Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 310 I Still Want to Be Like This or That

Chapter 310 I Still Want to Be Like This or That

Li Anming smiled slowly, and looked at the judge in court: "Presiding judge, what I am conducting is the simplest cross-examination of the defendant, and the defendant can completely answer my question."

After discussing with each other, the three judges in the court concluded that the objection was invalid, and Li Anming then interrogated Qin Yali.

Qin Yali's mentality had already collapsed, and she quickly retreated steadily under Li Anming's rigorous questioning of logic, and finally she collapsed and admitted in court that she had indeed conspired with Yu Tao and planned to ambush Zhou Niannian in the cave.

The key point of this case is whether Qin Yali conspired with Yu Tao to hurt Zhou Niannian.

Qin Yali admitted this, so the case naturally wasn't too controversial.

Zhou Niannian and Kyoto University won, while Yu Tao and Qin Yali both lost.

Back at school, the school naturally had to make a disciplinary conclusion on this incident. Soon, a notice was posted in the school, regarding Yu Tao and Qin Yali's attempts to harm others, sabotaging the school's military training report performance, and behavior without a sense of collective honor. He rejected the criticism and announced the expulsion of Yu Tao and Qin Yali at the same time.

The case brought out by the military training report performance finally came to an end.

Yu Tao has been in the hospital and did not show up at school. Qin Yali's mother came to help her pack her things. She had a dark face when she came. After packing up in the dormitory, she gave Zhou Niannian a hard look and hugged her things. gone.

Zhou Niannian didn't bother to talk to her, and called Yue Xiaomeng and Qi Jiayan to Lu's house for dinner.

Li Anming is the main hero in this case. Yang Shutong said that he cleaned up a table of dishes at home, and specially thanked Guan Ping and Li Anming, and asked Zhou Niannian to invite his good classmates.

Zhou Niannian called Yue Xiaomeng and Qi Jiayan, thinking that this time they would also be busy looking for someone to investigate.

Yue Xiaomeng chuckled and scratched his head, "Niannian, I really didn't help much. When Jiayan and I found someone, we found out that Li Chengyu and Chen Shangde had already talked about it."

Only then did Zhou Niannian know that Li Chengyu and Chen Shangde had also gone to someone to investigate, and he also knew that it was Lu Qingfeng's idea.

At the thought of this, a burst of sweetness surged in her heart.

Hearing that they were going to Lu Qingfeng's house for dinner, Yue Xiaomeng joked Zhou Niannian with a smile: "It seems that your future mother-in-law treats you well."

Zhou Niannian chuckled, Yang Shutong really treated her very well.

After following Zhou Niannian all the way into the compound, Yue Xiaomeng never closed his mouth, and quietly pulled Zhou Niannian to ask: "What exactly does Lu Qingfeng's family do? Anyone who can live in this compound is not rich." Is it expensive?"

Zhou Niannian smiled, and pointed to the house behind the Lu family, "That's my home, but unfortunately my parents are still in Xincheng, and the house is also sealed, so I can't take you in to have a look."

Yue Xiaomeng opened his mouth even more when he heard the words, and followed Zhou Niannian in a daze. Seeing Lu Wenhan sitting in the living room reading a newspaper, he shivered in fright, and immediately bowed greatly, "Hello, Principal."

After finishing speaking, she took Zhou Niannian's arm and muttered in a low voice: "Who the hell is Lu Qingfeng's family? They even invited the principal to visit their house."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing with a puff.

Lu Wenhan put down the newspaper and couldn't help being happy when he heard Yue Xiaomeng's words, "I'm not here to be a guest, this is my home."

Is this the headmaster's house?Yue Xiaomeng stared at Zhou Niannian dumbfounded, thinking that he had heard something from heaven.

Zhou Niannian took her hand, "Xiaomeng, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you before, but Lu Qingfeng is actually the son of Principal Lu. I don't want others to think that I got into Kyoto University because of the relationship between the Lu family, so I always You won't blame me for keeping this news from you."

Yue Xiaomeng shook his head blankly, and patted his head, "Lu Qingfeng is the principal's son, then you have become the principal's daughter-in-law? Oh my god, I have become good friends with the principal's daughter-in-law, God, does that mean that I will be able to graduate smoothly?"

Zhou Niannian: "."

Lu Wenhan was amused by her, he pushed his eyes and waved his hands: "Study hard, and graduating smoothly will not be a problem."

Yue Xiaomeng immediately made a bitter face.

On the contrary, Qi Jiayan knew Lu Qingfeng's identity a long time ago, so she was very calm and looked at Yue Xiaomeng with a smile.

"Look at how promising you are, you came to university just to graduate smoothly." There was a burst of laughter from the stairs.

Yue Xiaomeng looked up and saw Lu Qingfeng coming down the stairs, followed by Chen Shangde and Li Chengyu, and it was Li Chengyu who talked and made fun of him.

Because of investigating Qin Yali and Yu Tao's affairs before, they have known each other.

Yue Xiaomeng curled her lips and made a face at Li Chengyu, "What's the matter with me? Have you eaten your food? Drink your water? Do you want meddle in your own business?"

"You..." Li Chengyu was speechless after being refuted.

Lu Qingfeng walked up to Zhou Niannian and directly held her hand, "Your teacher is coming soon, I will accompany you to the door to meet her."

With so many people watching, Zhou Niannian felt a little uncomfortable when his hand was suddenly pulled. He wanted to pull it out, but Lu Qingfeng held it very tightly.

She had no choice but to endure the heat on her face and followed Lu Qingfeng out.

It seems that Lu Qingfeng has been fond of touching her recently.

After leaving the door, before seeing Guan Ping's shadow, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but glared at Lu Qingfeng, "Why are you so messy lately?"

Lu Qingfeng stroked her hand confidently, "You are my fiancee, isn't it normal for me to hold your hand?"

As he said that, he leaned forward slightly, clung to Zhou Niannian's ear, and whispered: "I not only want to hold hands, I also want to."

The warm breath brushed past her ears, Zhou Niannian only felt her ears itchy, subconsciously shrunk her neck, feeling that her ears were burning, she couldn't help being attracted to her, and subconsciously asked: "How about you?" What do you think?"

Lu Qingfeng smiled lowly, his warm breath seemed to have touched her earlobe, "I still want to"

"Cough, cough, cough." Two particularly strong dry coughs sounded from behind.

Zhou Niannian looked up, saw Guan Ping standing in front of him, couldn't help but turn hot, and immediately walked around Lu Qingfeng, "The teacher is here, and Brother Li is here too, come in quickly, you are the only ones missing."

Hearing the dry cough behind him, Lu Qingfeng closed his eyes and his face turned dark.

Why does he have to be sabotaged every time he tries to do or say something.

Guan Ping and Li Anming walked into the house one after another. When passing by Lu Qingfeng, Guan Ping glanced at Lu Qingfeng's darkened face, and greeted Zhou Niannian with a smile: "Niannian, it's cold outside, don't stand outside. Too long."

Lu Qingfeng's face turned darker.

When Guan Ping and Li Anming went in, Zhou Niannian remembered the situation just now, and felt embarrassed to ask Lu Qingfeng what he was thinking, so he wanted to follow Guan Ping in, but Lu Qingfeng grabbed his hand.

"I still want this or that." This sentence was almost squeezed out by Lu Qingfeng through his teeth.

This or that?Which is which?Zhou Niannian was slightly taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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