Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 293 The face is a good thing, but some people don't deserve it

Chapter 293 The face is a good thing, but some people don't deserve it
Zhou Niannian was amused, "Auntie, your daughter is interested in my bed, so I have to give it up to her. If I don't give up, it's selfish. Your daughter doesn't ask for my opinion, but takes my bed. Why don't you say that your daughter is selfish?" Woolen cloth."

"The co-authors are all Marxist-Leninist to others, but liberal to yourself? Is it your family's final say?"

She didn't intend to sleep on the second bed, but the mother and daughter were so noisy when they came up, Zhou Niannian was naturally not willing to give her the bed.

"Puchi" A round-faced girl sitting on the third bed and making the sheets couldn't help laughing, she sat on the bed and looked at the girl sitting on the second bed, "I said Qin Yali, you are interesting enough, If you want to change beds with others, you have to ask them if they are willing to occupy their beds, so what's the matter?"

The girl named Qin Yali slammed the comb on the bed in displeasure, Liu Yemei twitched, and raised her chin and choked back, "Yue Xiaomeng, I didn't occupy your bed, and I want you to meddle in your own business?"

Yue Xiaomeng curled her lips, "I'm called Lu Seeing Injustice and Draw Your Swords to Help. You forcefully occupy other people's beds. It's unreasonable. Why don't you let someone say something fair?"

Qin Yali's mother put the bag on the table, and squinted at Yue Xiaomeng, "This is the first time for this little girl to come to Kyoto, right? In the area of ​​Kyoto, one brick can kill three people." My lord, I advise you not to meddle in your own business."

Yue Xiaomeng's parents were both honest farmers, and they stared nervously at Yue Xiaomeng, telling her not to say a few words.

Yue Xiaomeng snorted, made a face at Qin Yali's mother, muttered something in a low voice, and continued to lay the bed sheets with her head down.

Qin Yali's mother then turned to Zhou Niannian, looked at the clothes Zhou Niannian was wearing, tugged at her high-end woolen coat, and said disdainfully: "This girl is sharp-tongued, she is so good at such a young age. Don't forgive others, be careful that you won't get married in the future."

Lu Qingfeng, who had been standing behind Zhou Niannian without speaking, sneered, "Whether to marry or not is not something my family should worry about. I think you should worry about your daughter if you have this time."

"You also said that we are justified and not forgiving, which means that we are justified, but you are not. I am curious, where do you have the face to make trouble here?"

Zhou Niannian glanced at Lu Qingfeng's somewhat dark face, and said slowly: "A face is a good thing, but some people don't deserve it."

Yue Xiaomeng couldn't help laughing again, and gave Zhou Niannian a thumbs up.

"Who are you calling shameless?" Qin Yali pointed at Zhou Niannian angrily, "Be careful, I will slap you."

Lu Qingfeng pulled Zhou Niannian behind him, "Do you dare to touch her?"

He was tall, with rigid features, and his dark eyes gleamed with anger, looking at Qin Yali's mother.

Qin Yali's mother subconsciously took a step back in fright.

Lu Qingfeng turned his head and glanced at Qin Yali, his lips curled slightly, "You, it's best to get up with your things yourself, I'm impatient, if I do it myself, your things probably won't be complete."

Only then did Qin Yali raise her head to look directly at Lu Qingfeng, she couldn't help but froze when she raised her head, it was the first time she saw such a handsome and tough boy.

She blushed slightly, stood up pretending to be shy, silently picked up her things and put them in her mother's hands, stomping her feet and whispering coquettishly: "Mom, I don't care, I don't sleep on the upper bunk."

Lu Qingfeng turned his head and glanced at Zhou Niannian, then tilted his head and pointed towards the bed, "What are you waiting for, make the bed quickly."

Zhou Niannian didn't expect Qin Yali to change the bed silently after only one glance at Lu Qingfeng. She curled her lips, feeling a little sour for no reason.

Taking out her mattress, she began to make the bed. Lu Qingfeng approached her and asked in a low voice, "Should I find a way to change your dormitory, some people are too annoying."

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, then shook her head, she entered Kyoto University, she just wanted to study hard, find a way to bring her parents back as soon as possible, she didn't want to trouble the Lu family too much.

Over there, Qin Yali's mother was tortured by her daughter's coquettishness, and turned to the person sitting on the third lower berth, "Your name is Cao Haiyun, right? Look at you, the family is short of money, right? Well, here is 100 yuan, you go Sleep on the top bunk No. [-], my daughter bought your No. [-] bed."

Cao Haiyun looks to be in his early 20s, with thick black braids and a dark complexion. Looking at the 100 yuan that was suddenly thrown into his hands, he bit his lips and seemed to be hesitant to struggle. After a while, he turned around and packed his things. Put it on Zhou Niannian's upper bunk.

Qin Yali's mother and daughter looked at Zhou Niannian proudly.

Qin Yali's gaze swept across Lu Qingfeng's body, seeing that he was concentrating on helping Zhou Niannian pack up her things, so she gave her mother a cute smile: "Mom, I'll make the bed myself."

As he spoke, he took the bedding from her mother.

Qin Yali's mother was so surprised that she almost dropped the bedding on the ground, "How can you do this kind of work, you are at home?"

"Mom..." Qin Yali interrupted her mother's words with a drawn-out voice, and looked at Lu Qingfeng in embarrassment.

Over there, Lu Qingfeng saw that Zhou Niannian had packed up, clapped his hands and helped her lock the cabinet door, and put away the key for her, "Let's go, go eat."

The two walked out of the dormitory door, and Yue Xiaomeng waved enthusiastically to Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian had a good impression of her and said goodbye with a smile.

These people were all people she had never known in her previous life.

In her previous life, she only went to college in the summer of [-]. At that time, her parents came to send her and Bai Yuqing off together. At that time, she was studying business management, and her classmates were not the people she is now.

Qin Yali sat up straight from the bed, and waved to them with a sweet smile, saying goodbye.

Cao Haiyun sat on the upper bunk with a calm expression, as if at a loss, and did not speak.

Zhou Niannian turned a blind eye to Qin Yali and closed the door of the dormitory behind her.

Qin Yali pouted, and threw the sheet in her hand onto the bed, "Mom, make my bed quickly."

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng went back to the compound where they grew up together. As soon as they entered the courtyard, two bicycles rushed out of it.

Lu Qingfeng quickly grabbed the handlebar of the one in front of him, "Where are you going? Ride so fast."

The person in the car was Li Chengyu. His family's problems were found out, and he followed his parents back to Kyoto, and this time he was admitted to Kyoto University.

Seeing that it was Lu Qingfeng, he smiled and said, "It's not noon, Shangde and I went out to look for food, and I knew you were going to pick up Niannian today, so I didn't call you."

The person on the bicycle in the back is him, Lu Qingfeng and Chen Shangde, whom they grew up with. He has eyes and is gentle. When he saw Zhou Niannian, he smiled and said hello: "Long time no see, Niannian is getting better and better." Pretty."

(End of this chapter)

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