Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 290 I Thank You

Chapter 290 I Thank You

When Li Xiangxiu said this, she couldn't help but choked up.

Zhou Hongshan rang out the newspaper that he had taken back, but he didn't speak, and lowered his head even lower.

The cold wind blows in, the flame of the oil lamp is erratic, and the husband and wife are thinking about each other under the dim light.

After a long time, the water for washing Zhou Hongshan's feet became cold, so he took out his feet and sighed, "The days ahead are still long, let's take care of our health, there will be a day when we go back, and then we can still help the children."

Li Xiangxiu wiped away tears and nodded.

Soon at the end of January, people in Mengjiang Village began to receive admission letters from various universities one after another.

Every day, people would go to the post and telecommunications office in the town to inquire, and every day someone would shout in the village when they received the admission notice, and the whole village would be happy.

After all, there are many college students in a village, and the faces of the villagers are bright when they go out.

Meng Sanqiu walks with the wind these days. He was worried that the educated youths had all left, fearing that the factory would not be managed well, but now the sorrow washed away by joy has faded away.

Li Yuanjia was the first to receive the notice from the county technical secondary school.

Deng Junliang and his wife Chen Miaomiao both received a notice from a university in the provincial capital. The couple happily packed their bags and took the notice to the provincial capital to report.

He Wencai received a notice from a college in Nancheng. Before leaving, he went to ask Bai Yuqing to say goodbye, but was caught by Li Wenjing again, and made a fuss.

Bai Yuqing turned around and left impatiently. The college entrance examination was over, and she didn't need He Wencai to help her make up lessons. She was too lazy to deal with He Wencai.

He Wencai went home dejectedly, packed his luggage, and had another fight with Li Wenjing. He heard that when he went to report, his face was still bloodstained.

With fewer and fewer educated youths in the village, the admission notices for Zhou Niannian, Qi Jiayan and Bai Yuqing have not yet arrived.

Even Zhou Niannian lost his composure, so he ran to the village committee and called Lu's house. He wanted Lu Qingfeng to check it out for him, but it turned out that Lu Qingfeng was not at home, and it was Yang Shutong who answered the phone.

"It's Niannian." Yang Shutong laughed from ear to ear when he heard Zhou Niannian's voice, "I heard from your Uncle Lu that you were admitted to the law department of Kyoto University, and you were admitted with the No.1 grade in the law department. Well, by the way, have you received the notice?"

Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked Yang Shutong, "I haven't received the notice yet, Aunt Lu, thank you very much, I haven't heard the news, I'm really worried, I'm afraid I won't make it through."

Yang Shutong laughed straight at the other end of the phone, "Your grades are so good, how can you be fine? The girl that Uncle Lu said you lived with was also admitted to the medical department, um, and there."

When Yang Shutong said this, he paused, as if he didn't know what to say.

"Aunt Lu, what's the matter?"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone before Yang Shutong's hesitant voice came, "And your parents' daughter, your Uncle Lu said that she also passed the line and was admitted by the acting department."

Bai Yuqing was also admitted! Zhou Niannian suddenly felt that God hadn't opened his eyes.

After going around and around, she still has to go to the same university as Bai Yuqing.

However, in the acting department, this really fits Bai Yuqing's personality. She loves to pretend so much, and it would really bury her if she didn't become an actress.

After hanging up Yang Shutong's phone, Zhou Niannian returned home, Qi Jiayan grabbed her and held her nervous breath, "How is it, how is it?"

Zhou Niannian smiled, "We were all admitted."

Qi Jiayan was taken aback for a moment, then hugged Zhou Niannian, and burst into tears.

Zhou Niannian hugged her, and hearing her cry, his eyes couldn't help but feel hot.

For these educated youths who have been sent to the countryside, the days of working all day without hope are finally over, and their fate has finally changed.

Early the next morning, Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan went to the post office together after breakfast.

According to Yang Shutong, the admission notice should arrive within two days.

As soon as I entered the post office, I saw Bai Yuqing lying on the window and asked, "Comrade, can I have Zhou Niannian's notice? We are from the same village, so I can carry it for her."

The comrades inside said sternly: "No, you have to come to pick up the notice in person."

Bai Yuqing seemed a little unwilling to give up, "Comrade, she may not be able to come today if she has something to do, me."

"Who said I can't come if I have something to do?" Zhou Niannian sneered behind her, "I didn't even know I had something to do, but you did."

Bai Yuqing's body froze slightly, and she turned her head with the same aggrieved face, with a weak smile, "Nian Nian, I... I thought you couldn't come because of something, so I wanted to help you with the notice from you and Jiayan." Bring back."

Qi Jiayan rolled her eyes, "Thank you."

Zhou Niannian folded his arms and looked at Bai Yuqing with a sneer, "Bai Yuqing, you better have no other thoughts. If you let me know what you want to do with my notice, I promise you won't be able to go to Kyoto University. Let's go together." Spend it in Mengjiang Village."

Bai Yuqing's expression changed, she moved to the side with a sly smile, and the expression on her face became more and more aggrieved, "Nian Nian, how can you miss me so much? I was also admitted to Kyoto University, and we will be alumni from now on. How could you do that to you?"

She said and shook the admission notice in her hand, "I know you misunderstood me and always thought I had bad intentions. It's okay, as time goes by, I will show you my sincerity."

"I'll wait." Zhou Niannian cocked his lips, turned around and asked the comrades at the post office to get the notice.

Bai Yuqing bit her lip, clenched the notice in her hand, and took the opportunity to leave.

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan, who got the notice, couldn't wait to open the notice, looked at the contents inside, and couldn't help laughing.

"Let us report for duty on February [-]th, um, so we have to leave after the new year?" Qi Jiayan looked at the report time above, calculated, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

Zhou Niannian nodded, she remembered that in her previous life, the candidates for the [-] year registered at the beginning of February, and the candidates for the [-] year reported at the end of August.

The two walked out of the post office happily, but ran into Yang Jiarui head-on.

Seeing the notice in their hands, Yang Jiarui frowned, and asked happily, "Did the notice from Kyoto University arrive?"

He had already known from Meng Sanqiu that they all applied for Kyoto University.

Zhou Niannian nodded.

"That's really great." Yang Jiarui said excitedly, "I also received a notice from the National Defense University in Kyoto yesterday, and we will meet again in Kyoto in the future."

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Zhou Niannian congratulated him.

The three looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

On the New Year's Eve of [-], many people laughed as they received notices, and the fate of many people also changed in this year.

(End of this chapter)

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