Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 315 So You Are Such Lu Qingfeng

Chapter 315 So You Are Such Lu Qingfeng
Having figured it out, Zhou Niannian had breakfast the next day and went to the Department of Enterprise Management to find Lu Qingfeng.

The day before yesterday, she received a letter from Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu, which said that they had applied to return to the city, but they hadn't received an approval yet, and she didn't know when they would be able to return.

She thought about going to Lu's house to ask Lu Wenhan today, to see if she could get some news.

There was no class on Saturday morning, and many people would go to the classroom for self-study. She found the classroom of Class [-] of the Department of Business Administration, but did not see Lu Qingfeng.

Li Chengyu walked over from the corridor with his coat dangling, and when he saw Zhou Niannian, he smiled and said, "Sister-in-law is here."

His voice was loud and clear, and with one sentence, everyone in the classroom focused their attention on Zhou Niannian at the door.

Zhou Niannian blushed with embarrassment, turned around and disappeared at the door, beckoning to Li Chengyu.

Li Chengyu came over, and before he could stand still, Zhou Niannian kicked him, "What did you call me just now?"

Li Chengyu was accidentally kicked on the calf by Zhou Niannian, and immediately jumped up hugging his leg, "Oh, you. How come you have learned to love kicking people like Brother Lu. You really are not a family, and you don't want to enter a family. "

"What did you say?" Zhou Niannian narrowed his eyes and stared at him, "Who told you to call me sister-in-law? Be honest, or I will tell Uncle Li about your failure to study hard at school."

She and Li Chengyu have known each other since childhood, and they didn't feel guilty at all when threatening Li Chengyu.

Li Chengyu betrayed Lu Qingfeng without hesitation, "Of course it's my brother Lu, you two are a fiancée, it's fine if I call you sister-in-law."

There is nothing wrong with it, Zhou Niannian rolled her eyes, she and Lu Qingfeng are fiancée, now the whole school probably knows about it.

"Don't you feel awkward? You're older than me."

Li Chengyu nodded wildly, "It was awkward at first, but Brother Lu said that he is older than me, so I have to call him sister-in-law. I can get used to it when I call him. It's okay for you to listen to it at first. It's okay. Just listen and get used to it."

The corner of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched, and he didn't bother to pay attention to him, "Where did Lu Qingfeng go?"

Li Chengyu saw that she no longer struggled with the question of address, and pointed to the building next to him with a smile, "Student union, you don't know, since my brother Lu became the chairman of this student union, I have been very busy these days, let alone you , I haven’t seen him much these two days.”

It turned out that he was busy with the student union, no wonder he didn't look for him these days, Zhou Niannian waved at Li Chengyu, turned and went to the building next door.

The building next door has only three floors. It is the comprehensive building of the school. The office of the student union and the offices of the upcoming club activities of each department are located in this building.

Lu Qingfeng has been busy with the school's club building work recently. It has been three months since the school started. In order to enrich the students' spare time life, the school requires the student union to complete the club building work before May [-]st.

It is now mid-April, and the student union must plan the organization, management, and funding management of the club in these two days before it can be announced to the whole school.

Lu Qingfeng spent most of his time in the student union office these days. All the cadres of the student union were newly appointed, and it was the first student union. There was no previous experience to learn from, so it was inevitable that the progress of things would be slow.

After staying up for three or four days in a row, Lu Qingfeng became a little irritable.

Bai Yuqing walked over with two documents and handed them to Lu Qingfeng, "Brother Lu, these are the management requirements for dance clubs and music clubs that I drafted. Is there anything that needs to be revised?"

Lu Qingfeng frowned, raised his arm to look at the time, it was 09:30, he decided to go to Zhou Niannian after reading these two documents.

He hadn't seen that girl for five days, and he was thinking a lot.

It was decided that Lu Qingfeng would look down at the document seriously.

Bai Yuqing stood beside him, leaning forward slightly, her fragrant long hair fell down, almost slipping across Lu Qingfeng's face.

Lu Qingfeng frowned, and pointed to the opposite side of the desk: "You stand on the opposite side."

After finishing speaking, he sneezed and looked at Bai Yuqing with an unhappy face, "What kind of scent is this on you? It's too pungent. Talk to me at a distance from now on."

The smile on Bai Yuqing's face froze, and she secretly blamed Lu Qingfeng for being confused.

This is the most popular jasmine-scented perfume in Kyoto right now. She only got a little bit from her classmates in the class, and she is not willing to use it at all on weekdays, but only when she comes to the student union office these few days.

Looking at Lu Qingfeng aggrievedly, "But I want to talk to Brother Lu about what I wrote above."

Lu Qingfeng pointed to the opposite side of the desk, "No, you can stand opposite or go back to your seat. I have eyes, and I can read and recognize characters myself."

When Zhou Niannian walked into the office of the student union, what he happened to hear was the conversation above.

She stood silently for a while, then suppressed the smile on her lips, and called out in a normal voice, "Lu Qingfeng!"

People in the office raised their heads one after another, and when they saw Zhou Niannian standing pretty at the door of the office, gossipy expressions appeared in their eyes unconsciously.

It has long been heard that their chairman and Zhou Niannian from the law department are unmarried couples. In the past few days, Bai Yuqing has been approaching Lu Qingfeng from time to time, always showing a feeling that she and Lu Qingfeng are more familiar than others.

This made the other girls in the student union feel dissatisfied for a long time.

Wang Hao happened to be in the office too, and he greeted Zhou Niannian with a smile, "Squad leader, come to see Brother Lu."

He said to the people in the office: "This is our beautiful class leader Zhou Niannian."

"I know, I know, Zhou Niannian knocked down three boys by himself during the performance report." Someone answered with a smile.

Zhou Niannian: "."

The moment Lu Qingfeng saw Zhou Niannian, his eyes lit up, he pushed away the chair and strode to the door, "Niannian, why are you here? I was going to find you when I was done with work."

Everyone in the office shivered instantly from the stimulation of this gentle voice.

This is their chairman Lu Qingfeng?For the past few days, they were forced to work overtime together to make materials, Lu Qingfeng, who was so stern that he wished they could finish all the materials in one day, and if they couldn't do it well, they would go back and redo it?
The voice just now can be squeezed out of water, so you are such a chairman?
It seems that Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian have a very good relationship.

"Looking for you to go home for dinner." Zhou Niannian whispered to Lu Qingfeng.

When Bai Yuqing heard Zhou Niannian's voice, her face turned away from her and her face froze for a moment, then turned around as if nothing had happened, and smiled softly: "Niannian is here."

Zhou Niannian nodded coldly.

Lu Qingfeng took her hand and came in, "Just sit down for a while, I'll finish changing this information, soon."

He conveniently pulled a chair and placed it in front of his desk, let Zhou Niannian sit in, and handed her his water glass, "Drink some water first, etc."

The members of the student union who were watching felt that they had been violently attacked.

Could it be that the unsmiling Lu Qingfeng they saw these days is a fake?
(End of this chapter)

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