Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 294 Standing in front of the really handsome man

Chapter 294 Standing in front of the really handsome man

Most of the people living in the compound on Fuxing Road East are people who work in various government agencies or educational units.

The Lu family, Zhou family, Li family, and Chen family all lived in this compound.

Zhou Changguo is a few years older than Lu Qingfeng and the others, so he seldom plays with them, but Lu Qingfeng, Zhou Changan, Li Chengyu and Chen Shangde are of the same age, and they have played together since they were young. The title of the Four Young Masters of the compound.

Lu Qingfeng became the boss of the fourth young master with his own fists.

Among the four, Zhou Changan has a violent personality, Lu Qingfeng is impatient, Li Chengyu is a fool, and Chen Shangde is gentle but listless.

Zhou Niannian, Li Chengyu, and Chen Shangde are no strangers. Seeing Chen Shangde talking to her, he waved his hand with a smile and replied casually, "Brother Shangde is getting more handsome."

Lu Qingfeng frowned and looked at Chen Shangde with displeasure, his face was full of doubts: "Is this handsome?"

Chen Shangde raised his eyes, and said solemnly: "I am handsome and disappear in front of you immediately, Cheng Yu, let's go."

If you don't leave, I guess Lu Qingfeng can kick him!
The two rode bicycles out of the compound laughing and laughing.

Lu Qingfeng looked at Zhou Niannian dissatisfied, "That Chen Siyan guy is handsome? Take a good look at me."

Among the four, only Chen Shangde is nearsighted and has eyes, so the three of them always jokingly call him four eyes.

Zhou Niannian turned a blind eye to his really handsome expression standing in front of him, and walked forward with a smile, "Brother Shangde has quite a temperament."

Lu Qing glared at her sullenly, Zhou Niannian had already walked into Zhou's house quickly.

Yang Shutong ran out first when he heard the commotion, and saw Zhou Niannian hugging him in his arms, "Oh, I'm back, my heart has really stabilized a lot."

"Aunt Lu." Zhou Niannian hugged her back with a smile, and then greeted Lu Wenhan who came down the stairs, "Uncle Lu."

Lu Wenhan nodded with a smile, "Well, it's good to be back, have you completed the registration procedures?"

"It's all over, and the dormitory has been tidied up." Zhou Niannian said while helping Yang Shutong to sit on the sofa, and took out some ham sausage and dried meat from Lu Qingfeng's hand that he brought back from Zezhou.

Yang Shutong looked at it in surprise, "The last time I was in Xincheng, I thought the food you made was delicious. I was just thinking about the taste, and I still want to be considerate."

After finishing speaking, he glanced blankly at Lu Qingfeng who sat down on the sofa next to him, "Master, why did you sit down again, and didn't help to arrange the dishes, and I'm ready to eat."

Lu Qingfeng cast a glance at Zhou Niannian who was sitting firmly on the sofa, and got up resignedly to go to the kitchen.

Forget it, he should be used to it, when Zhou Niannian is around, he is an outsider.

The meal was very harmonious, and after the meal, Lu Wenhan said to Zhou Niannian: "Your parents' matter involves family affection, so it won't be a big problem, but you will have to suffer a little bit, and you won't be able to return to the capital for a while. "

Zhou Niannian felt relieved, knowing that Lu Wenhan had put in a lot of effort, and said sincerely, "Uncle Lu, thank you."

"We're all a family, so why not be polite." Lu Wenhan smiled while holding a teacup, "Just say what you need in school, don't be polite to Uncle Lu."

Yang Shutong at the side strongly agreed, "That's right, if you want me to tell you, why don't you live in the school, and live at home, anyway, the school is not far from the north gate, so why do you have to squeeze into the dormitory with others. "

"I have prepared your room upstairs for you a long time ago. You suddenly said that you will live in the dormitory. I feel really uncomfortable. Qingfeng also lives in the dormitory. The house is empty all day long, except Aunt Liu is me."

Aunt Liu is the nanny hired by the Lu family, responsible for daily cleaning and meals.

For the first time, Lu Qingfeng highly agreed with Yang Shutong's words, "Yes, what Mom said makes sense, or you can live at home."

Zhou Niannian kicked him hard under the table, and then said to Yang Shutong with a smile: "Aunt Lu, I don't want to live at home. I live at school because I want to communicate more with my classmates and help my studies."

Lu Wenhan waved his hand, "The child can live in the dormitory if he wants to. Just come home on weekends."

Yang Shutong nodded reluctantly, "Alright then."

Lu Qingfeng was very disappointed, his mother's combat power was too poor.

Aunt Liu walked in from the outside, "Mr. Lu, there is a girl outside with something, saying she is here to visit Mr. and Mrs."

Yang Shutong asked with a blank face, "Have any relatives come to the capital?"

Lu Wenhan shook his head and stood up, "I'll go out and have a look."

Talking about going out, Yang Shutong also stood up, "I'm with you."

The couple walked to the door and saw a girl in a pink padded coat standing outside the door. Her jet-black hair was scattered on her shoulders, making her look weak and beautiful.

"Are you Uncle Lu and Aunt Lu?" Seeing Lu Wenhan and Yang Shutong, the girl showed a shy smile, "I'm Bai Yuqing, and I'm here to report to the capital for the first day today. Parents' condition."

She said with red eye circles, and her expression was very sad, "I am not familiar with the place here in Kyoto, and I am really worried about the situation of my parents, so I can only come to you to inquire about it."

Lu Wenhan and Yang Shutong looked at each other and frowned in unison.

Yang Shutong closed the door calmly, and the couple stood outside, obviously not intending to let Bai Yuqing in.

Bai Yuqing's face froze slightly, and the circles of her eyes became even redder.

"Comrade Bai, haven't you already posted in the newspaper that you have nothing to do with the Zhou family? Now you come to the door and call their parents repeatedly. Isn't it inappropriate?" Yang Shutong said with a calm expression.

Bai Yuqing's expression changed slightly, apparently he did not expect the Lu family couple to know about this.

Her eye circles became even redder, and she sobbed: "Uncle Lu, Aunt Lu, you misunderstood me. I was forced to publish it in the newspaper. Please understand me. I did this to save my life sooner." My parents."

Yang Shutong looked a little cold, "Comrade Bai, it doesn't matter whether we misunderstood you or not. After all, we are considered strangers. It would be fine if Zhou Hongshan and his wife can forgive you one day."

"Comrade Bai, please go back if you have nothing to do. My family is very happy today. It's unlucky for you to stand at the gate and cry."

After finishing speaking, Yang Shutong gave Lu Wenhan a hand, "Go home."

The couple opened the door and went in. Bai Yuqing was standing at the door, and Zhou Niannian's soft voice came from the crack of the door as it opened and closed.

Bai Yuqing clenched her hands suddenly, Zhou Niannian must have told the Lu family about her publication.

She stood at the door for a while, unable to hear the sound inside, then turned around and walked towards the gate of the courtyard. As soon as she reached the gate of the courtyard, she was knocked to the ground by a bicycle that rushed in.

"Ouch!" The cakes in her hands spilled all over the floor, and Bai Yuqing pressed her hands to the ground.

 Regarding Bai Yuqing, let me say a few words. I recently read the messages of my friends, and I know that everyone hopes that Bai Yuqing will receive the lunch box as soon as possible.

  She is the female supporting role of this book, because of her identity as the biological daughter of the Zhou family, she is destined to come out to be a demon, and her abduction, her life will be involved in some cases, the following plot is set, I There is no way to get her offline at the moment.

  But I can give you a little spoiler, she will run wildly on the road to death, and when the heroine becomes stronger and stronger, she will become more and more miserable, so please tolerate her for a while, I will try to let her Get the lunch box as soon as possible, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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