Chapter 306
From the cave entrance of the rockery to the gazebo, there is a narrow passage about two meters long. The passage is suspended, and the ground below is the playground ground, which is about three or four meters away from the ground.

At this moment, Zhou Niannian was holding on to the upper wooden railing with one hand, and was lifting a young boy effortlessly with the other hand.

Yes, what she held in her hand was a tall and thick boy, who was wearing the same training clothes as them, and looked like a student of Kyoto University.

The boy was held in her hand, looking down at the ground waving to her, his face turned pale with fright, "Please don't let go, don't let go."

With such a high ground, it is unlikely that you will die if you fall to your death, but you will definitely be disabled.

Zhou Niannian half-closed her eyes, with a stern smile on her lips, "Who are you? Why did you attack me in the cave?"

As soon as Lu Qingfeng rushed out, he heard these words, and his face immediately sank.

"Are you okay?" He nervously looked up and down Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian turned around and saw him coming, she frowned, "You're not slow, if you come a little later, I'll plant the flag."

Lu Qingfeng's face suddenly darkened. At this time, she was still thinking about the victory of the competition. Did she have too much heart.

He strode up, seeing that Zhou Niannian was not injured at all, he felt relieved, grabbed the collar of the boy dangling below with one hand, and lifted him up, "Say, who told you to attack her?"

The boy was lifted up suddenly, and when he looked up at Lu Qingfeng's dark eyes, he became even more frightened, his lips trembled and he couldn't speak.

At this moment, Qin Yali, who had been locked at the entrance of the cave and trembling with a stone, suddenly rushed over, "Zhou Niannian, give me the flag first, and I'll insert it first."

She shouted and rushed up, the path was already narrow, she rushed over with great force, she couldn't stop for a while, and bumped straight into Zhou Niannian's body.

Zhou Niannian's attention was all on the boy she was holding, and she was knocked over the railing by a sudden force from behind.

The railing was only as high as a human's thigh, Zhou Niannian turned it over and fell straight down.

"Niannian!" Lu Qingfeng stretched out his hand to grab her, but missed the corner of her clothes. He watched Zhou Niannian fall, and jumped down without thinking.

There were two screams on the bridge and under the bridge at the same time, one was from Qin Yali, and the other was from the boy who was caught by Zhou Niannian just now.

As soon as Lu Qingfeng jumped down, the boy was pulled and fell straight down. He let out a scream, and fell straight to the ground. His legs touched the ground first, and then he hugged his own legs and let out a terrible cry. screams.

Zhou Niannian, who was still in mid-air, was so stimulated by the scream that he closed his eyes, only to realize with a dazed expression that he hadn't fallen to the ground yet.

It's too weird, isn't it?She was the first one to fall, and she hadn't fallen yet at a distance of more than three meters.

With this thought, her body fell straight down.

Zhou Niannian's heart suddenly rose, it was terrible, he probably broke his leg.

She closed her eyes and waited for the pain hitting the ground, but she suddenly fell into a warm embrace.

A man's clear breath rushed towards his face, Zhou Niannian opened his eyes and met Lu Qingfeng's relieved eyes.

She was even more confused, what was the situation, when did Lu Qingfeng fall.

"Fortunately, I got you." Zhou Niannian stared blankly at Lu Qingfeng, let Lu Qingfeng put her down, and then hugged her tightly into his arms.

Feeling that her whole face was being pressed into Lu Qingfeng's arms, she couldn't breathe so tightly, she even heard Lu Qingfeng's rapid and flustered heartbeat.

Zhou Niannian froze for a moment, then struggled to get his head out, "You're suffocating me, let me take a breath."

Lu Qingfeng: "."

Why did he feel that this girl didn't seem to be afraid at all?

Because of this sudden change on the rostrum, a bunch of people had already rushed towards the rockery.

Lu Qingfeng let go of Zhou Niannian, just as Lu Wenhan rushed over with the school leaders and others, "Niannian, are you okay?"

Lu Wenhan's first reaction was to glance up and down at Zhou Niannian. Seeing that Zhou Niannian was fine, he immediately ordered the doctor in the infirmary who ran over with him, "Show him quickly."

The doctor in the infirmary checked and called the nurse to look up the person first, and then said to Lu Wenhan, "I broke my right leg, and I have to send it to the hospital for medical treatment as soon as possible."

Lu Wenhan's face darkened, he waved his hands and told the doctor to deal with it quickly, then he turned his head and asked Zhou Niannian, "What happened up there just now?"

Zhou Niannian pointed in the direction of the small cave, "Three boys ambushed inside and attacked me, principal, these three people are definitely not from the red and blue camps. They attacked me maliciously and tried to put a sack on me. Two of them were attacked by me. I was knocked out, and the other one is the one who broke his leg just now."

Lu Wenhan's eyes became heavy when he heard this, and he glanced at Lu Qingfeng, who quietly backed out.

The teachers and classmates who gathered around looked at Zhou Niannian in shock, as if listening to heaven, such a thin girl actually knocked out two boys, is it true?

"Let the people in the investigation department investigate what's going on first, and then report the case." Lu Wenhan told the teacher in charge of the exercise at Kyoto University.

The teacher hurried to deal with it, and Li Chengyu walked over to Qin Yali, whose face was pale and crying.

"Principal, I saw it with my own eyes. It was Qin Yali who knocked Zhou Niannian off the rockery." Li Chengyu said angrily.

Lu Wenhan frowned and looked at Qin Yali.

Qin Yali collapsed on the ground, covering her face and crying loudly: "I didn't do it on purpose, I just wanted our red team to win, I wanted to rush up and plant the red team's flag on the gazebo, but unexpectedly I knocked down Zhou Niannian."

"I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it."

She was shaking while crying, as if she had been greatly frightened.

Lu Wenhan beckoned Zhang Weiping, the counselor of the law department, to come over, "Accompany Qin Yali to the investigation department and cooperate with the investigation of the matter."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Qingfeng had already come down from the rockery, and said calmly, "I will accompany Zhou Niannian to the investigation department."

"And me, and me, principal!" Li Chengyu also hurriedly took a step forward.

Lu Wenhan nodded slightly, his expression relaxed, and he patted Zhou Niannian on the shoulder, "Just tell the truth if you have anything to say, don't be afraid."

After all, with so many teachers and classmates watching, Lu Wenhan couldn't comfort Zhou Niannian too directly.

Zhou Niannian smiled, and left with Lu Qingfeng and Li Chengyu with the investigators.

Because of this sudden change, the exercise had to end hastily. Lu Wenhan dispersed the crowd, thought for a while, and called Guan Ping over.

"Take the flashlight, let's go into the small cave and have a look."

Guan Ping's expression froze, he turned to ask someone for a flashlight, and went up the rockery with Lu Wenhan one after the other.

(End of this chapter)

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