Chapter 296
Zhou Niannian returned to the dormitory, only Cao Haiyun was lying on the upper bunk in the dormitory.

Seeing her come back, Cao Haiyun sat up from the bed, "Zhou Niannian, just now the teacher came to inform that all the freshmen will gather in the large classroom of the teaching building at [-]:[-] p.m. for the opening ceremony of our department."

Zhou Niannian checked the time, it was already almost five o'clock, and there was a meeting at six o'clock, obviously it was too late to go to Guan Ping's house.

But see you tonight.

Guan Ping is the head of the law department, and he will definitely attend tonight's opening ceremony.

Zhou Niannian packed up her things, seeing that she still had time, she was going to the medical department to look for Qi Jiayan, but she left before reporting, and she didn't know which dormitory she was assigned to.

She took the porcelain jar and was going to find Qi Jiayan first, and then go to dinner together, when she was about to leave, Cao Haiyun came down from the upper bunk and stopped her.

"Niannian, I. What happened this morning, I wasn't greedy for the money from the Qin family. I" she pulled her clothes a little stiffly, as if she didn't know how to explain, "I just want to say that they are all in the same dormitory. I don't want to too ugly”

When she said this, she seemed to be unable to continue, she drooped her shoulders, and saw Zhou Niannian's round apricot eyes quietly looking at her, she smiled in embarrassment: "Okay, I have to admit that the Qin family gave me a lot. $100 can improve my life, I"

"Actually, you don't need to explain it to me." Zhou Niannian smiled lightly and interrupted her, "Everyone has their own considerations when faced with a choice, so you don't need to explain it to me."

In Zhou Niannian's view, there is nothing right or wrong about Cao Haiyun's choice. Faced with the money that Qin Yali's mother dumped in front of her, she chose to accept and improve her life. This choice is not wrong, but it may not be as enthusiastic as Yue Xiaomeng ,Sense of justice.

After Zhou Niannian finished speaking, she opened the door and went out.

Cao Haiyun touched the money in his pocket, sighed faintly, with a very complicated expression on his face.

Because the Department of Medicine involves many anatomy and drug experiments, it is different from the situation where several other departments may share one teaching building. The teaching building of the Department of Medicine is a separate four-story building.

When Zhou Niannian passed by, there was still a teacher waiting for Xinsheng. She asked about Qi Jiayan's dormitory, and only then did she know that Qi Jiayan was in the same building as herself, and she lived on the sixth floor.

She returned to the dormitory again, and at the door of the dormitory, she met Qi Jiayan who came out with a porcelain jar.

Seeing Zhou Niannian, Qi Jiayan hugged her arm excitedly, "I finally found you. I went to your dormitory to look for you just now, and the people in your dormitory said you went to eat."

The two exchanged messages with each other while walking towards the cafeteria.

In the first year when the college entrance examination was resumed, only one cafeteria was opened at Kyoto University. Now it was meal time, and there were already many people sitting in the cafeteria, which was noisy and full of fireworks.

The two of them had just finished eating and were about to find someone to sit down when they heard someone calling Zhou Niannian's name.

Zhou Niannian turned her head and saw that Yue Xiaomeng was excitedly waving at the four-person seat by the window, "Zhou Niannian, sit here."

"My roommate, Yue Xiaomeng." She pulled Qi Jiayan over to sit down, and introduced to both of them: "My good friend, Qi Jiayan."

Yue Xiaomeng is a girl with a warm personality, and with just a few words, she regards Qi Jiayan as a good friend.

"Let me tell you, Niannian, the words you said to Qin Yali today made me happy. To deal with an arrogant and domineering person like her, you have to use this trick."

"It's a pity that Cao Haiyun was afraid of things and had to give her the bed. If I was in the lower berth, I wouldn't change it to her. I look like I have a lot of money, and I have the ability to ask the building manager to change her dormitory." Yue Xiaomeng said angrily in the morning things.

Zhou Niannian smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Qi Jiayan looked at Zhou Niannian with a puzzled face, "What's going on? Someone robbed your bed."

Before Zhou Niannian could speak, Yue Xiaomeng actively pulled Qi Jiayan, "Let me tell you what's going on, there is a girl named Qin Yali in our dormitory."

"This kind of person really needs to be dealt with, it's amazing to be rich," Qi Jiayan was also very angry after hearing Yue Xiaomeng's description, "Nian Nian, you just don't want to change her bed."

The three finished their meal while chatting and laughing, and the medical department also had an opening ceremony, so Qi Jiayan left with them.

Yue Xiaomeng and Zhou Niannian entered the law department arm in arm. As soon as they entered the classroom, Qin Yali sat on the window seat and waved to them, "Niannian, come and sit here."

Zhou Niannian didn't understand which song she sang, she was fighting over a bed in the morning, but now it seems like nothing happened in the blink of an eye.

She really doesn't have the ability to act with her eyes open.

Zhou Niannian pretended not to notice, and dragged Yue Xiaomeng to sit under the opposite window, a full six seats away from Qin Yali.

"I don't want to sit with her either." As soon as he sat down, Yue Xiaomeng whispered to Zhou Niannian, "I feel annoying when I see her."

Zhou Niannian chuckled, thinking that Yue Xiaomeng was really an outspoken and enthusiastic girl.

Someone patted her shoulder suddenly, and Qin Yali's unhappy voice came from behind her: "Zhou Niannian, I waved to you just now, and I already took up a seat for you, why don't you go and sit?"

Zhou Niannian turned her head and met Qin Yali's frowning, hehe: "Oh, if I remember correctly, we had an argument this morning, didn't we? We didn't seem to shake hands to make peace, did we?"

If it was someone else, Zhou Niannian would definitely feel particularly embarrassed when he said that.

But Qin Yali's face is thicker than ordinary people. She didn't even feel embarrassed. Instead, she sat behind Zhou Niannian with a smile, "We live in a dormitory, so we are good friends. I don't care about what happened in the morning, you still care about it." what."

Zhou Niannian was speechless to her superior tone.

Yue Xiaomeng sneered, "Who do you think you are, if you don't care, we don't care?"

Qin Yali frowned, "Yue Xiaomeng, what's your business? I want to be good friends with Zhou Niannian. I don't like you."

"Similarly, I also look down on you. If you beg me to be friends with you, I will not agree." Yue Xiaomeng retorted sharply.

"You..." Qin Yali raised her brows angrily, and just about to refute, the teacher walked up to the podium, clapped her hands, and the classroom suddenly fell silent.

"Hello, everyone. Let me introduce myself. I am Zhang Weiping, the counselor of our freshmen in the [-] class. You can call me Teacher Zhang." Teacher Zhang is a middle-aged man in his early forties. serious.

He talked about the counselor's accusation, and said a few words of welcome to the new students as usual, "... Next, I would like to invite the director of our department, Professor Guan Ping, to give a welcome speech for everyone."

Amid a burst of intense applause, Guan Ping walked into the classroom slowly.

 I have been busy all day today, the update is a bit late, sorry, the second update will be around 10:30!
(End of this chapter)

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