Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 284 It's a pity that a good seedling

Chapter 284 It's a pity that a good seedling
Zhou Niannian stared at his name for a long time before his reason slowly returned.

She had already returned to Kyoto during the college entrance examination in her previous life, and the college entrance examination in [-] simplified the political review process, which was simpler than that in [-]. Moreover, Zhou Hongshan had resumed her original position at that time, so she naturally passed the political review smoothly.

Many things have changed in this life, and her parents are still under investigation, so it is understandable that it will affect her political trial.

When Qi Jiayan came over, she saw Zhou Niannian staring at the list in a daze.

Her eyes were a little sore, she stepped forward and pulled Zhou Niannian, "Niannian, let's go in and ask what's going on?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, she really had to ask what happened.

Just as she was about to go in with Qi Jiayan, Bai Yuqing chased after her out of breath. When she saw her name on the list, her face immediately turned pale.

"No, it's impossible. How could I fail my political review?" She muttered to herself.

Zhou Niannian looked at her silently for a moment, sighed, and led Qi Jiayan into the school first.

The teachers in charge of the political review conducted the political review in a special office in the agricultural school.

Bai Yuqing was stunned for a moment, and quickly caught up with Zhou Niannian.

The three of them found the political examination office together. Because the political examination of the college entrance examination is very strict, non-staff members are not allowed to enter the office. Daily communication can be carried out through the temporary windows on the windows.

Zhou Niannian knocked lightly on the window, and the small window was pulled open, revealing a female teacher wearing reading glasses, about 50 years old, seeing Zhou Niannian was stunned, and immediately smiled: "Are you Zhou Niannian?"

Zhou Niannian was the number one scholar in liberal arts in Zezhou. She was reported in the newspapers at that time, and there were photos of her. It was no surprise that the teacher recognized her.

Zhou Niannian nodded and asked politely: "Teacher, I'm here to ask about my political review. May I ask why I failed the political review?"

The female teacher took off the reading glasses on the bridge of her nose, rubbed the bridge of her nose, and looked at Zhou Niannian with a look of regret, "This is according to the requirements, we are not allowed to disclose this information."

Zhou Niannian clasped his hands together and looked at the female teacher apologetically, "Teacher, I know I've made things difficult for you. I'm not here to find trouble, but to ask you what the reason is. If you reveal a little information, I'll leave right away."

Qi Jiayan next to her also begged, "Please, teacher."

The female teacher sighed. She had read Zhou Niannian's test paper. The paper was neat and beautifully written. What's more, she got such a high score, more than 2 points higher than No.20.

As teachers, they couldn't help feeling happy when they saw students who had studied well.

She glanced at the teachers around her who were all bowing their heads and busy reviewing, then approached the window, lowered her voice and said: "It's the news from above that your parents are being investigated, and I heard that there is a tendency to cooperate with the enemy, so."

Sure enough, Zhou Niannian sighed inwardly, and there was no big surprise.

At the beginning, she insisted on getting her parents to recognize Bai Yuqing in advance, so her father asked foreign friends to help with the appraisal half a year earlier. She didn't expect that it would affect her parents' return to Beijing, and further affect the political review of the college entrance examination. thing.

Now that the matter has come to this, Zhou Niannian can only sigh, everything in the world will connect seemingly unconnected people and things at some point.

Zhou Niannian was in a daze, Bai Yuqing might as well squeeze up from behind and push Zhou Niannian aside, "What about me? Why did I not pass the political review?"

A person's head suddenly squeezed in through the narrow window, the female teacher was taken aback, frowned and stared at Bai Yuqing displeasedly, "Who are you?"

Bai Yuqing pointed at Zhou Niannian: "Teacher, I'm with Niannian. My name is Bai Yuqing. Please help me find out why I haven't passed the political trial?"

Hearing that they came with Zhou Niannian, the female teacher rolled her eyes, cast a gentle look at Zhou Niannian, and dropped two words: "Staring."

Zhou Niannian did not leave, she also wanted to know the reason why Bai Yuqing failed the political trial.

The sound of flipping through papers was heard in the room. After about 5 minutes, the female teacher found Bai Yuqing's political review materials, glanced at the reason why the political review was not passed, and immediately frowned. She looked at Zhou Niannian and Bai Yuqing respectively. Eyes, asked with a strange look: "Are you two sisters with the same father and mother?"

Zhou Niannian and Bai Yuqing were stunned at the same time.

Zhou Niannian frowned, and looked at Bai Yuqing. Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu were filled in the parents field in her political trial materials. Could it be that Bai Yuqing also filled in it?
So they both got stuck for the same reason?

Bai Yuqing's expression was a little unnatural. The parents field in her political review materials filled in her adoptive parents, the Bai family and his wife, not Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu.

"Teacher, what do you say?" She asked the female teacher with a shy expression.

The female teacher withdrew her gaze coldly, "Oh, someone reported that the information you filled out on your parents was false, saying that you and Zhou Niannian are sisters of the same parents, so you filled out false political information."

"In addition, your parents are under investigation, and you have filled in false materials. Naturally, you will not pass the political review."

Bai Yuqing was struck by lightning, never thought that it would be the reason.

Without even thinking about it, she blurted out and asked, "Who reported me?"

The female teacher pulled her face down in displeasure, "How do I know this, even if I know, I can't tell you, I'm still busy, so let's go if I have nothing to do."

After all, she closed the window impatiently. When the window was about to close, she glanced at Zhou Niannian, her expression seemed a little unbearable, she hesitated for a while, and then whispered: "If you can leave your parents Clearing up the relationship, there is still hope for the political trial.”

Zhou Niannian was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and didn't talk about her topic, just nodded, "I see, thank you, teacher."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Qi Jiayan and turned around to leave.

The female teacher looked at her slender back and shook her head regretfully: "Oh, it's a pity what a good seedling."

Bai Yuqing stood there for a while with a gloomy expression, then turned around and quickly caught up with Zhou Niannian, grabbing her arm: "Did you know they were under investigation?"

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "No, I only found out after the college entrance examination."

Bai Yuqing looked at her suspiciously, then pursed her lips for a moment, "What are you going to do? Is it true that you won't be able to go to college because of the political review? Can't you go to the Lu family for help?"

"You and Lu Qingfeng are engaged, the Lu family will definitely be willing to help us."

Zhou Niannian pulled out her arm with a calm expression, and shook her head: "I won't ask the Lu family for help, but I'm going to help my parents write the appeal materials. If possible, I hope you can help. After all, you are also one of the parties involved. one."

When writing the appeal materials, Bai Yuqing bit her lip lightly, but did not answer.

"What? Don't you want to?" Zhou Niannian looked at her indifferently.

 Let me explain the reason why I didn’t update yesterday. These days, I have been running in the hospital, in the city, and at home in turn. It takes an hour to drive from my home to the city. I ran for three days in a row. When I came back last night, it was eleven in the evening. It’s time, but it’s too late to code, so I fell asleep. The bear kid took a month of summer vacation and I spent all my manuscripts. Fortunately, he started school, and I can save manuscripts starting tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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