Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 287 Don't Be Afraid, There's Me

Chapter 287 Don't Be Afraid, There's Me

Early the next morning, Zhou Niannian knew what was written in Bai Yuqing's self-report.

When she had just finished packing and was about to continue to the county, Qi Jiayan walked over with a newspaper in her hand, with an ugly expression on her face.

"Bai Yuqing really published in the newspaper explaining her relationship with Uncle Zhou and Aunt Li."

Zhou Niannian paused when he picked up the bag, and took a look at the newspaper. There was a small corner in the lower left corner of the newspaper, and a small explanation was printed on it.

The content of the explanation is as follows: Bai Yuqing, a candidate for the [-] college entrance examination in Zezhou County, was originally from Hancheng, and her parents were Bai Shouwang of Hancheng. Li Xiangxiu mistook her for his lost biological daughter in Shanshan. There is insufficient evidence for this relationship and cannot be tested.

Zhou Niannian tightened his grip on the newspaper, and his expression suddenly sank.

Well, the evidence is insufficient and cannot be tested!
Bai Yuqing obviously had a paternity test report commissioned by her father abroad, but she actually said that the evidence was insufficient and could not be tested!
In order to be able to go to college, she actually wanted to get rid of her relationship with her parents so directly.

If it wasn't for recognizing her back then, my father would not have entrusted a foreign friend to do a paternity test, and my parents would not be investigated now. I didn't expect that she would leave nothing at all now.

"I'll go find her!" Zhou Niannian angrily took the newspaper and turned around to go out.

Qi Jiayan grabbed her, "Don't go, she's not in the village, she went out early in the morning."

Zhou Niannian's hand holding the newspaper trembled slightly. If Bai Yuqing was in front of her now, she would definitely slap her without hesitation.

"I know you're angry, but right now your political trial is important, I'll accompany you to the county to inquire about the situation." Qi Jiayan took out her hold and threw it on the table, "We can't afford to deal with such a wolf-hearted villain. If you’re angry, it’s important to do business first.”

Zhou Niannian took two deep breaths to calm down, and then went to the county with Qi Jiayan.

After traveling around the county for a day, I first went to the education department. Yesterday, Director Yang was not there, so he said he went to a meeting, and then went to Kong Yuquan.

Kong Yuquan had already heard about the things she hadn't been through in the political trial, and felt very sorry, "I don't know the people in the education department very well, try asking and see if I can help you."

Zhou Niannian thanked Kong Yuquan, and returned to Mengjiang Village in despair.

As soon as they entered the house, they saw a tall figure standing in the living room, with his back turned to them and looking down at the newspaper in his hand.

Looking at the familiar figure from behind, Zhou Niannian's eyes were a little sore for a moment, "You climbed the wall again!"

Although it meant to complain, but once the words came out, they couldn't help but bring out two points of grievance and choking.

Qi Jiayan glanced at Lu Qingfeng, then quietly retreated, ready to go to Meng Sanqiu's house, to see if she could help Zhou Niannian think of a way.

Lu Qingfeng turned his head, put down the newspaper in his hand, quickly walked across the door, and stood in front of Zhou Niannian.

His face was full of exhaustion, but his dark eyes were surprisingly bright, and his voice was low and hoarse: "I'm worried about you being alone, so...uh."

Before he could speak, Zhou Niannian suddenly threw himself into his arms.

Suddenly there was another person in his arms, petite, slender and soft, Lu Qingfeng froze, and after a long while, he felt a burst of heat and humidity on his shoulders, and he felt a sense of reality.

He raised his hand and patted Zhou Niannian's shoulder unnaturally, he smiled helplessly: "I still love to cry so much, am I here? Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Zhou Niannian's tears became more urgent.

The failure of the political review was indeed too sudden, and it really hit her.

After she was reborn, she thought that everything was planned and everything was going in a good direction. This incident was like a blow to her head, and it caught her by surprise.

She thought she could handle everything calmly, but the moment she saw Lu Qingfeng just now, she knew that she was wronged in her heart.

She was wronged for her parents, for herself, and for the unfair things of this era.

Lu Qingfeng felt that the warm liquid penetrated through his clothes and almost soaked his shoulders, so he had no choice but to sigh, "I went to Xincheng before I came, don't you want to know about Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou?"

In a word, the person in his arms suddenly raised his head, staring at himself with wet almond eyes, "How are my parents doing now?"

Lu Qingfeng: "."

If he had known that this sentence was so effective, he should have said it first as soon as they met.

"Let's talk in the room." He tilted his head, walked in the door first, saw the Zezhou Morning Post on the table, narrowed his eyes, and put the newspaper into his pocket calmly.

Zhou Niannian didn't notice his movements, and urged him directly: "Tell me how my parents are doing?"

Lu Qingfeng briefly talked about the situation of Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu next week.

"I haven't been treated particularly harshly. It's just that I'm not allowed to leave the new city for the time being, and I still stay on the farm to work. My dad visited a few friends before and said that the problem is not big, but if he wants to go back to Kyoto in a short time, I'm afraid it will be too late." Not likely."

Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief, as long as her parents didn't receive too harsh treatment, she was very worried about Zhou Hongshan's health, fearing that the harsh environment would cause his lung disease.

"Are they all okay?"

Lu Qingfeng nodded, "Okay, let me bring you a message, so you don't have to worry, they guessed that the matter might affect your political trial with Bai Yuqing, Uncle Zhou said to let you publish in the newspaper and disassociate yourself from them."

"Impossible!" Zhou Niannian shook his head without thinking, "I'd rather not go to college than publish in a newspaper."

Lu Qingfeng saw her sulking pretty face with her lips pursed, and couldn't help but reach out and rub her hair, "Don't worry, we haven't passed the political trial, we can think of other ways."

other way?Zhou Niannian blinked suspiciously, "What's the way? No matter what way, I have to go through the political trial, right?"

"Who said that?" Lu Qingfeng smiled lowly, "Did you forget that there is a recommendation to go to college?"

Recommend for college?Zhou Niannian froze for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, how could she have forgotten that there is still this way.

Before the resumption of the college entrance examination, there was only one way to recommend going to university. In the first year of the resumption of the college entrance examination this year, the policy of recommending going to university has not been cancelled.

"Leave this matter to me, you, and wait at home with peace of mind tomorrow." Lu Qingfeng said.

Zhou Niannian took a deep look at him, feeling extremely at ease with Lu Qingfeng around for the first time.

"Do you know the situation of my elder brother and second brother? Have they been affected?" She asked about the situation of Zhou Changguo and Zhou Changan.

Lu Qingfeng sighed, "It's somewhat affected. Your eldest brother was supposed to raise it this year, but now it's temporarily put on hold. Your second brother is fine, and he didn't pass the score line, so he is the least affected one."

It was only then that Zhou Niannian knew that Zhou Changan hadn't passed the cut-off mark. Thinking about her second brother who didn't like reading in the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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