Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 282 It's Me, Lu Qingfeng

Chapter 282 It's Me, Lu Qingfeng

The examination room in Zezhou County is held in several high schools and agricultural schools in Zezhou County.

Zhou Niannian was in the examination room of the agricultural school, and the examination lasted for three consecutive days.

After the exam, Zhou Niannian felt relaxed. Qi Jiayan asked her how she was doing in the exam. She thought about it, "It shouldn't be a big problem."

Qi Jiayan looked anxious, patted her heart and said: "What should I do? Nian Nian, I think I may not answer well, I am so scared."

Zhou Niannian hugged her arm and dragged her forward, "Don't think about it so much after the exam, why don't you go home and cook something delicious, and then get a good sleep."

These days, in order to review their homework, they study until late every night before going to bed. Sometimes Ah Liang chatters, and Zhou Niannian thinks it is noisy, so he drives it outside to play, which makes Ah Liang very unhappy.

When the two walked hand in hand to the gate of the agricultural school, they ran into Bai Yuqing who was also going out.

Her complexion was a little ugly, as if she didn't answer well. When she saw Zhou Niannian, she didn't even show her usual fake smile. She glanced at Zhou Niannian and walked away quickly, as if she was afraid that Zhou Niannian would ask her how she did in the exam. Sample.

Zhou Niannian pouted, she was not interested in asking how Zhou Niannian was doing in the exam.

After the college entrance examination passed, although the people who took the college entrance examination were still working in the factory, it was obvious that the big guys were a little absent-minded.

Everyone was anxiously waiting for the results to be announced.

Zhou Niannian is not worried about her grades, she is worried about another thing.

It's the end of December now, why haven't Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu returned to Kyoto yet?
In the previous life, Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu returned to Kyoto at the end of November, and when the new year was approaching, Zhou Changguo and Zhou Changan came to Mengjiang Village to pick her up.

Why are things in this life different from previous lives?
She had been busy reviewing before, and she deliberately didn't let herself think about it. Now that the exam is over, her inner worries can't help but surface.

She wanted to write a letter to the new city to ask questions, but felt that writing letters was too slow, so she simply called the capital.

The Lu family has already returned to the capital and is still living in the original house. Zhou Niannian remembers the phone number of the Lu family.

The phone was dialed, and the other end was quickly picked up, "Hi, I'm Lu Qingfeng."

Hearing this voice suddenly, Zhou Niannian froze for a moment.

Lu Qingfeng's low voice, with a hint of magnetism, came over the telephone line, and Zhou Niannian suddenly felt that his ears were a little hot and itchy.

"Hello? Who? Why aren't you talking?" Lu Qingfeng, who was about to go out, frowned when he heard the silence on the other end of the phone. He raised the volume, and when he was about to say nothing, he hung up.

"It's me, Lu Qingfeng." Suddenly a clear voice came from the other end of the phone, like a gust of wind, entwined into Lu Qingfeng's ears.

He couldn't help but tighten the handset while holding the phone, and leaned him closer to his ear so that he could hear Zhou Niannian's voice more clearly, "It's you, the college entrance examination over there is over, how did you do?" Like? Did you receive the letter I wrote to you?"

As soon as Lu Qingfeng finished speaking, he couldn't help being happy.

The letter he wrote was sent by Zhou Niannian the day after the exam, and now it has only been three days, so how could she have received the letter?

Zhou Niannian blinked suspiciously, "You should have done well in the exam. You wrote me a letter, but I didn't even receive the letter."

Lu Qingfeng chuckled, "It's on the way, it may take two days to receive it, don't worry."

Zhou Niannian snorted, and immediately asked the question in his heart, "Lu Qingfeng, how is the situation in the capital now? Is there any suggestion for my parents to return to Beijing?"

There was a sudden silence on the other end of the phone.

Zhou Niannian had a bad feeling in his heart, "Lu Qingfeng, did something happen?"

Lu Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "About 20 days ago, someone reported Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou, saying that they had close ties with overseas people, and their intentions were wrong."

"Originally, the higher-ups had agreed to let Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou return to Beijing as soon as possible, but now that this happened, Uncle Zhou's return to Beijing may have to be delayed for a while."

Zhou Niannian's heart sank when she heard this, "Why did this happen? Didn't you send someone to investigate before? Why is it coming again? It's still going on."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly realized that something was wrong, "Wait, you said that someone reported that my dad had close contact with overseas people. Where is the evidence?"

Lu Qingfeng was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "An investigation team has already gone to Xincheng, saying that they found Uncle Zhou's correspondence with overseas people in his drawer."

Zhou Niannian clenched his fists subconsciously.

Zhou Hongshan had contact with overseas once this year, and that was when he was doing a paternity test with Bai Yuqing.

Other than that, there is no other relationship.

Her heart was a little complicated for a while, if she hadn't brought up the date of meeting Bai Yuqing, Zhou Hongshan would not have contacted overseas people in advance, maybe he has already returned to the capital to work.

"Lu Qingfeng, why didn't you tell me about this kind of thing earlier?" Zhou Niannian pouted and couldn't help complaining about Lu Qingfeng.

"You had to study for the exam before, I don't want to distract you, and I have been paying attention to this matter all the time, and I wrote you a letter as soon as possible." Lu Qingfeng's voice was a little strange through the phone line The impetuousness in Zhou Niannian's heart dissipated a lot in an instant, and Lu Qingfeng did it for her own good.

"Well, I see. You should pay more attention to this matter in the capital. My parents' affairs depend on you and Uncle Lu to deal with." She whispered.

Lu Qingfeng nodded, and then remembered that Zhou Niannian couldn't see, so he said softly, "Well, don't worry, I will pay attention."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, but felt a little reluctant in his heart.

The college entrance examination in Kyoto ended in early December, these days he actually wanted to go to Zezhou to see Zhou Niannian, but he was afraid of being distracted, so he refrained from going.

Later, Zhou Hongshan's incident happened again. Knowing that Zhou Niannian would be very worried when he heard about it, he had been paying close attention to it. He calculated the time and sent the letter immediately after Zhou Niannian passed the college entrance examination.

Unexpectedly, this girl actually called, which really surprised Lu Qingfeng.

Zhou Niannian hung up the phone, feeling a little bad, sat silently for a while, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Zhou Hongshan has always been cautious. Only he, Li Xiangxiu, Zhou Niannian and Bai Yuqing knew about the inspection abroad. How did the person who made the complaint know?

I don't know where the news came from.

Zhou Niannian waited for two days in annoyance, and Lu Qingfeng's letter finally arrived long after.

She opened the envelope neatly, and looked at it impatiently.

The letter detailed the investigation status of the investigation team in Xincheng, saying that they found evidence of Zhou Hongshan and overseas people writing letters. The investigation team attached great importance to it and asked Zhou Hongshan to write inspection materials.

 With children and the elderly still outside, we will update Chapter 2 first, and then update Chapter [-] when we come back at night!
(End of this chapter)

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