Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 289 That's My Girlfriend

Chapter 289 That's My Girlfriend

The two of them have never been so polite to each other since they were young, and they have pursued each other, so they are a little uncomfortable.

For a moment, the two looked at each other, and Zhou Niannian couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help but reached out and rubbed her hair, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

In the evening, Meng Sanqiu sent a recommendation letter with the signatures and fingerprints of all village cadres of Mengjiang Village Committee.

"With these three letters of recommendation, Nian Nian should not have to worry about going to college." Qi Jiayan couldn't help feeling emotional.

Zhou Niannian also swept away the melancholy of the past few days, and the three chatted happily around the dining table.

In the evening, Lu Qingfeng stayed in Zhou Niannian's room as usual. When Ah Liang came back, she saw Lu Qingfeng snorted coldly, but she didn't attack Lu Qingfeng again.

One man, one bird reached a temporary peace agreement.

Seeing that they stopped attacking each other, Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief and went to sleep.

The next day, Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng sent three letters of recommendation to the county education department.

When she returned to the village, she met Bai Yuqing who was wandering in front of her house. The corners of her eyes were still bruised, probably from the fight with Li Wenjing that day.

Seeing Bai Yuqing, Zhou Niannian's face suddenly sank, "What are you doing here?"

Bai Yuqing glanced at Lu Qingfeng who was next to Zhou Niannian, and showed a gentle smile: "I heard that Big Brother Lu is here, so I wanted to come over and ask about my parents' situation."

Zhou Niannian sneered, "You declared in the newspaper, they are just my parents and have nothing to do with you, right?"

Bai Yuqing trembled, as if she had received a huge blow, and looked at Zhou Niannian with tears in her eyes: "I know that Niannian is blaming me, right? But I can't help it, I also want to help mom and dad .”

She said and stepped forward eagerly, "They are being investigated now, and I am also anxious, but there is nothing I can do about it. I think that if I can go to college, I will meet more people with status. At that time, maybe I will be able to help my parents talk."

"I'm not doing it for myself to go to college, I'm doing it to help them better, Nian Nian, you believe me."

Zhou Niannian sneered, "If your words can convince your conscience, that's enough, I don't need to believe you."

Bai Yuqing looked at Lu Qingfeng aggrieved, "Brother Lu, tell Niannian for me, I really think so, please don't misunderstand me, please?"

As she said that, she lowered her head sadly, twisted the corners of her clothes, and sighed faintly: "I'm not like Nian Nian, with you guys helping her behind, I... I can only rely on myself, I know that if you do this, you will definitely blame me , but I would rather bear this infamy, and I want to save my parents."

Zhou Niannian folded his hands and watched her performance alone, and rolled his eyes towards the sky.

It's really aggrieved not to go to the Drama Academy for this acting skill. Anyone who doesn't know will feel that he has misunderstood Bai Yuqing after seeing it.

"Brother Lu, really, please help me persuade Niannian, please help me." After Bai Yuqing finished speaking, she looked at Lu Qingfeng expectantly with red eye circles.

Lu Qingfeng frowned, seeming a little displeased, "I don't know you well, and I don't have a younger sister. You'd better call me Comrade Lu. I can't bear the title of Big Brother Lu. Besides, Nian Nian has a good understanding of things." Make your own judgment, don’t need to say anything.”

After all, he teased Zhou Niannian, "I'm going home, I'm hungry."

Zhou Niannian followed him into the house with a smile, and then closed the door, not bothering to look at Bai Yuqing, so as not to affect his appetite at night.

Bai Yuqing raised her head, looked at the closed courtyard door expressionlessly, and sneered for a long while, "You still said you won't ask the Lu family for help, bah, you're hypocritical!"

To put it bluntly, Zhou Niannian just didn't want to help her. If she and Director Yang hadn't cried for a long time, and said that she was really not sure whether she was Zhou Hongshan, Li Xiangxiu's biological daughter, and expressed that she was willing to report the situation in the newspaper, Director Yang would not She will be given a form to reiterate the political review.

Anyway, that newspaper was Zezhou Daily, and Zhou Hongshan couldn't see it. If they were lucky enough to return to Kyoto in the future, she would have a way to defend themselves.

Bai Yuqing stood there for a while with dark eyes before slowly returning to the educated youth dormitory.

Lu Qingfeng lived in Mengjiang Village for three days, and rushed back to the capital due to business.

He applied for a major in business management at Kyoto University, and since he returned to the capital, some side jobs that he had been doing quietly have not stopped. Zhou Niannian knew that he was busy, so he didn't try to keep him.

Before leaving, Lu Qingfeng rubbed her hair and smiled lowly: "Don't worry, you can go back to Kyoto when the notice arrives, and I'll pick you up at the station then."

After sending Lu Qingfeng away, Zhou Niannian went home, remembering the Zezhou Daily where Bai Yuqing published the statement, turned around to look for it, but couldn't find it after searching all over the house.

But he didn't know that Lu Qingfeng put the newspaper in his bag specially, and he still had some things to go to Xincheng, so he brought the newspaper to Zhou Hongshan.

Zhou Hongshan looked at the newspaper and didn't speak for a long time.

Lu Qingfeng sighed, "Niannian that silly girl, she refused to publish in the newspaper, and even wrote appeal materials for you, Uncle Zhou, and Aunt Zhou, and sent a letter to Xincheng."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Hongshan raised his eyes and glanced at him, "That's my daughter, I naturally understand her character."

Lu Qingfeng's eyes fell on the statement in the newspaper, co-author, isn't this your daughter?
Zhou Hongshan read the statement intently for a long time before he sighed and put the newspaper away, "I don't blame her either. After all, I haven't raised or educated her since I was a child. This child has already died from the root."

Speaking of this, he was a little uncomfortable and couldn't continue. Thinking of his wife's guilt and expectations for this daughter, he looked very sad.

"Don't let your Aunt Zhou know about this." He put away the newspaper and murmured.

Lu Qingfeng was silent for a moment before nodding.

In the evening, Li Xiangxiu came back from work and sat on a chair with a tired face in a daze.

She and Zhou Hongshan are now working separately on the farm. Except for the investigation time, there are production tasks to be completed every day.

"Did Qingfeng come today?" After resting for a while, Li Xiangxiu felt refreshed, and turned to ask her husband, "Has Niannian and Qingqing's political trial been affected?"

Zhou Hongshan sat on the chair next to him and soaked his feet. The light in the den was dim, even with the oil lamp on, the light was very dim.

He lowered his head and focused on rubbing his feet, and said in a low voice, "It's all over. Qingfeng said that he encountered some problems. Both children performed well in Zezhou. The leaders of the county helped to speak, and finally passed the political review."

Li Xiangxiu beat his legs, and smiled gratifiedly, "That's good, that's good, it's okay if we work harder, just don't burden the two children."

"The boss has already been implicated, the second is not up to the mark, and there is still hope for another exam next year, but Niannian and Qingqing's test scores are so high, if they are implicated by us, they will not be able to go to university, I really feel so bad."

 Monthly tickets are really rising slowly, and it’s almost the end of the month, so I’m asking everyone for another wave of monthly tickets, I love you all!

(End of this chapter)

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