Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 309 The Man With Soft Earlobe Listens to His Wife

Chapter 309 The Man With Soft Earlobes Listens to His Wife

Coming out of Guan Ping's office, Lu Qingfeng grabbed Zhou Niannian's hand.

Zhou Niannian raised her head, met his deep and focused eyes, and couldn't help being stunned, "What's wrong?"

Lu Qingfeng squeezed her hand tightly, pulled her into his arms, and said sullenly: "Speak out when you feel uncomfortable, don't hold it in your heart."

Zhou Niannian was stunned for a moment before realizing that Lu Qingfeng was comforting himself?
Hug to comfort yourself?

It seems that this is the second time that Lu Qingfeng took the initiative to hug himself. The last time was on the day of the performance report. When he fell down, Lu Qingfeng caught him and hugged himself tightly.

At that time, I was also frightened, so I didn't think much about it.

But today, Zhou Niannian felt something strange in her heart.

Lu Qingfeng's embrace carried a unique cool breath, warm and steady, she leaned gently on his shoulder, and once again heard his chaotic heartbeat.

Heartbeat so fast?Zhou Niannian blinked, looked up and saw Lu Qingfeng's pink earlobes, couldn't help feeling bad, raised his hand and flicked his earlobes lightly.

Lu Qingfeng's body froze suddenly, then bounced away like a spring, and looked at Zhou Niannian with a red face, "You you."

Zhou Niannian just thought of it suddenly, and started to attack without thinking too much. When he saw Lu Qingfeng bounce off with a red face, he realized that his action was a bit too abrupt, and he blushed uncomfortably for a while.

Lu Qingfeng's earlobes are so soft
I heard that men with soft earlobes will listen to their wives in the future, so they are easy to manage.

Many thoughts flashed through Zhou Niannian's mind, and his expression became more uncomfortable. He lowered his head and looked at his toes, and said in a low voice: "I'm not unhappy, you. I'll go first."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and trotted back to the dormitory.

Lu Qingfeng watched her slender back disappear into the spring breeze, froze for a moment, raised his hand and touched his earlobe, as if the temperature from Zhou Niannian's touch was still there, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhou Niannian sat on the bed for a while, recalling the situation just now, couldn't help laughing softly.

Lu Qingfeng's bewildered look is actually quite cute.

Thinking of this, Zhou Niannian felt that he was too disappointing. After living two lifetimes, he just touched Lu Qingfeng's earlobe and felt uncomfortable.
Both Lu Qingfeng and Guan Ping thought that she was unhappy because of Qin Yali's retraction. In fact, she was really angry because of Qin Yali's retraction when she was in court, but after she came out, she accepted the reality.

She felt that since she had chosen the legal profession, she had to be mentally prepared to come into contact with all kinds of people, and even some dark things in society, which made her feel a little heavy.

What Qin Yali did was just the beginning, not the end. She had to have a stronger mentality in the future.

Li Anming's investigation and evidence collection work was a bit slow. According to the two boys who were locked up, when Qin Yali conspired with them, there was no one else around, only the four of them were present.

In other words, that is to say, there is no written evidence unless both parties admit it themselves.

If it cannot be proved that there is a conspiracy between Qin Yali and Yu Tao, then Zhou Niannian's behavior of beating Yu Tao on the rockery is not a legitimate self-defense.

Li Chengyu and Chen Shangde came to find Lu Qingfeng.

"Brother Lu, I heard that sister-in-law's matter is a bit complicated, should I look for my parents?" Chen Shangde asked Lu Qingfeng.

Chen Shangde's parents are both in the judicial system, and their positions are quite high.

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, "Don't disturb Uncle Chen, Aunt Chen, I'll think of a way."

Li Chengyu looked disapproving, "If you want me to say, isn't there no evidence? Can't we make a piece of evidence for her?"

Lu Qingfeng frowned, "Don't mess around."

Li Chengyu rolled up his sleeves and said helplessly: "Then you can't just do nothing and watch your sister-in-law be convicted?"

"I didn't expect the one surnamed Qin and the one surnamed Yu to be so vicious? Let me beat them every time I meet them in the future."

Lu Qingfeng didn't speak, but tapped his fingers lightly on the edge of the table, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, he whispered: "Go to the classmates who usually hang around Qin Yali and the people who have a good relationship with Yu Tao, and you can always find a loophole. Lawyer Li asks someone to question, and they are all wary. It's easier to find someone to talk to you slowly."

Li Chengyu's eyes lit up, "I'm good at this."

At the same time, in Guan Ping's office, Guan Ping looked at the simulated investigation and evidence collection report that Zhou Niannian handed over to him, and nodded in satisfaction: "Well, it's indeed a good idea to find someone to talk to you, to find out, what are you going to do?" implementation?"

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, "It's definitely not appropriate for me to come forward. It's better to let Jiayan and Xiaomeng go. Xiaomeng is lively and talkative, and Jiayan is cautious. She can always ask something."

"Qin Yali and Yu Tao, no matter how cautious they are, there will always be people who have heard or discovered clues."

Guan Ping closed the report with a smile, "For Li Anming, clues are enough."

Zhou Niannian blinked, a little puzzled.

Guan Ping didn't say much, and told her to go back and rest.

Zhou Niannian pouted, and decided to go back to the dormitory to catch up on sleep, and then go to Qi Jiayan and Yue Xiaomeng, she rushed to report to doubt her life in the past two days.

Yue Xiaomeng was worried that because she was sued, she was depressed and mentally ill, otherwise why would she be lying on the bed in the middle of the night writing the report.

Soon it was time for the second court session.

This time, Li Anming didn't directly question anything, but asked the judge to ask Qin Yali a few questions.

After the judge gave permission, Li Anming began to ask: "May I ask March NO.11, which is the noon of the day before the military training report performance, at about twelve o'clock, what were you doing?"

Qin Yali thought for a while, then shook her head: "I don't remember."

Zhou Niannian could see clearly that Qin Yali must have been instructed by her defense lawyer in advance, and tried to avoid answering questions directly.

Li Anming was not angry, he chuckled: "Someone said that you were with Yu Tao, and you gave Yu Tao a sum of money to attack my client."

"I didn't!" Qin Yali retorted without thinking.

"Nothing? Didn't he stay with Yu Tao, didn't give him money, or didn't let him attack my client?" Li Anming pressed on step by step and quickly retorted.

"I didn't give him any money at all!" Qin Yali blurted out.

"That means you are indeed with Yu Tao, right?" Li Anming smiled.

It was only then that Qin Yali realized what she had said. After all, she was young and used to being domineering and domineering at home. She had never experienced such a battle, and she collapsed for a while, covering her face and crying loudly.

"Your Honor, the opposing lawyer is trying to induce my client. I object and apply for a temporary adjournment." Qin Yali's defense lawyer stood up and said.

(End of this chapter)

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