niannian read together at night, and she plans to apply for a medical major.

Soon the education department of Zezhou County issued the enrollment rules and registration requirements for the college entrance examination. Registration will start on November 25st. After registration, a preliminary examination will be held on November [-]th. Take the college entrance examination.

The time for the college entrance examination is set on December 25th, and each province in the country decides the questions independently, so the time for the college entrance examination in each province is not the same.

After the college entrance examination results come out, it is to fill in the volunteer application, and after the volunteer application is completed, it is the political review, admission and other related work.

"Ah? Why do we still have the preliminary exam here? I don't think the neighboring provinces have to take the preliminary exam." Qi Jiayan lamented holding the book.

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, "It's probably because there are too many students applying for the exam. The college entrance examination will resume for the first time this year. There must be many candidates. How much do you want to print just the test papers? So add a preliminary exam and screen some people first."

After that, she tapped on the math book on her desk, "Hurry up and read the book, I think you're struggling with math, and if you don't work hard, you'll be brushed off in the first round."

Qi Jiayan wailed, and went to read a book honestly.

Soon the first round of preliminary examinations took place. After the preliminary examinations, many people walked out of the examination room with a disheveled face, complaining that the questions were too difficult.

Zhou Niannian thought the question was not difficult, and asked Qi Jiayan, she also thought it was okay.

But Bai Yuqing, who was in the examination room next door, Zhou Niannian looked very reluctant after seeing her come out, guessing that she probably did not do well in the exam.

Bai Yuqing's academic performance was not good. In the previous life, the two of them took the college entrance examination together in [-]. Before the exam, the family specially found a tutor to give Bai Yuqing extra lessons, so she was able to get into Kyoto University.

There is no tutor at home in this life, so I don't know how Bai Yuqing will do in the exam.

The results of the preliminary examination came out on December 180st, and the score line of the preliminary examination was set at 180 points. Only those who passed [-] points could take the college entrance examination.

Zhou Niannian scored 350 points in the test, 170 points higher than the cut-off mark, and Qi Jiayan scored 210 points in the test.

Many educated youths in the village have passed the mark line. Bai Yuqing scored 180 and [-] points in the test, just passing the mark line.

Li Wenjing, the only one who did not pass the cut-off mark, scored more than 140 points in the test, and heard that she cried at home all night.

Bai Yuqing was a little disappointed when she saw this result, so she came to Zhou Niannian the next day, asking Zhou Niannian to give her extra lessons.

Zhou Niannian shrugged, "I may not be able to help you with this. You are applying for science, and I am studying liberal arts. We take different exams."

Bai Yuqing bit her lip, "But we all take Chinese and math tests, the basic knowledge is the same."

"The difficulty level of our exams is different. The Chinese and mathematics exams in liberal arts are much easier. If you are not afraid of failing the exams, you can come here to read books with me at night." Zhou Niannian said calmly.

Bai Yuqing hesitated for a long time, but finally left without saying whether or not to come.

Since Zhou Niannian told her about her last time, she never dared to act like a gentle and caring sister in front of Zhou Niannian.

Later Zhou Niannian heard that she asked He Wencai to help her with her homework.

He Wencai was very happy. The two of them used their off-duty time to read books together in the workshop. After reading for less than a week, they were bumped into by Li Wenjing.

Seeing He Wencai's focused eyes on Bai Yuqing, Li Wenjing rushed over like crazy, grabbed Bai Yuqing's hair and started fighting with her.

Bai Yuqing pretended to be weak and wept, but Li Wenjing scratched her face several times.

He Wencai was very angry, and slapped Li Wenjing to the ground, but unexpectedly, Li Wenjing bled.

She didn't know that she had been pregnant for more than a month, and the child was gone.

Li Wenjing, who had lost her child, was crying at home every day, scolding He Wencai. He Wencai was honest for a few days, but still secretly went to help Bai Yuqing with tutoring.

Zhou Niannian was very speechless when he heard about it. It's really rare to see a scumbag like He Wencai.

The day quickly slipped to December 25th, Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan walked into the examination room like so many candidates.

(End of this chapter)

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