Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 307 Don't you and I eat the same egg?

Chapter 307 Don't You And I Eat The Same Egg?

After coming out of the investigation department, Li Chengyu went back to the dormitory first.

Lu Qingfeng took Zhou Niannian's hand and walked towards the north gate, "My mother must have heard about it, let's go home for lunch."

Zhou Niannian's eyes fell on the hands of the two, and he followed him to the compound silently.

The compound is so close to Kyoto University, Yang Shutong knew what happened a long time ago. As soon as Zhou Niannian entered, she hurriedly pulled Zhou Niannian over, "Are you okay? I was so scared when I heard it."

Zhou Niannian shook her head, and comforted her with gentle words: "I'm fine, don't worry, Auntie, I have been exercising regularly for more than a year since I went to the countryside, and now I have a lot of energy."

Seeing that she was still in a mood, Yang Shutong felt relieved a little, and pulled Zhou Niannian to sit down, "What's going on? Who are they? Why are they targeting you?"

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng looked at each other and shook their heads.

When the investigation department cooperated with the investigation, everyone was separated, and they still don't know who is who.

While wondering, Lu Wenhan came back with the latest news.

"The two comatose boys have already recruited after they woke up, saying that Qin Yali instructed them."

Zhou Niannian was very surprised, never thought it was Qin Yali, "Why?"

How stupid is Qin Yali to come up with such a foolish idea of ​​attacking her at the military training report performance?
Lu Wenhan sighed, "This girl is spoiled by her family, she is self-willed and arrogant. She said that she just can't understand you showing off in school and wants you to make a fool of yourself in public during the military training report."

Zhou Niannian was speechless.

"I have asked the Investigation Section to transfer this matter to the Investigation Office," Lu Wenhan hesitated at this point.

"Is there anything else?" Lu Qingfeng keenly sensed his father's hesitation.

Lu Wenhan nodded and sighed, "The student who fell down is called Yu Tao, who is in the second class of the law department. His family has some influence, so it is estimated that this matter cannot be resolved."

Lu Qingfeng's eyes were heavy when he heard this, but he didn't speak.

These people ruined his carefully arranged confession plan, and he didn't want to be good yet.

After such an accident, everyone was unhappy. After dinner, Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng went upstairs to rest.

When he reached the door of Zhou Niannian's bedroom, Lu Qingfeng took her hand and said in a low voice, "Fortunately, you fell slowly, I landed before you, otherwise"

Thinking of Yu Tao's broken leg, Lu Qingfeng still feels lingering fear.

Thinking that Zhou Niannian might have broken his leg right in front of his eyes, Lu Qingfeng felt that he even wanted to kill someone.

"Niannian, me." He only now realizes that his feelings for Zhou Niannian are not as simple as the unmarried couple he thought at the beginning, he really puts the girl in front of him in his heart.

The turbulent emotion in his heart made him almost blurt out, but Zhou Niannian interrupted the words as soon as he uttered them.

"You also noticed that I fell too slowly?" Zhou Niannian frowned and looked at Lu Qingfeng, "I think it's weird, Lu Qingfeng. For a few seconds, I felt like I was standing still in mid-air."

She now thinks about the scene when she fell, and still feels like a dream.

Lu Qingfeng had no choice but to swallow the words back to his stomach. After hearing Zhou Niannian's words, he was stunned for a moment, "Could it be your illusion?"

Zhou Niannian opened his mouth and said for a while, "Maybe it was because I was too frightened at the time and had an illusion."

After all, that feeling is really weird, it's hard to describe in words, and I can't believe it, let alone make Lu Qingfeng believe it.

"It's not an illusion, it's not an illusion." A black shadow sprang out from Zhou Niannian's room, and Ah Liang stood on Zhou Niannian's shoulder with a smile.

"Ah Liang," Zhou Niannian patted its head in surprise, "Why did you come here? It's been a month, and I thought you were lost."

When Lu Qingfeng saw Ah Liang, his face turned dark, and he glared at it secretly.

Ah Liang didn't care about his staring, and sighed very heavily, "Just kidding, how can I, Ah Liang, get lost, but you have to know that I have to find a way to get rid of Fat Yuan's pursuit first, and I have to find a way to hide me I have spent countless efforts to trace the traces of the bird, alas, it is so difficult to be a handsome bird."

Zhou Niannian glanced at it speechlessly, can you not pretend?

"What is it chattering about?" Lu Qingfeng frowned.

Zhou Niannian shrugged with a smile, "Pretend to brag!"

Ah Liang's fur suddenly exploded, and Lu Qingfeng watched it jump happily.

Because of Ah Liang's appearance, Lu Qingfeng couldn't find a suitable opportunity to confide in his love, so he had to go back to the room bored.

Zhou Niannian closed the door before asking solemnly, "Do you know what happened when I paused in mid-air for a few seconds?"

Ah Liang suddenly got up from her shoulders and floated leisurely in mid-air, "Isn't this the same reason as I am floating."

Zhou Niannian was stunned, "But I obviously don't have your skill, I'm different from you."

Ah Liang can command animals, make pigs commit suicide, and draw an enchantment to hide their aura. In short, Ah Liang knows how, but she doesn't know how. How could she drift away at a critical moment?

Ah Liang rolled her eyes to the sky, but it was a pity that her eyes were small, and she just rolled her eyes, but the whites of her eyes didn't show much.

"What's the difference? Don't you and I eat the same egg?"

Zhou Niannian: "."

It's that spiritual egg again!

Ah Liang had had enough of floating in the air, so she ran to the window sill and found a comfortable position to lie down, and then said: "You are a maid of the Nine Heavens, although your cultivation level is not high, you are still a little palace maid for tens of thousands of years."

"Can you stop mentioning this?" Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes.

Ah Liang turned the page with a smile, "But that spiritual egg is very powerful. Look at me, I was struck by lightning for a month, and finally kicked down to the mortal world by the Queen of Heaven. I still have so many cultivation bases, rely on me!" It's all about the half egg."

Speaking of this, it couldn't help but said bitterly: "If my previous cultivation is still there, how can I be chased all over the world by a princess of the bird clan."

Zhou Niannian looked at it speechlessly, "Get to the point!"

Ah Liang changed the topic again, "In short, although you have forgotten all the memories of the Jiuchongtian and lost your cultivation, the half of the spiritual egg is still in your body. My saliva awakened it, so you Only then will you have divine power in a short period of time. The wounds on your body will heal faster than others."

"Last time I told you that when you encounter difficulties, you will stimulate your potential, that is, the spiritual power of the spirit egg will radiate to protect you when you encounter difficulties. That's probably it."

Ah Liang completely collapsed on the window sill after she finished speaking, with a tired and paralyzed expression.

Zhou Niannian didn't bother to watch it play tricks, so she sat down silently.

After a long time, she suddenly looked at Ah Liang with sparkling eyes, "Then I have a life-saving golden finger?"

Ah Liang: "."

(End of this chapter)

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