Chapter 299
Zhou Niannian blinked in confusion, and was about to ask Dr. Zhao what happened.

Lu Qingfeng put his hand to his lips and coughed twice, "Doctor Zhao, bring me some medicine for bruises or something."

Dr. Zhao gave Lu Qingfeng a playful look, then turned around to get the medicine.

Zhou Niannian came to his senses and murmured to Lu Qingfeng in a low voice, "Do you often complain to Dr. Zhao about me?"

"Nothing." Lu Qingfeng said solemnly, his eyes flicked from the medicine shelf one by one, but he didn't look at Zhou Niannian.

When I was a teenager, I often quarreled with Zhou Niannian, and every time I felt that my heart, liver and lungs were hurt by her anger.

If you are so angry, you were injured when you went out to fight, or Li Chengyu and Chen Shangde were injured, they all had to get together here to bandage them.

When bandaging, Li Chengyu would persuade him to be angry with Zhou Niannian.

He angrily disliked Zhou Niannian for being coquettish, arrogant, crying like a fool.

Anyway, if he could complain, he complained. Later when he saw Zhou Niannian in Zezhou County who looked like a completely different person, Lu Qingfeng knew that deep down in his heart he still wanted Zhou Niannian to be that squeamish and arrogant little girl.

In fact, he was very willing for her to remain squeamish and arrogant.

Zhou Niannian looked at his serious expression suspiciously, and didn't believe what he said.

The guy must have complained a lot about her.

She decided to kindly not expose him.

Coming out of the clinic, Lu Qingfeng took the medicine and said to Zhou Niannian: "Let's go to the department store, it's almost spring, and I'll buy you two spring clothes."

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, "It's fine to buy clothes, but I have to pay for them myself."

She still has the salary she earned at the Rainbow Factory, so she doesn't want to spend Lu Qingfeng's money all the time.

Lu Qingfeng frowned, and seemed a little displeased with Zhou Niannian's insistence on clearly distinguishing whose money it was, "It's different who spends it, anyway, sooner or later it will be yours."

Zhou Niannian insisted on her opinion: "No, I have to pay for it, Lu Qingfeng, I have money."

From Lu Qingfeng's point of view, her insistence is meaningless, "Are we going to get married sooner or later? You won't go back on this matter, will you?"

He looked at Zhou Niannian vigilantly, as if you dare to go back and give it a try.

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "I want to get married, I have no intention of going back on my word."

Lu Qingfeng shrugged: "That's it. After I get married, all my money is yours. Now you are just spending some of your own money in advance. What are you struggling with?"

Zhou Niannian: "."

Yes, what she said seemed to make sense, and she suddenly felt speechless to refute.

"Anyway, that's different." After a long while, she pursed her lips, said something stubbornly, and walked towards the department store.

Lu Qingfeng looked at her slender back, shook his head helplessly and chased after her.

The two walked around the department store all morning, and Zhou Niannian bought a thin woolen sweater, a pair of trousers, a shirt, and a long skirt.

When buying a skirt, there was a little dispute. The half skirt that Zhou Niannian liked came up to her knees, revealing a small section of her pretty white calf.

Lu Qingfeng stared at the exposed calf with dark eyes for a long time, then shook his head decisively: "It doesn't look good, but the one on the right looks better."

The one on the right is the ankle-length dress that Zhou Niannian tried just now.

"But I think this one looks better." Zhou Niannian turned around in front of the mirror suspiciously, and the skirt turned into a beautiful flower in the air.

Lu Qingfeng shook his head and looked at her seriously, "Believe me, that long skirt really looks better."

"Is that so?" Zhou Niannian looked at the salesperson suspiciously.

Under Lu Qingfeng's strong gaze, the salesperson nodded very simply: "Well, the long style is beautiful."

There was no way not to nod, Lu Qingfeng took out two banknotes and rubbed them in his hands, her sales performance.

In the end, Zhou Niannian chose a long skirt, and when she came out after changing, she found that Lu Qingfeng had already settled the bill.

"Didn't you agree that I'll pay?" Zhou Niannian stared at him angrily.

Lu Qingfeng walked out with his clothes in his hands, and replied casually: "I spent your money too, if you feel uncomfortable, or I will give you all the money in the future, and you can pay me living expenses, okay?"

Paying living expenses is a bit like a wife taking care of her husband.

Zhou Niannian heard the joking laughter of the salesperson behind her, blushed and dragged Lu Qingfeng away.

She went back to Lu's house for lunch, and after eating, Zhou Niannian planned to go to Guan Ping's house, and asked Lu Qingfeng to go with her.

"My teacher hasn't seen you yet, you go and see him with me."

Lu Qingfeng whispered: "Who said you haven't seen it before."

On the second day after Guan Ping returned to Beijing, he met Lu Wenhan in his office. At that time, he was lucky enough to be tested by the school, as if he was guarding his apprentice.

"What did you say?" Zhou Niannian looked at him suspiciously.

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, "Let's go, didn't you mean to go to Professor Guan's house?"

The two of them sent the things they bought back to the dormitory first, then took the things that Zhou Niannian had prepared for Guan Ping, and went straight to the classroom apartment building.

Guan Ping's family lived on the first floor, and it was said that Lu Wenhan took special care of him. He was old, and he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to go upstairs.

The one who opened the door was Guan Pengtian. Seeing Zhou Niannian, he smiled and said, "It's considered coming. If you don't come today, my dad will have to ask me to call you."

Guan Ping came out of the study, looked at Zhou Niannian with a smile while supporting his reading glasses, "Niannian is here."

Zhou Niannian put down the things with a smile, "Teacher, brother Pengtian, this is Lu Qingfeng, my fiancé."

The expression on Guan Ping's face was faint, "Well, here we come."

Guan Pengtian smiled, and patted Lu Qingfeng's shoulder, "So you are Niannian's fiancé."

Zhou Niannian glanced at them suspiciously, "Do you know each other?"

"Well, the class next door." Lu Qingfeng touched his nose, not ashamed to mention the tragic scene of being admitted to the school by Guan Ping last time.

Only then did Zhou Niannian know that Guan Pengtian was also taking the exam in the Department of Business Administration. Lu Qingfeng was in class one and Guan Pengtian was in class two.

"Nian Nian, come to the study and see what good things I found for you?" Guan Ping gave Lu Qingfeng a flat look, and raised his hand to greet Lu Qingfeng.

Zhou Niannian followed Guan Ping into the study.

Guan Pengtian shook his head helplessly, "My dad likes his little apprentice very much, so his attitude towards you is unavoidably harsh, don't worry about it."

Lu Qingfeng smiled, remembering that last time Guan Ping was in front of Lu Wenhan and asked him a lot of questions about the development of the economic situation, which made his back sweaty, and finally said to Lu Wenhan unsatisfied: " Your son's teaching is not strict enough."

Lu Qingfeng's face turned black when his father slapped the pile of belts that he had broken off.

But he couldn't complain to Guan Pengfei about these words, so he could only smile and express his understanding.

Zhou Niannian entered the study room, Guan Ping took out a copy of the original foreign criminal law, and handed it to Zhou Niannian: "I found it with great difficulty, read it, and then combine it with domestic laws, and write me a proposal to improve it." Report."

(End of this chapter)

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