Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 286 Bai Yuqing's Self-reported Materials

Chapter 286 Bai Yuqing's Self-reported Materials
Director Yang pointed to the envelope that Zhou Niannian had just put on the table, and said with contempt: "Evidence? Isn't this evidence? Don't you just want to draw a line with your parents?"

"Your parents have raised you for so long, it's fine if you don't want to repay the kindness of your upbringing. At this time, you still want to separate yourself from your parents, just to go to college. For a person like you, even if you go to college, you are still a part of society. scum."

The more Director Yang spoke, the more angry he was, and the more impatient he looked at Zhou Niannian, "I still have a lot of things to do. If you really want to separate yourself from your parents, you can go to the newspaper by yourself and come back after the newspaper is finished." I’m here to get the application form for the review of the political review.”

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand to catch up with Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, raised his eyebrows, picked up the envelope on the table, took out the letter of appeal he had written, and patted it in front of Director Yang, "Director Yang, since I've been in your office, since when did I say that I want to divorce my parents?" If you want to clear the relationship?"

"This is a complaint letter I wrote for my parents. I have already sent one to Xincheng. I bring this one to you. I hope you can read it in detail and give me a chance to have a new political review."

Director Yang glanced at the letter that was slapped on the table, and saw that the content was indeed not a statement of separation, so his expression softened a little, "You still have some conscience."

Zhou Niannian took a deep breath, smiled and said, "Director Yang is right, it's not easy for my parents to raise me, how could I separate myself from my parents, how is it different from a beast?"

Director Yang's expression became more relaxed, "You're right to think so."

Zhou Niannian nodded solemnly, and naturally changed the topic, "Director Yang, I think today he met someone who has separated from his parents. You are upright and don't like this kind of person, that's why you misunderstood me. .”

Director Yang didn't say anything, just casually picked up the letter written by Zhou Niannian and began to read it.

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan stood quietly on the table waiting for him to finish.

Qi Jiayan fell to Niannian next week with her arms.

Zhou Niannian turned her head and saw Qi Jiayan pointing her mouth in the direction of the corner of the table. She blinked and saw that the document bag on the table was not sealed, and half a piece of paper was exposed.

She can clearly see the description of my relationship with Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu written in the title above.

It was written by Bai Yuqing!

Zhou Niannian stretched her head down, opened her eyes and looked carefully, but unfortunately she could only see this line of title clearly, and couldn't see what was written in it.

Qi Jiayan stretched out two fingers, and was about to quietly pull out some paper, when Director Yang finished reading the materials she wrote, and raised his head.

"I've read the information you wrote, but your parents are involved in a relatively big matter. I heard that the higher-ups are already investigating, and I can't just listen to your one-sided words. How about this, you go home and wait for the news." Director Yang The attitude towards Zhou Niannian is quite kind.

Zhou Niannian probably expected this result, and was not very surprised, "Please, Director Yang, I hope that the organization will seriously consider my application for a new political review, and I also believe that my parents will not have any problems."

Qi Jiayan couldn't bear it anymore, and asked eagerly: "Director Yang, when are we going to wait? The political trial will be over in seven days. If the political trial is over, wouldn't Nian Nian be hopeless?"

Director Yang sighed, "I am not the only one who has the final say on this matter. We still have to hold a meeting to study her situation. If the time really passes, we can only take the exam next year."

"Take the exam next year!" Qi Jiayan couldn't help raising her voice, "Then we have to wait another year, Director Yang, why did the Bai Yuqing in front of me pass the reassessment of the political review, but we can't do it?"

Director Yang threw the letter paper on the table in displeasure, and looked at Zhou Niannian: "You are different from the comrade Bai in front of you. He was lost. His biological parents have never raised him, so naturally he has to fill in the names of his adoptive parents."

"Comrade Bai cried here for a long time just now, saying that her adoptive parents treated her very well and loved her very much. Her adoptive parents raised her. We need to recognize her adoptive parents first."

"not to mention"

When Director Yang said this, he pursed his lips, swallowed the rest of the words, and tapped the file bag on the right with his fingers, "Comrade Bai has just explained in detail what happened with Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu. They also wrote an explanation, her situation is different from yours."

Qi Jiayan was a little angry and argued with her, but Zhou Niannian grabbed her and shook her head.

"Director Yang, we are just applying for a new political review. There is no other meaning. Please consider it carefully." After she finished speaking, she dragged Qi Jiayan out of the office.

Qi Jiayan angrily kicked the stone under her feet, "Why, if Bai Yuqing can pass, I won't let you pass."

Zhou Niannian's eyes were a little cold, "There is something wrong with this matter, Bai Yuqing should have said something that does not conform to the facts."

Otherwise, why did Director Yang have a weird attitude towards her, and what exactly was written in Bai Yuqing's document, it's a pity that she didn't see clearly.

Qi Jiayan also remembered Bai Yuqing's flustered expression just now, squinted her eyes and said bitterly: "She deserves to be reported."

The two returned to Mengjiang Village in a sullen mood. As soon as they entered the village, they heard some people discussing, "Bai Yuqing and Li Wenjing are fighting."

Qi Jiayan winked excitedly, "I'll go and see what's going on."

She is very disgusted with Bai Yuqing now, and when she heard the gossip about her, she couldn't help but want to watch the excitement.

She came back after half an hour, mysteriously said to Zhou Niannian who was reading a book, "Why do you think they fought?"

Zhou Niannian's heart moved, he put down his book, and asked suspiciously, "Would it be Bai Yuqing who Li Wenjing reported?"

"Smart!" Qi Jiayan gave a thumbs up, "How did you think of it?"

Zhou Niannian shrugged, "The one who can report Bai Yuqing is naturally someone who has a grudge against her, and at the same time knows her life. After thinking about it in our village, only Li Wenjing is eligible."

Qi Jiayan nodded, "I heard that it was He Wencai's idea to fill in the names of adoptive parents on Bai Yuqing's political review materials. Li Wenjing accidentally overheard it, so she went to report her."

"However, Bai Yuqing also has two brushes. I don't know where I found out that Li Wenjing reported it. When I came back, I went to He Wencai and Li Wenjing to throw and smash it. He Wencai even helped Bai Yuqing to reprimand Li Wenjing."

"If Director Meng hadn't gone, I guess Li Wenjing would have fought He Wencai, and Bai Yuqing would have been desperate."

Zhou Niannian was completely speechless about He Wencai's scum.

However, Bai Yuqing dared to make such a fuss as soon as she came back. It seemed that she was sure that her political review materials must be all right. What did she write in her self-report materials?
Thinking of the good things she said about her adoptive parents treating her in every possible way, Zhou Niannian felt a little disgusted. In her previous life, she often talked about her adoptive parents abusing her.

 The second is about four o'clock.
(End of this chapter)

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