Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 302 You Love Zhou Niannian

Chapter 302 You Love Zhou Niannian

The day's training didn't end until ten o'clock in the evening, but because of the evening singing competition, the evening training didn't make the students feel so difficult, but a little more excited.

After all, a drag contest found many handsome men, beautiful women, talented women and other talents, and made more than half of the boys and girls who were in their prime suddenly burst out with youthful enthusiasm.

When the instructor ordered to disband, Lu Qingfeng stopped Chen Shangde.

"Anything else? Brother Lu?" Chen Shangde leaned on Li Chengyu with a tired face, "I'm exhausted, I'm going back to sleep, I have something to do for Cheng Yu."

Li Chengyu took advantage of the situation and gave him a kick, "Well, you four eyes, you slipped faster than a thief just now, now you think of me."

Lu Qingfeng picked up Chen Shangde, and walked forward with his shoulders, "There is indeed something, and this thing can only be done by you."

"What's the matter? You can only do it with four eyes?" Li Chengyu also approached curiously.

Lu Qingfeng curled his lips, "Four Eyes, find a way to reveal the engagement between Nian Nian and me in your law department."

Li Chengyu was stunned, and then looked at Lu Qingfeng with a smirk on his face, "Brother Lu, you are going to declare sovereignty."

Li Chengyu and Lu Qingfeng are from the Department of Business Administration, and they can't go to the Department of Law during military training. Only Chen Shangde can handle this matter.

He hooked Lu Qingfeng's shoulder and winked at him, "What? Finally found that I love Zhou Niannian?"

Lu Qingfeng paused, "Love?"

Li Chengyu rolled his eyes, "Isn't it? Ever since you were a child, you would be very irritable whenever Zhou Niannian was involved."

"If someone says something that doesn't please you, you can either ignore it, or directly solve it violently. Only Zhou Niannian's two or three words can make you very angry, but you are not willing to do it."

Lu Qingfeng said stubbornly, "It's not that I'm reluctant, I don't have the habit of beating girls."

"Then keep your mouth shut, Brother Lu. Actually, my buddies have already seen that you are different from Zhou Niannian. You are always annoyed by her, dislike her coquettishness, and like to act like a baby, but you still remember her birthday. She loves her." What to eat." Li Chengyu sneered, "Four eyes, do you think so?"

Chen Shangde raised his eyes, and quietly pulled out a sentence, "Brother Lu is a fan of the authorities. There is a saying that love does not know where it comes from, and love is deep when it comes to it."

"Speak human!" Lu Qingfeng raised his foot.

Chen Shangde quickly changed his words: "You are good at everything, but your IQ about feelings is far lower than your intelligence."

Lu Qingfeng squinted his eyes, and shot at Chen Shangde with a chill, "Want to be beaten?"

Li Chengyu translated Chen Shangde's words with a smile, "Brother Lu, the meaning of the four eyes is the same as mine, you not only regard Zhou Niannian as your fiancée, you are in love with Zhou Niannian!"

You are in love with Zhou Niannian!
In the early spring night, these words were blown into Lu Qingfeng's ears along with the chilly wind, which shocked him and made him speechless for a long time.

Are all his strange feelings towards Zhou Niannian originally love?

I don't like the way other boys look at her, and I don't even like her wearing skirts that show off her calves. When I see her, sometimes I feel a fire inexplicably, and I remember everything about her.
So this is love?Lu Qingfeng only felt his heart tremble violently, which made him a little flustered, but also seemed a little happy, so he unconsciously lifted his feet and ran forward.

"Brother Lu, where are you going? Over there is the girls' dormitory." Li Chengyu grabbed him.

"I'm going to find Zhou Niannian."

Li Chengyu broke down, "It's 10:30, the girls' dormitory is all lights off, okay? You won't see anyone even if you go."

"Really?" Lu Qingfeng stopped, frowning with disappointment.

Just now he suddenly had a strong desire to see Zhou Niannian, the feeling that his heart was full of bursting, he felt that only seeing Zhou Niannian could relieve it.

"Let's go, go, go back to sleep." Li Chengyu pulled him, and said with emotion: "Oh, love is so terrible, it can make people crazy."

The two walked a few steps forward, and Li Chengyu realized something was wrong. Looking back, Chen Shangde was also staring in the direction of the girls' dormitory, sighing faintly: "Ask what love is in the world, and teach life and death to agree."

Damn, Li Chengyu almost stumbled over his left foot and tripped over his right foot. What happened? In the middle of the night, one or two of them both fell ill.

Although the lights were turned off in the girls' dormitory, they did not sleep.

As soon as Zhou Niannian closed her eyes, she heard Qin Yali calling her, "Hey, Zhou Niannian, I see, the boy who sent you over that day is called Lu Qingfeng, not your brother, right? What's the relationship between you two?"

Zhou Niannian turned over and pretended to be asleep, not bothering to answer her questions.

Yue Xiaomeng on the upper bunk sneered: "It's none of your business, what's the relationship with others, don't worry about eating salty radishes."

Qin Yali was so angry that she wanted to stare through the upper bunk bed, "Yue Xiaomeng, why are you concerned everywhere?"

Yue Xiaomeng turned over vigorously, the bed trembled for a while, and said with a smile: "I'm going to sleep, I can't hear the sound that disturbs me, and I can't fall asleep if I hear it, why don't you talk."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but chuckled, "Me too, Xiaomeng, some people are too noisy, it's really annoying."

" guys teamed up to bully me," Qin Yali sat up straight angrily, remembering that when singing at night, everyone shouted for Zhou Niannian to perform, and suddenly felt aggrieved, and looked angrily at the bunk on the opposite side Cao Haiyun, "Cao Haiyun, are you a dead man? Seeing the two of them teaming up to bully me, they didn't even say a word for me."

Cao Haiyun frowned, and muttered displeasedly: "It's too late, let's all go to sleep, the building manager will come to knock on the door later."

After all, he also turned over and pretended to go to sleep.

No one paid attention to Qin Yali, she bit her lip angrily, and lay down angrily.

Because of the training experience on the first day, the training in the next few days will be easier to bear.

Zhou Niannian found that the classmates in the class looked at him differently than before. During the break, many people would gather around her to talk to her, but in the past two days, she found that many people were around Qin Yali, or transferred to other departments. up.

Every time Qin Yali was surrounded by a group of boys, she couldn't help but look at her proudly.

Zhou Niannian was speechless, she really didn't care about this, but it is necessary to understand what happened.

The thing that confuses her the most is that guy Lu Qingfeng, who has always been picked up by the instructor to train alone because of his distracted training these days, which has become a sight on the playground.

As soon as it's time to rest, Lu Qingfeng will immediately come to her side, either hesitating to speak or talking nonsense, in short, I'm very abnormal written all over his body .

If she impatiently asked Lu Qingfeng if he had anything to say, Lu Qingfeng would stop, and answer her two words in a dull voice: "No."

 I made a mistake this morning and sent the next chapter to the front. I really lost my mind. I will ask the editor to adjust the order in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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