Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 298 The Caring Lu Qingfeng

Chapter 298 The Caring Lu Qingfeng
There were 37 students in the class, and Zhou Niannian got 35 votes, except Zhou Niannian who didn't vote for herself, and one person who didn't vote for Zhou Niannian.

There is no doubt that Zhou Niannian was elected monitor.

Wang Hao also had thirty votes, while Qin Yali, who was the loudest, only had three votes.

Naturally, Wang Hao was elected as the party secretary, Yue Xiaomeng became the literary and art committee member, and two students with high votes were elected as the sports committee member and the publicity committee member respectively.

Qin Yali didn't choose anything because she had the lowest number of votes.

Zhang Weiping finished announcing the results, said a few words of encouragement, and announced that tomorrow he would have a day of free activities to familiarize himself with the environment, and then he would conduct military training the day after tomorrow, and then the meeting was adjourned.

The classmates dispersed in twos and threes, and no one noticed Qin Yali's ugly expression.

Yue Xiaomeng noticed it, and when she came out, she held Zhou Niannian's arm and snickered, "You didn't see how ugly her face is, I laughed so hard."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing at Yue Xiaomeng's high spirits.

She remembered that during the meeting, Qin Yali frowned when she asked her about Lu Qingfeng.

Qin Yali has taken a fancy to Lu Qingfeng?
She curled her lips, feeling a little uncomfortable, Lu Qingfeng is really good at attracting peach blossoms, but after walking around their dormitory, he recruited such a peach blossom.

Yue Xiaomeng obviously thought of Qin Yali's words, and grinningly murmured to Zhou Niannian: "She is like that, and she has a crush on your brother, and you can't have her as a sister-in-law, isn't that ruining your brother?" ?”

Zhou Niannian chuckled, and the boredom in his heart disappeared, "He's not my brother."

Yue Xiaomeng's eyes widened in surprise, "Ah? Isn't it your brother who came to see you off today?"

Apparently in her mind, the people who come to send freshmen to school are usually family members, so without thinking about it, she put Lu Qingfeng in the ranks of brother Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian shook her head and rubbed her ears uncomfortably, "His name is Lu Qingfeng, and it's me. Well, my fiance."

fiancé?Yue Xiaomeng's eyes widened, as if he didn't understand the meaning of the word fiance, and after a long while, he murmured: "Oh my god, Niannian, you are actually engaged, this will make our class a Most boys are heartbroken."

"Nonsense." Zhou Niannian glared at her, seeing that she had reached the door of the dormitory, she stopped talking, opened the door and entered the dormitory.

Qin Yali had already returned, and was sobbing softly on the bed. Obviously what happened tonight was a blow to her.

Cao Haiyun was lying on the bed and writing in his notebook, as if he didn't see Qin Yali crying.

Yue Xiaomeng winked at Zhou Niannian, and the two of them took their things and prepared to go out to wash up.

At this time, the dormitory buildings had a common washroom and public toilet on the first floor, and they had to queue up for washing in the morning and evening.

When Qin Yali heard the commotion, she sat up and wiped her tears, and glared at Zhou Niannian fiercely, "What's so great about being a monitor."

Zhou Niannian walked to the door, looked back at Qin Yali, and there was a chill in her clear eyebrows, "It's nothing special, but it's not something everyone can be, at least some people want to be but can't be."

"You..." Qin Yali was so angry that she couldn't speak, she lay back on the bed and started crying again, but this time it was replaced by sad crying.

Just this fighting power!Zhou Niannian dragged Yue Xiaomeng to wash up without a word.

After washing up, Qin Yali was still crying, Yue Xiaomeng climbed to the upper bunk, waved to Zhou Niannian, said good night, the two fell asleep, and turned a deaf ear to Qin Yali's crying from time to time.

The next day was free time, so Qi Jiayan came to Zhou Niannian early in the morning, and made an appointment with Yue Xiaomeng to stroll around the campus and get familiar with the campus and surrounding environment.

Zhou Niannian was familiar with the surrounding environment and volunteered to act as a guide, planning to take them for a stroll, and then go to Guan Ping's house in the afternoon.

As soon as she left the dormitory, she saw Lu Qingfeng standing at the door of the dormitory waiting for her.

"Tsk! Tsk!" Yue Xiaomeng knew about the relationship between Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian, and when he saw Lu Qingfeng, he winked and smiled at Zhou Niannian.

On the contrary, Qi Jiayan, who has long been used to it, is calmer.

"Why are you here? I want to go for a walk with Jiayan and Xiaomeng today to get familiar with the surrounding environment." Zhou Niannian looked at Lu Qingfeng with some embarrassment, obviously Lu Qingfeng did not appear in her plan.

Lu Qingfeng glanced at Qi Jiayan and Yue Xiaomeng displeasedly, "How are you not familiar with this surrounding?"

I grew up near here since I was a child, what else do I need to be familiar with?
Zhou Niannian was speechless, "It is because I am familiar with it that I bring Jiayan and Xiaomeng with me."

Lu Qingfeng glanced over again, Qi Jiayan and Yue Xiaomeng immediately said in unison: "We can get to know each other by ourselves."

Zhou Niannian: "."

Qi Jiayan gave Yue Xiaomeng a hand, and waved her hands with a smile, "Niannian, Xiaomeng and I will go shopping first, you don't need to worry about us."

After all, before Zhou Niannian could react, the two had already run away holding hands.

Zhou Niannian glared at Lu Qingfeng, and stamped her foot in displeasure, "I promised both of them, and it's all your fault."

Lu Qingfeng put his hands in his pockets, and stared at her slightly puffed pink lips with dark eyes, his eyes deepened, "It's none of my business if they voluntarily say they don't need you."

Zhou Niannian wanted to kick him, and asked impatiently, "Where are we going?"

Although his tone was impatient, he followed Lu Qingfeng and began to walk outside the school.

"Military training is going to be tomorrow. I'm afraid you'll get hurt. I bought some tickets from home and went to the pharmacy to buy some standing medicine for you and put them in the dormitory." Lu Qingfeng said in a low voice as he walked out.

Zhou Niannian felt warm in her heart. Lu Qingfeng actually thought of the problem for her that she hadn't thought of.

"It's a good thing that the weather is cold and you're wearing thick clothes. If it's summer military training, you won't be able to stand it at all." Lu Qingfeng's eyes scanned her jade-white face, thinking that the current military training is actually quite good.

The boredom and unhappiness in Zhou Niannian's heart dissipated, and she walked side by side with Lu Qingfeng with a smile on her face, "Do you still want to go to the clinic at the end of Fuxing Road?"

In the past, when Lu Qingfeng fought, he didn't dare to let Uncle Lu know, so he quietly went to that clinic and asked the doctor there to help him treat his wound.

Over time, Lu Qingfeng became acquainted with the doctors in the clinic.

Lu Qingfeng nodded, walked out the north gate, and arrived at the clinic within a short distance.

Dr. Zhao in the clinic raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw Lu Qingfeng coming in, "You haven't been here for a long time, won't you fight again?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he glanced at the little head behind Lu Qingfeng, his eyes lit up, "Oh, Miss Zhou is here too, long time no see."

Zhou Niannian blinked in surprise, "Doctor Zhao, do you still remember me?"

She only came here once with Lu Qingfeng.

"Of course I remember. Although you don't come here often, your name often comes to my ears." Dr. Zhao glanced at Lu Qingfeng with a pointed smile.

(End of this chapter)

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