Chapter 283

Although nothing else was said in the letter, Zhou Niannian knew in his heart that his parents must have suffered a lot.

At the thought of this, tears welled up in her eyes, and she wished she could go to the new city now.

After Qi Jiayan knew about this, she was also worried, but she still persuaded Zhou Niannian to relax.

Soon the college entrance examination results will come down.

The admission cutoff announced by Zezhou is 260 points, and Zhou Niannian scored 410 points, and became the number one student in Zezhou County's college entrance examination.

When the news came out, the entire Rainbow Factory was boiling.

"Oh my God, Nian Nian, the number one student in the college entrance examination, you are really amazing." Qi Jiayan looked at Zhou Niannian with a happy face when she found out. Her college entrance examination score was 380 points, which was much higher than when she first took the exam.

Zhou Niannian was also a little surprised, he didn't expect that he would get the highest score in the test.

During the exam, she just felt that the questions were not too difficult, and she answered them fluently, but she didn't expect that she could get such a high score.

The fact that Zhou Niannian became the No. [-] in the college entrance examination was widely reported by the newspapers, and many reporters even came to interview her, reporting her deeds from the establishment of the Rainbow Factory to the No. [-] in the college entrance examination.

Seeing Zhou Niannian, Meng Sanqiu nodded with a smile, "Girl, you're doing well."

Even the villagers of Mengjiang Village feel that they are a head taller than others when they go out. The number one in the college entrance examination belongs to their village.

On the third day after the results of the college entrance examination came out, you began to fill in the volunteers, and after filling out the volunteers, it was the political review.

Volunteering is carried out at the agricultural school where the last exam was taken, and the education department organizes online candidates to come here to fill in volunteers in batches.

All candidates in Jinchuan Town will fill in the form on NO.16 of January.

Early in the morning, Meng Sanqiu asked Li Yuanjia to drive all the examinees in the village to the agricultural school with a tractor.

Li Yuanjia's estimation of himself was very accurate. He only scored 230 and [-] points in the test this time, and it is a sure thing to get into a technical secondary school.

His wife, Pan Na, plans to go to a technical secondary school after giving birth next year.

In the car, Bai Yuqing moved the small bench and moved in front of her, "Are you going to apply for Kyoto University?"

Many people knew about it, and Zhou Niannian didn't deliberately hide it, so she nodded.

The expression on Bai Yuqing's face was a bit complicated. She scored more than 360 points in the test, and this score was actually on par with Qi Jiayan, which surprised Zhou Niannian.

On the contrary, He Wencai, I heard that he only scored more than 260 points in the test, and he just passed the cut-off mark.

"I also want to apply for Kyoto University, but I don't know if I will be admitted with my score." She seemed to hesitate for a moment before whispering.

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "I don't know too well, everyone has no idea now, and they have no idea about the school's admission score."

Bai Yuqing bit her lip, twisted her hands tightly together, and said nothing.

When they arrived at the agricultural school, Bai Yuqing grabbed Zhou Niannian, dragged her to a corner, looked at her eagerly, and asked in a low voice: "Do you think parents can help me find someone to help me?" Successfully entered Kyoto University?"

Zhou Niannian glanced at her speechlessly, and wanted to ask why you have such a big face?

"My parents are still in Xincheng and haven't gone back. How can they find someone for you?"

Bai Yuqing hesitated, and looked at Zhou Niannian expectantly: "You and I heard that the Lu family has returned to Beijing? Can you ask the Lu family for help?"

Lu family?Zhou Niannian was stunned for a moment, and once again refreshed his understanding of Bai Yuqing.

How could she be so embarrassed to ask the Lu family to help her?
"I can't!" She looked at Bai Yuqing with a stern face, "Uncle Lu is a person with special work principles, not to mention you, even Lu Qingfeng or me, he will not open the door because of this. In addition, I'm not ashamed of your actions, so I can't ask the Lu family."

"For the matter of applying for the voluntary exam, I think you should do what you can, and don't think about taking some crooked ways, because your parents don't approve of your approach. That's all I have to say, you can do it yourself."

After all, she turned and went straight into the school.

Bai Yuqing looked at her back, her eyes were gloomy, and there was a hint of hatred.

Zhou Niannian obviously could ask the Lu family for help, but he refused to help her. To put it bluntly, he didn't want him to go to Kyoto University with her.

Then she chose to apply for Kyoto University, and if she couldn't get in, she cried and begged Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu.

She didn't believe that Zhou Niannian would not be able to get into Kyoto University by herself.

Zhou Niannian didn't pay attention to where Bai Yuqing filled in the report. She and Qi Jiayan filled in the Kyoto University. She filled in the law department, and Qi Jiayan filled in the medical department.

After completing the application form, the applicant will enter the stage of political review. Each candidate will be accompanied by a political review form when filling out the application form. The list of those who fail the political review will be announced every two days until the political review ends ten days later, and the admission stage begins.

Back in Mengjiang Village, Zhou Niannian began to make the final inventory for the handover of the Rainbow Factory.

If there were no accidents, she should be able to return to Kyoto a year ago, and she had to hand over the work well before that.

In addition, she was always worried about the investigation of Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu, but she couldn't go to the new city. She was afraid of causing more trouble to her parents, so she could only keep herself busy so that she wouldn't think wildly.

She listed the work handover details, and talked about various matters with Li Yuanjia carefully, when the door of the office was pushed open, Qi Jiayan rushed in eagerly, with a very anxious look on her face: "Nian Nian, go and have a look." , You failed the political review."

how is this possible?Zhou Niannian stood up suddenly in shock.

Li Yuanjia also looked surprised, "How is it possible? Could it be a mistake?"

Zhou Niannian is the number one student in the college entrance examination in Zezhou, how could he fail the political review?

Qi Jiayan shook her head, "When I went to the town just now, I saw the notice posted at the gate of the agricultural school in the town, so I ran back quickly, oh, yes, and Bai Yuqing's, both of you failed the political review .”

Zhou Niannian's heart sank immediately.

There can only be one reason why she and Bai Yuqing failed both political trials at the same time, the problem of Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu.

She pushed away the chair and ran out of the office, and ran straight outside. As soon as she reached the factory gate, she heard Bai Yuqing's panting voice behind her, "Wait for me."

Zhou Niannian turned her head and saw that her face was a little pale, obviously she had also heard the news.

"Go and see first." She pushed the bicycle from the gate of the factory with a sullen face, jumped on it, and ran out of the village quickly.

Bai Yuqing was stunned for a moment, and just about to push another bicycle, Qi Jiayan rushed out, pushed the bicycle and rushed up, "Niannian, wait for me, I will go and ask with you."

Zhou Niannian rode all the way to the agricultural school. There was a large white paper posted at the gate, on which was written the list of the first batch of people who failed the political examination. It was a large page densely packed.

The first name is Zhou Niannian!

(End of this chapter)

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