Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 308 Guan Ping's Lesson 1

Chapter 308 Guan Ping's Lesson

The one-month military training ended with an imperfect report performance.

Afterwards, she went back to her normal class and study life. Qin Yali was taken away by the investigators, and she never came back. The incident of the day of the performance report was widely circulated in the school.

Two days later, Yu Tao's family came to Kyoto. They first went to the hospital to visit Yu Tao, and then went to the Kyoto court. They sued Kyoto University, Qin Yali and Zhou Niannian, asking the court to hold Kyoto University accountable for its ineffective supervision. Qin Yali and Zhou Niannian's crime of intentional wounding.

When Zhou Niannian heard about this, she was eating in the restaurant, and she frowned suddenly when she heard the discussion at the next table.

After dinner, she didn't go back to take a lunch break with Yue Xiaomeng, but took advantage of the lack of people at noon to go to the principal's office.

Lu Wenhan, Guan Ping, and Lu Qingfeng were all in the office. Seeing her knock on the door and coming in, Lu Wenhan beckoned her to sit down, "You came just in time, let's hear about this too."

After finishing speaking, he signaled Guan Ping to continue.

Guan Ping pushed his eyes and glanced at Zhou Niannian, but he did not continue to speak, but pointed to Zhou Niannian, "You have been studying with me for a while, this case is simple, let me tell you what you think."

Zhou Niannian was stunned for a moment, quickly sorted out his thoughts, and said, "If it's just an accident, and it happened in the school, the school will naturally be responsible for ineffective supervision."

Guan Ping nodded slowly.

"But this matter involves Qin Yali's intention to hurt me, which means that there is a mastermind in this case, and Yu Tao is an accomplice in this case. Their actions have already violated the principles of the law."

"Besides, they are already adults and have the ability to control their own consciousness and behavior. From this point of view, the school does not need to be responsible for ineffective supervision."

"In addition, Qin Yali tried to hurt me. I was defending Yu Tao. On the contrary, Yu Tao saw that I was beaten unconscious by those two people. He tried to escape in panic, but he jumped over the railing. I grabbed him at that time to save him. .”

"Later, I was knocked down by Qin Yali and fell down by myself. It was not because I wanted to hurt Yu Tao subjectively, so I was not guilty of intentionally hurting others."

After Zhou Niannian finished speaking, she looked at Guan Ping quietly.

Lu Wenhan was a little shocked, and after being shocked, he smiled approvingly at Zhou Niannian. He didn't expect that Zhou Niannian could say such coherent words even though he didn't study with Guan Ping for a long time.

Lu Qingfeng looked deeply at Zhou Niannian, feeling a sense of pride in his heart.

The girl he likes is indeed the smartest!
Guan Ping pushed his eyes and nodded slowly, "Then have you thought about it, what if Yu Tao doesn't admit that he conspired with Qin Yali? What if Qin Yali retracts her confession?"

Zhou Niannian's expression changed slightly, what Guan Ping said was indeed possible, "Then what should I do?"

Guan Ping smiled slightly and stood up, "I can't serve as your defense lawyer in this case, but I can serve as your military adviser. Watch it carefully, and I will teach you a lesson for you personally."

After all, when he walked to the door, he added slowly: "After the case is over, write a detailed report to me."

Zhou Niannian thought of the original document that was thicker than a brick on his bedside, and wailed in his heart.

Well, she's going to fight the report.

After Yu Tao's family sued, the court quickly issued a notice.

Because Guan Ping is a professor at Kyoto University, he cannot act as the defense lawyer for Kyoto University and Zhou Niannian, but he has a lot of connections in Kyoto and he has many students.

Soon he contacted a lawyer named Li Anming to act as a defense lawyer for Kyoto University and Zhou Niannian. Li Anming came to see Zhou Niannian, and after listening to her talk about the situation at that time, he began to investigate and collect evidence.

Lu Qingfeng handed Li Anming a bag, which contained a sack, wooden sticks and other things, "This is the first thing I found in the cave after the accident, and they should have prepared it in advance to deal with Nian read."

Only then did Zhou Niannian realize that Lu Qingfeng had disappeared for a while when the incident happened, and it turned out that he had gone to the cave to find evidence.

Li Anming accepted the evidence and went to investigate the two students who had been knocked unconscious by Zhou Niannian.

As for Zhou Niannian, she was called by Guan Ping, who asked her to imitate Li Anming's role and write out her own defense plan and the process of investigation and evidence collection.

Facing the stack of blank papers in front of him, Zhou Niannian began his simulation homework bitterly.

It is said that the Qin family has also found a defense lawyer.

Soon came the day of the trial, this is a case of one plaintiff and three defendants.

As expected, Qin Yali retracted her confession on the spot, and she firmly refused to admit that she ordered someone to ambush in the cave with the intention of hurting Zhou Niannian.

Yu Tao attended the trial with injuries, saying that he was just being lazy in the cave, but Zhou Niannian caught him and beat him, and then lifted him out of the railing, causing him to fall down the rockery and break his leg.

All the confessions point to Zhou Niannian intentionally hurting others.

Li Anming listed the testimonies of the two witnesses at the investigation office, as well as the sacks and wooden sticks that Lu Qingfeng found in the cave at that time, but Qin Yali said that those two people framed her, and she never ordered them.

Even though Zhou Niannian had been reminded by Guan Ping of everything that might happen, when he actually heard it, he was still so angry that he trembled.

The trial entered a stalemate stage, so the court had to be adjourned temporarily, and entered a new round of investigation and evidence collection stage, and a retrial was set for another day.

After the adjournment, Zhou Niannian, Lu Qingfeng and Guan Ping went back to school together.

Niannian was depressed all the way last week.

"Son, you have seen it with your own eyes. Although a person's lips are thin, they turn up and down, and the words they say can subvert all perceptions."

Seeing that she was unhappy, Guan Ping patted her on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "Teacher, I hope you will always remember today's mood, remember the grief and indignation of being wronged, and use this mood to understand your client in the future." .”

"There are many times when the client is in despair and helplessness, the lawyer is the only person they put their hope on. The teacher hopes that you can remember everything today, and in the future, you will use this mood to discover the truth and restore the true face of the matter. The guilty will be punished, and the wronged will be treated fairly."

When he said this, the hand on Zhou Niannian's shoulder sank slightly, and he sighed, "This is also the meaning of a lawyer's existence."

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips and nodded silently.

"As for this case, don't worry, with An Ming's ability, it can be settled." Seeing that she was still unhappy, Guan Ping comforted her with a smile. .”

"Go back and write your simulation report. If you were Li Anming, what should you do next? Go back and think about it, and give the report to me tomorrow morning."

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched. The teacher has such a strong heart. He still doesn't forget to ask her to write the report.

(End of this chapter)

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