Chapter 285
Bai Yuqing hesitated for a moment, shook her head, and said softly: "It's not that I don't want to, but I think our political trial is more important now. After the political trial, we have become college students, and then we can write appeal materials to our parents, right? Is it more convincing?"

Zhou Niannian looked at her intently for a moment, then slowly said: "You can do whatever you want, let's do our best."

After finishing speaking, he turned around to leave, but Bai Yuqing grabbed his arm again, "Are you really not going to beg the Lu family?"

Zhou Niannian frowned, and pulled out her arms a little irritably, "I repeat, I won't beg the Lu family, even if I can't go to college."

Bai Yuqing looked at the back of Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan leaving, her expression was gloomy and terrifying.

Now her guts are turning green with regret. If she had known that there would be a day when the college entrance examination would be resumed, she shouldn't have met Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu so early in order to have a better life at Rainbow Factory.

Now I didn't get much benefit, but it made me feel fishy.

If it affects her future, she will regret it for the rest of her life.

She somewhat hated Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu's sensitive identities, and she also hated Zhou Niannian's pretentious aloofness, who refused to beg the Lu family even though he had such a strong backing from the Lu family.

Lu Qingfeng's father was in charge of the national college entrance examination recruitment work, and the two of them only needed a word from the Lu family for the matter of the political review, but Zhou Niannian refused.

Bai Yuqing gritted her teeth, remembering that the female teacher said just now to clear up her relationship with Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu, her eyes flickered.

After Zhou Niannian returned home, she began to write the appeal materials. Qi Jiayan sat by and watched for a long time. Seeing that she was not satisfied after writing for a while, she rolled up the paper and threw it away, then continued to write, and threw it away if she was not satisfied.

A dozen or so balls of paper were accumulated on the ground in no time, she sighed, and asked hesitantly, "Nian Nian, do you really not consider calling the Lu family?"

Zhou Niannian paused while holding the pen, rolled the paper under the pen into a ball again, and then sighed deeply, "Uncle Lu has just returned to the capital, and he has to preside over such an important event as the college entrance examination. easy."

"My parents were under investigation, but the situation is not very difficult. It seems that Uncle Lu is doing his best secretly. I don't want to embarrass the Lu family or bring the Lu family into a worse situation because of my affairs."

After all, the return of her parents to Beijing went smoothly in her previous life. In this life, because of her own adjustments, her parents were investigated. Who knows what will happen later.

"Look, I won't beg the Lu family unless it's absolutely necessary."

Qi Jiayan nodded, and pulled the chair forward, "Then I will work out the words with you, and when I finish writing, I will accompany you and send a letter tomorrow, and then I will take another letter to the County Education Bureau to apply for a new political review."

"Okay." Zhou Niannian smiled.

After writing all night, Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan went to the town to post the letter early the next morning, and then went to the County Education Bureau by car.

As soon as they entered the Education Bureau, they ran into Bai Yuqing head-on.

When she saw Zhou Niannian, she was startled at first, then she smiled unnaturally, "You're here too."

Zhou Niannian thought she was also here to appeal for a new political trial, so she nodded slightly without thinking too much.

The door at the end of the corridor opened, and a fat, middle-aged man walked out. Seeing Bai Yuqing standing in the corridor, he frowned, "Why are you still here? Don't forget to reset your political review form." Give another copy to the teacher at the agricultural school."

A look of panic flashed across Bai Yuqing's face, she put her hand on the satchel she was wearing, subconsciously glanced at Zhou Niannian, and then smiled, "Okay, Director Yang, I will remember."

After all, he left the Education Bureau in a hurry.

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan looked at each other suspiciously.

"So the re-trial she applied for has passed." Qi Jiayan said affirmatively, and pushed Niannian next week with a happy face, "You go too, if she can pass, you can too."

Zhou Niannian walked up to Director Yang, smiled and said, "Hi Director Yang, I am here to apply for a new political review, my name is"

Director Yang looked her up and down, with a cold expression, "I know, you are Zhou Niannian, the top student in the college entrance examination, I've heard of you, you are quite capable."

After all, he walked quickly into the bathroom next to him.

Zhou Niannian was slightly taken aback, inexplicably feeling that Director Yang looked at her with scorn.

"Nian Nian, have you met Director Yang before?" Qi Jia looked close to her and asked in a low voice, she also saw that something was wrong with Director Yang's expression.

Zhou Niannian shook her head in confusion, she had never seen this Director Yang before.

She stood in the corridor for a while before Director Yang came out of the bathroom slowly. Seeing that Zhou Niannian was still standing by the door, he frowned and said, "Come in."

Zhou Niannian walked in, took out the appeal materials he had written, and handed them over, "Director Yang, I wrote this."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Director Yang's displeased wave of his hand, "Put it there, I'll take a look when I have time."

Seeing Director Yang's displeased attitude, Zhou Niannian pursed his lower lip and insisted on finishing the sentence, "Director Yang, my parents and the others"

"Hey, let me tell you how you got the top score in the college entrance examination. You can't understand me, right? I told you to put it here, can't you understand?" Director Yang's face suddenly sank, and he stood up suddenly, with a look on his face. The anger was a little high.

Zhou Niannian didn't understand where his sudden anger came from, and the words he was about to defend Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu suddenly stuck in his throat.

Director Yang snorted coldly when he saw this, and couldn't help but said: "In the current world, people's hearts are really old. Some people can do things that don't care about their parents' kindness for their own future. , and how is it different from animals?"

After finishing speaking, he stared at Zhou Niannian with a straight face, "With your character, let alone you apply for a new political review, I can't pass it for you, even if I pass it here, the teacher of the political review will still block you again. "

"How can a person without character be qualified to go to college!"

Zhou Niannian looked at Director Yang's impassioned speech filled with righteous indignation, and his brain turned around quickly.

Disregarding the kindness of her parents? With her personality, did she do anything that she didn't even know about?
Zhou Niannian recalled Bai Yuqing's flustered expression just now, and instinctively felt that this incident must have something to do with her.

Zhou Niannian took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, looked at Director Yang with a calm expression, and asked neither humble nor overbearing: "Director Yang, I would like to ask you to explain what it means to disregard parents' kindness? What does it mean to have a character like me?"

"I consider myself to be sincere and sincere to my parents, serious and responsible to my work, and sincere and friendly to my friends. I have never done any incident of inhumanity that disregards the kindness of my parents."

"Director Yang, I don't know what is the basis for your statement? Although I'm just an ordinary examinee, I want to clarify for myself. Please explain the two sentences just now."

(End of this chapter)

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