Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 288 She Was Worried Too

Chapter 288 She Was Worried Too
At night Lu Qingfeng lives in Zhou Niannian's room, and Zhou Niannian lives with Qi Jiayan.

As soon as Lu Qingfeng entered the bedroom, a black shadow flew towards him and rushed straight to his face.

Lu Qingfeng leaned back, quickly pulled Zhou Niannian aside, and the black shadow rushed forward again.

"Surnamed Lu, I want to fight you hard!"

Zhou Niannian lit the oil lamp and saw Ah Liang keep attacking Lu Qingfeng, trying to peck Lu Qingfeng with her sharp beak.

Lu Qingfeng dodged left and right, but Ah Liang didn't succeed.

"Okay, Ah Liang, stop making trouble!" She couldn't help shouting.

Ah Liang suddenly folded her wings, and looked at Zhou Niannian floating in the air with an aggrieved face: "Niannian, are you facing him? I have suffered so much, and you didn't uphold justice for me?"

Zhou Niannian couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he saw it's extremely aggrieved appearance.

Lu Qingfeng stared at Ah Liang with a dark face, and asked Zhou Niannian: "What is this bird doing?"

Ah Liang was furious, and couldn't help but rushed over again, "You're the only one who has convulsions, and your whole family has convulsions."

Once again, a human-bird battle was staged in the house!
The crackling sound made Qi Jiayan run in, thinking that Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng were fighting, and when she entered the door, she found Zhou Niannian sitting at the door with a helpless face, while Lu Qingfeng and Ah Liang were attacking each other in the room. I couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"What's wrong with them? Is there any deep hatred?"

Zhou Niannian nodded solemnly, "Well, I have revenge for losing my body!"

Vengeance?One person, one bird?Qi Jiayan looked at Lu Qingfeng and Ah Liang in horror, feeling that her imagination was really limited.

"Let's go." Seeing that Ah Liang had no intention of stopping at all, Lu Qingfeng became angry at being chased by it, and confronted it with a dark face, Zhou Niannian helplessly pulled Qi Jiayan to go back to sleep.

Qi Jiayan looked at the situation in the room hesitantly, "Don't you just leave them alone?"

Zhou Niannian yawned, "They will stop when they are tired. Hey, you two just don't tear down my house."



Two voices of grievance sounded from behind at the same time, Zhou Niannian paused, and pulled Qi Jiayan into the opposite bedroom without hesitation.

Alas, the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. She doesn't know who to help, and she is very worried, okay?

The fight between man and bird in the room lasted for an unknown amount of time, until one man and one bird were exhausted, and they all fell down one after another.

Lu Qingfeng was lying on the bed, staring at Ah Liang who was slumped on the window sill with a dark face, gritted his teeth and said, "Why are you suddenly insane?"

Ah Liang was so angry that she wanted to jump, but she didn't have the strength to do it anymore. She secretly resented that she couldn't transform into a human form now, otherwise Lu Qingfeng would definitely beat her up and wouldn't even know his parents.

It chirped and accused Lu Qingfeng of its crimes, but unfortunately Lu Qingfeng couldn't understand what it said, turned around and went straight to sleep, Ah Liang was so angry that she stared blankly.

Early the next morning, Zhou Niannian was awakened by a roar. When she realized it was Lu Qingfeng's voice, she sat up suddenly, put on her clothes and rushed into the next room.

"what happened?"

Lu Qingfeng stared at the clothes on the table with a dark face, without saying a word.

Zhou Niannian looked at the table, there were three or four lumps of white bird droppings on the clothes Lu Qingfeng was wearing yesterday.

Without thinking about it, she knew it was Ah Liang's masterpiece. Zhou Niannian gritted her teeth to hold back the smile in her throat, and turned her head to look at the window sill. The culprit, Ah Liang, had already gone somewhere.

Zhou Niannian touched his nose, hehe: "Then what. Let me clean it for you."

Lu Qingfeng gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of bird do you raise? From now on, if you have me, you don't have it. If you have it, you choose one!"

Zhou Niannian looked at his stubbornness like a child speechlessly, and rolled his eyes, "Did you secretly reveal Ah Liang's whereabouts to a white and fat bird last time?"

Lu Qingfeng blinked before remembering that during the Chinese New Year last year, Ah Liang was chatting with him, and then a chubby bird came to ask about Ah Liang's whereabouts in the morning of the first day of the new year, and he couldn't help but look up at the sky.

As expected, it was Lu Qingfeng, and Zhou Niannian understood it clearly, "That bird is the second princess of the Niao clan. He fell in love with Ah Liang and wanted her to be the son-in-law of the Niao clan. Because of the whereabouts you disclosed, she caught A Liang. You also drugged Ah Liang’s innocence, and you caused Ah Liang to lose her virginity, do you know? Do you think Ah Liang can’t hate you?”

Lu Qingfeng listened to these words as if he was listening to the scriptures, and it took him a long time to react. He looked at Zhou Niannian with a strange expression on his face, "They... Bird Clan, Bird Clan, still pay attention to this?"

Zhou Niannian shrugged: "I don't understand the animal world either."

Lu Qingfeng was silent for a while, and couldn't help muttering: "Well, if this is the case, then I forgive it this time."

He turned around and said, "You help me"

The voice behind him stopped abruptly, and his eyes fell directly on Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian glanced down at his line of sight in doubt, she rushed over anxiously, the cotton jacket outside was opened, revealing the thin cotton pajamas inside.

Lu Qingfeng's eyes happened to fall on
With a cry of surprise, she pulled on her padded jacket and rushed back to the opposite room, her face blushing uncontrollably.

Lu Qingfeng stood there in a daze, and couldn't help but burst out laughing for a moment, his face was a little hot.

Because of this scene in the morning, Zhou Niannian didn't dare to make eye contact with Lu Qingfeng during breakfast.

Lu Qingfeng was also surprisingly silent.

After breakfast, Lu Qingfeng went out, Zhou Niannian didn't go out, but waited at home a little restlessly.

In the evening, Lu Qingfeng came back, and told her cheerfully as soon as he entered the door: "It's done, don't worry."

Zhou Niannian's eyes widened in surprise, "Really? How did you do it?"

Lu Qingfeng smiled, and put the two letters of recommendation in front of her.

Zhou Niannian opened it and saw that one was a recommendation letter from the former county magistrate of Zezhou County, Chen. The letter explained that during his tenure, Zhou Niannian led the educated youths who went to the countryside to set up factories to improve the rural economy.

The other one is a recommendation letter written by the current county magistrate, and the content is not much like that of the county magistrate Chen.

"Did you go to the county magistrate Chen on the way here?" She asked Lu Qingfeng in surprise.

Lu Qingfeng nodded.

Zhou Niannian's eyes were a little sour. At that time, Lu Qingfeng didn't know about the fact that she hadn't passed the political trial, but he had already anticipated the impact of his parents' being censored on him, and prepared to deal with it in advance.

She clenched the recommendation letter in her hand and said in a low voice, "Lu Qingfeng, thank you!"

Lu Qingfeng raised his brows suddenly, his face darkened, looking a little fierce: "When did you become so polite to me? This is not your style."

After finishing speaking, he touched his nose again, and said uncomfortably: "Besides, this is also the reason why you are really good. If you don't perform so well, even if I ask you for a recommendation, they won't agree."

After speaking, there was a sudden silence in the air.

 The second update is around two o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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