Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 311 I love you, do you love me?

Chapter 311 I love you, do you love me?

This or that?After all, Zhou Niannian is not a simple girl, what lives in her body is the soul that has lived for decades in previous lives.

As the saying goes, if you have never eaten pork, have you never seen a pig run?

After being taken aback for a moment, she instantly understood what Lu Qingfeng meant by this and that.

The sudden words and the pictures that flashed in her mind immediately made her face turn red instantly.

Looking up at Lu Qingfeng's burning and focused gaze, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but glared at him, "Think about it first."

After all, he quickly turned around and entered the house.

What's the meaning?Let him think first?Lu Qingfeng rubbed his nose. She wasn't angry with him as she imagined, which meant that at least she cared about him, right?
This thought made his boredom disappear in an instant, Lu Qingfeng curled his lips, and walked in behind Zhou Niannian leisurely.

After learning about the relationship between Zhou Niannian, Lu Qingfeng, and the Lu family, and knowing that Zhou Niannian had already worshiped Guan Ping as his teacher, Yue Xiaomeng's expression became much calmer.

I had a very happy meal.

Zhou Niannian said to Li Anming with admiration: "Brother Li, your logical thinking and reaction ability in court are really too strong. You press every step of the way and let your opponent show his flaws. It is really admirable."

Now she finally understands what Guan Ping said, as long as there are clues, it is enough for Li Anming.

It turned out that Li Anming could constantly dig holes in the court through rigorous logical thinking questions, so that his opponents would jump into his holes, thus revealing his flaws.

Li Anming smiled lightly, "Lawyers should have the ability to react quickly and logically, and dig out traps in step-by-step questions. As for whether to jump or not, that's the other party's problem."

Zhou Niannian, Yue Xiaomeng and Chen Shangde, both from the law department, nodded their heads.

Guan Ping put down his chopsticks, and said to Zhou Niannian with a smile: "Niannian, I will organize your case from beginning to end into one case later, and sort out the method used by your big brother Li again, so as to accumulate experience."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help crying: "No, teacher, I'm asked to write a report again, I'm about to vomit."

Guan Ping kept his face unwavering: "It must be written. Your progress is different from other freshmen. You can't follow them to take basic courses. I will assign homework for you in the future."

Zhou Niannian nodded with a look of lovelessness, it seems that she will be with the report soon.

Lu Qingfeng seemed to be in a good mood tonight, picked up a chopstick and put the thorns into Zhou Niannian's bowl, "Eat more fish to nourish your brain."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but cast him a sideways glance, was this a joke?

Lu Qingfeng shook his head with a serious smile, "I'm afraid your brain is too tired, so make up for it in advance."

This was almost the same, Zhou Niannian turned his grief and anger into appetite, and ate all the fish with one chopstick.

The case was over, and Zhou Niannian stepped into a normal life of studying and studying.

The election for the student union of Kyoto University is about to start, and many people are campaigning for it.

Yue Xiaomeng asked Zhou Niannian: "Niannian, do you want to go to the student union to run for a minister or something?"

Zhou Niannian swallowed the food in her mouth, shook her head without hesitation, "I don't want it, I can't even finish the report, how can I have time to go to the student union."

Thinking of the bunch of reports that Guan Ping had arranged for Zhou Niannian, Yue Xiaomeng patted Zhou Niannian sympathetically, "I heard that Wang Hao is going to run for election, hey, I forgot to tell you, I heard that the student union chairman is the most popular The candidate is your Lu Qingfeng."

"Really?" Zhou Niannian was a little surprised, "He's not in school, how could he become the most popular candidate?"

Lu Qingfeng left the capital on the third day after her case ended, saying she was going out for a run to deal with some matters.

Zhou Niannian vaguely knew that he helped others to buy and exchange things, and had grown to a certain scale, so he didn't ask any further questions.

In two years' time, the policy will be changed, and when self-employed businesses are allowed, they will be graduating soon, and then Lu Qingfeng will be able to flex his muscles.

Lu Qingfeng was in a hurry when he left. Before he left, he came to look for her once, only said that he had something to say to her, and left in a hurry.

Yue Xiaomeng shrugged: "Who knows."

Zhou Niannian didn't pay much attention, anyway, Lu Qingfeng will be back in a few days.

About five days later, Lu Qing came back in a hurry. When he came back, Zhou Niannian was reading a book in the small garden next to the school cafeteria.

The weeping willows planted in the garden have grown thin willow leaves, swaying gracefully with the wind.

Zhou Niannian was sitting on the stone bench under the willow tree with her tome in her arms, looking engrossed, when Yue Xiaomeng, who couldn't sit still next to her, bumped her with his arm, "Oh, this is the dormitory and I haven't come back, just Are you in a hurry to find you?"

Zhou Niannian looked up and saw Lu Qingfeng walking towards here in a hurry carrying a luggage bag.

Yue Xiaomeng and Qi Jiayan winked at Zhou Niannian, smiled and left with their books in their arms.

Zhou Niannian stood up, and Lu Qingfeng had already arrived in front of her, "You go back. Mmm."

Before he could say the word "coming", Lu Qingfeng had already dropped his luggage bag and pulled her into his arms.

Zhou Niannian was taken aback for a moment, his nostrils were filled with his clear breath, she pursed her lips, and her first reaction was to look to the left and right like a guilty conscience.

This place is behind the rockery in the garden, and there is a stone tablet in front of it. It automatically forms a secluded small world, and there are very few students who come here on weekdays.

At this moment, the sky is hazy, and there are even fewer people passing by.

Zhou Niannian congratulated herself for a moment, and then realized that she was actually congratulating, and her face turned hot.

Is she also expecting Lu Qingfeng to hug her?

"Didn't you say you had something to say to me that day?" Zhou Niannian patted Lu Qingfeng and withdrew from his arms.

As soon as she finished speaking, she obviously felt that Lu Qingfeng on the opposite side was nervous, and looked at him suspiciously, "What's the matter, tell me quickly."

Lu Qingfeng rubbed his hands, his dark eyes became tense, and he even breathed heavily.

"That. I. That. I passed by Xincheng to see Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou. Their problems have been examined clearly, and the investigation on them has been lifted now. I think they will be able to return to Beijing soon."

"Really?" Zhou Niannian almost jumped up in surprise, "My dad, is my mom really coming back?"

Lu Qingfeng nodded, "If there's nothing unexpected, I'll ask my dad later."

Zhou Niannian agreed, "Yes, yes, ask Uncle Lu."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Lu Qingfeng suspiciously again: "That's not right, you told me that you had something to do when you left, did you know that my parents' investigation was released when you left?"

The corners of Lu Qingfeng's mouth froze instantly.

Zhou Niannian glared at him, "What's the matter, you're still hesitating like this, are you a man? Come on and be quick."

Looking at her clear apricot eyes, Lu Qingfeng couldn't help blurting out the words that he had thought in his heart countless times: "I love you, do you love me?"

 Yes, you read that right, my Brother Lu confessed his love so simply and directly, haha~~
(End of this chapter)

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