Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 301 Brother Lu, You Are Not Like This

Chapter 301 Brother Lu, You Are Not Like This

After Lu Qingfeng heard the name sister-in-law, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and his dark face softened a little.

Li Chengyu was dumbfounded for a long time, and whispered: "Niannian. Uh," as soon as he opened his mouth, he abruptly changed his words under Lu Qingfeng's sharp gaze, "I mean sister-in-law, she is younger than me, why should she suppress me? One head?"

Lu Qingfeng glanced at him leisurely, "It's fine that I'm older than you, do you have any opinions?"

Li Chengyu: "."

The little ones dare not!

Only then did Lu Qingfeng look away, and looked at Chen Shangde, "Didn't you be asked to take care of him in the law department? Why did you make him the monitor?"

Chen Shangde chuckled, with a guilty look on his face, "A mistake, brother, it's a pure mistake!"

He didn't dare to say that on the night of class selection, he was too busy thinking about the fairy he met during the day, and his mind was in a trance all night, and he didn't even know what he said when he introduced himself.

After the meeting was over, he knew that by the time Zhou Niannian became the monitor, it was already too late.

He didn't even say a word to Zhou Niannian, probably Zhou Niannian didn't notice him either.

"Then why don't you hurry up and make up for it?" Lu Qingfeng gave him a wink, Zhou Niannian is really tone deaf when she sings.

Chen Shangde was dumbfounded, how could this make up for his mistakes?
The enthusiasm on the field is still going on, and the sound is getting higher and higher. They are all freshmen who have just entered the university. They think that they are the masters of their lives, and they are full of pride.

"Beautiful squad leader, come one!"

"Come one, pretty class leader!"

Qi Jiayan, who was sitting in the Department of Medicine, also broke into a cold sweat for Zhou Niannian, she also knew that Zhou Niannian was deaf in singing.

Zhou Niannian stood up calmly, and if she read correctly, the person who called her to perform in the first sentence just now was from the acting department, and the voice came from next to Bai Yuqing.

Her eyes met Bai Yuqing's, and Bai Yuqing smiled slightly, mockingly.

This is a bare playground without any props. It is not a venue for performing magic tricks.

Zhou Niannian understood what she meant, and her eyes turned cold. Indeed, military training is a serious matter, and singing is also to increase the enthusiasm of the students. It is not appropriate for her to perform magic now.

She was thinking about whether to stand up and sing "Mom is the only good thing in the world", this is her bottom song, and among all the songs, she can barely keep the tune on this song.

Lu Qingfeng stood up at this moment, "Report to the instructor, someone in our department is dissatisfied with the performance of the acting department just now, and wants to challenge the acting department."

He is tough and handsome, and wearing a training suit on him adds a bit of a tough guy's aura, which makes people unable to take their eyes off.

Bai Yuqing in the crowd involuntarily cast her eyes on him.

A boy beside her whispered: "Hey, isn't he the one who picked up Zhou Niannian at the train station that day?"

The classmate next to me heard it, and immediately asked gossip, "That's Lu Qingfeng from the Department of Enterprise Management, what's wrong? Does he know Zhou Niannian?"

The boy nodded, and recounted what he saw at the train station that day, ". I heard that Zhou Niannian's family background is not good. This time she climbed up to Lu Qingfeng, she must be proud."

Bai Yuqing's eyes flickered when she heard this, but she didn't answer.

Others don't know Lu Qingfeng's real identity, but she does. She couldn't control her emotions just now and whispered a few words about Zhou Niannian's inability to sing. Now she regrets it a bit.

Others don't know her relationship with the Zhou family, but if the Zhou family returns to Beijing, she is still willing to go back to the Zhou family, so before that, she can't get too rigid with Zhou Niannian, lest it will affect her in the future.

Lu Qingfeng is the monitor of Class [-] of the Department of Enterprise Management. He performed very well in today's military training. The instructor was very impressed with him. Hearing what he said, he immediately became interested, "Okay, this proposal is good. We can use the department as a unit." Let’s hold a singing competition, which department will win, and which department will stand in military posture for less than half an hour tomorrow.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately responded enthusiastically, and they forgot about pulling Zhou Niannian to sing just now.

Zhou Niannian heaved a sigh of relief, sat down, and gave Lu Qingfeng a wry smile.

Finally, this guy remembered that he was singing out of tune.

The instructor looked at Lu Qingfeng, "Whoever you are not convinced, go first!"

"He!" Lu Qingfeng hooked his lips, and lifted Li Chengyu up with one hand, "Cheng Yu, here is a song you are best at."

Li Chengyu, who was whispering to Chen Shangde, suddenly saw Chen Shangde jumping away, he was picked up after a slow reaction, and looked at the warm applause from the audience with a dazed expression, wanting to cry without tears.

Brother Lu, I won't take you to cheat my brother like this!
He glanced aggrieved at Lu Qingfeng who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, only to find that his eyes were on Zhou Niannian who was opposite him, he couldn't help but feel even more aggrieved, you weren't like Brother Lu before.

"Student Li Chengyu, what are you going to sing? Compared with anyone in the acting department?" The instructor stood straight, stared at Li Chengyu, and walked over with the attitude of a leader asking questions.

After a day of training, Li Chengyu stood up straight reflexively, and casually pointed at the performance: "Just her! Let me sing a little Baiyang."

Bai Yuqing, whom he casually clicked on, stood up shyly and shyly. Her soft eyes and face as white as jade made everyone's eyes shine, and Chen Shangde, who had just slipped back to the law department, almost stood up in shock. .

God bless, let Li Chengyu lose.

Li Chengyu, who hadn't started singing yet, felt a chill down his back for no reason, and almost turned down the tune.

After he finished singing a song, it was Bai Yuqing's turn. She said with a shy smile, "I'm Bai Yuqing from the Acting Department. Let's sing a song called Jasmine Flower for everyone."

Immediately afterwards, her melodious, sweet and beautiful singing sounded on the playground.

Chen Shangde was fascinated by hearing this, and smiled foolishly. It turned out that the name of the fairy in his mind was Bai Yuqing.

After singing a song, even Zhou Niannian, who didn't know much about songs, had to admit that Bai Yuqing had a good voice.

"Good singing, I voted for the Department of Enterprise Management and lost!" Chen Shangde stood up and took the lead in applauding, and immediately got two pairs of murderous eyes from the opposite side.

Li Chengyu wished he could come over and kick him, "Where are you from?"

Chen Shangde chuckled, shrank his neck and hid behind Zhou Niannian, muttering: "Aren't you allowed to tell the truth?"

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing.

The final result was naturally that the Department of Business Management lost, and everyone in the Department of Performance would stand in a military posture for less than half an hour tomorrow. For a while, everyone in the Department of Performance could not wait to regard Bai Yuqing as a benefactor.

Bai Yuqing smiled and couldn't help looking in Lu Qingfeng's direction, but saw that Lu Qingfeng was frowning and staring in Zhou Niannian's direction, not paying attention to the movement in the acting department, her eyes dimmed involuntarily.

Lu Qingfeng frantically threw his knife at Chen Shangde who was hiding beside Zhou Niannian, signaling him to stay away from Zhou Niannian.

Chen Shangde curled his lips, sat back, gestured for a safe distance with his hand, and muttered a word of stinginess.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help making a face at Lu Qingfeng, who smiled with his lips curled up.

(End of this chapter)

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