Chapter 295
Chen Shangde had dinner with Li Chengyu, and Li Chengyu went back to school. Like Lu Qingfeng, he chose to live in school.

Chen Shangde's family members are all in the judicial department, and he has also applied for the law department of Kyoto University, but his mother is worried that he will live on campus and let him live at home.

So he separated from Li Chengyu after eating, who knew he knocked down someone as soon as he entered the compound.

He froze for a moment, quickly jumped off the bicycle, threw the bicycle on the grass next to him, and went to help Bai Yuqing.

"Comrade, I'm sorry, I was distracted just now. You" met a pair of weak and tearful eyes head-on. The eye circles were red and charming. You bit your pink lips lightly, as if you were enduring great pain.

"Are you okay?" Chen Shangde felt as if he had seen Yan Ruyu in the book he had been pursuing, and subconsciously slowed down his voice, "How about I take you to the hospital?"

Bai Yuqing looked at Chen Shangde timidly, and stretched out her palm to look at it. The skin on the pink palm was worn out, revealing the pink flesh inside, with a trace of blood.

"It's not too important. I don't need to go to the hospital. I'll just go back and apply some medicine." She wanted to stand up, but suddenly her body went limp and she fell down again.

Chen Shangde supported her, and asked worriedly: "Are you okay? I'd better take you to the hospital?"

Bai Yuqing bit her lips in annoyance, "It seems to have sprained her ankle."

Chen Shangde looked at her feet, helped her stand up, and pushed his bicycle, "Let's go, I'll take you to the hospital."

Bai Yuqing hesitated and didn't speak.

Chen Shangde raised his eyes and said with a smile: "Are you afraid that I will lie to you? I live in Building No. [-] of this compound. My name is Chen Shangde, and I am a freshman in the Law Department of Kyoto University."

When Bai Yuqing heard this, she seemed a little embarrassed. She stroked the broken hair on her sideburns, showing a soft side face, "I am also a freshman at Kyoto University, and my name is Bai Yuqing. How about this, please take me to the school's infirmary Bar."

Chen Shangde's eyes lit up when he heard that, "You are also a student of Kyoto University, that's really great, we will be alumni in the future, which department are you from?"

As he spoke, he helped Bai Yuqing sit on the back seat, and rode his bicycle out the door.

Feeling the fragrance coming from behind, I heard Bai Yuqing's soft voice, "I'm from the Department of Acting."

Chen Shangde's face was a little hot, and he read it silently, thinking that the name Bai Yuqing was very nice.

He sent Bai Yuqing to the infirmary of Kyoto University. The doctor applied some medicine and some anti-swelling medicine on her feet, saying that there was no serious problem, and she would be fine after two days of rest.

Chen Shangde sent her back to the girls' dormitory, "Fortunately, our school will have military training two days later, and I was worried that it would delay your military training."

Bai Yuqing smiled, "Thank you, Classmate Chen."

Chen Shangde watched her enter the female voice dormitory, and then returned to the compound in a daze.

Zhou Niannian didn't know about Bai Yuqing's visit to Lu's house, and Lu Wenhan and his wife didn't mention it after they entered the door. Instead, they urged her and Lu Qingfeng to go upstairs for a nap.

There are three rooms upstairs in Lu's house, the room facing the stairs is the guest room, and there are two bedrooms facing south, one is hers and the other is Lu Qingfeng's.

There is a balcony in her bedroom, looking west, you can see Zhou's house.

Looking at the sealed and dilapidated house because no one lived there, Zhou Niannian felt a little sad.

"My dad estimates that Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou will be back in half a year at most, so you don't have to worry." Lu Qingfeng's voice sounded behind him.

Zhou Niannian turned her head and saw that he had taken off his coat, was wearing a light blue sweater, sitting on the bed, his slender legs were stretched forward, his body was slightly leaned back, his hands were pressed on the bed, and he was looking at her deeply.

Zhou Niannian hadn't seen Lu Qingfeng's relaxed posture for a long time, so he shook his head, then came back from the balcony and kicked him, "Why are you sitting on my bed, get up."

Lu Qingfeng flicked his legs to the side, avoiding her attack, and smiled softly: "I have slept in this bed before, why can't I sit on it."

Zhou Niannian was embarrassed, "It all happened when I was a child."

What Lu Qingfeng was talking about was when she was a child. When she was two or three years old, she always liked to sleep at Lu's house, and at night she would go to sleep with Lu Qingfeng with her.

"It's okay now." Lu Qingfeng's voice suddenly became a little hoarse for no reason.

Zhou Niannian was taken aback for a moment, and then blinked to realize what Lu Qingfeng meant. What he said was that now he can still...sleep with her!
Was she being teased?Zhou Niannian reacted belatedly, her face was a little hot, she glared at Lu Qingfeng, and muttered: "Rogue, go away."

What Lu Qingfeng said just now was purely fluent, and he said it without thinking.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately reacted, his ears were a little red, and his eyes looking at Zhou Niannian were inexplicably burning.

"Go away, go away, I'm going to sleep." Zhou Niannian didn't dare to look him in the eye, picked up the pillow and patted him, and drove him away pretending to be disgusted.

Lu Qingfeng touched his nose, got up and left with a somewhat uncomfortable expression.

Zhou Niannian closed the door and lay on the bed, thinking of what Lu Qingfeng said just now, she couldn't help but hugged the pillow and smiled softly.

But he didn't know that Lu Qingfeng next door tossed and turned, finally fell asleep, but dreamed again.
Zhou Niannian woke up, knocked on the door of the next room, but didn't hear anything, thought Lu Qingfeng was still sleeping, so she went downstairs.

Lu Wenhan was reading the newspaper downstairs. He took a day off from work today.

Zhou Niannian asked him about Guan Ping and learned that Guan Ping lived in the school's teacher's family building, so she planned to go back to the dormitory to get some things to see Guan Ping and Guan Pengfei.

As soon as she left on her front foot, Lu Qingfeng came down on her back foot.

Lu Wenhan asked in surprise: "Why did you get up, Niannian just left."

Lu Qingfeng poured himself a glass of water with a calm expression. He came down only when he knew Zhou Niannian was gone. When Zhou Niannian knocked on the door, he was packing the sheets. How dare he let Zhou Niannian in at that time.

"Aren't you going to chase? We just happened to go back to school together." Lu Wenhan urged him with a frown when he saw him holding a glass of water in a daze.

Lu Qingfeng drank the water in the glass in twos and said vaguely: "I still have something to do, I'll be leaving later."

After that, he hurried upstairs.

Yang Shutong came out of the study, saw Lu Qingfeng's hurried back, and asked suspiciously: "What's the matter with my son? Go up and take a look, what are you doing, sneaky."

Lu Wenhan put down the newspaper and went upstairs with his hands behind his back. In the bathroom on the second floor, he saw Lu Qingfeng who was rubbing the sheets with his head slumped. He raised his eyebrows and immediately understood what was going on.

After all, he is from here.

Lu Wenhan went downstairs quietly, and whispered to Yang Shutong with a smile: "It's okay, my son has grown up."

But when he grows up, everyone knows that Xiao misses other girls.

Yang Shu had a question mark on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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