Chapter 316
Lu Qingfeng lowered his head and continued to read the information that Bai Yuqing handed over just now.

Bai Yuqing hesitated for a moment, then returned to her desk.

Sure enough, Lu Qingfeng quickly finished reading the information, marked out the parts that needed to be revised, and put them on Bai Yuqing's desk, "I will make the revisions this afternoon."

Bai Yuqing smiled gently, "Well, okay, Brother Lu, you and Niannian should go home and have dinner."

The familiar look in the words caused some people in the office to speculate on the relationship between the three.

Zhou Niannian nodded slightly, Lu Qingfeng had already pulled her out of the office, "Let's go, go home."

The two left the office, Bai Yuqing thought about it, and quickly chased them out.

"Nian Nian, wait a minute."

Zhou Niannian turned her head with a calm expression: "Is there something wrong?"

Bai Yuqing showed a gentle smile, "Nian Nian, I received a letter from my father and mother. They may be transferred back. Is it true?"

Zhou Niannian looked at Bai Yuqing with a half-smile, "It's my parents, so it shouldn't have anything to do with you, right? You have stated in the newspaper that you have nothing to do with my parents."

Bai Yuqing trembled slightly, as if she was deeply shocked by these words, she bit her lip, looked at Zhou Niannian with teary eyes and cried: "Niannian, I know I was wrong about what happened back then, but I really It's really for the good of my parents, I"

Zhou Niannian was too lazy to watch her act, so she frowned, and mercilessly exposed what Bai Yuqing had done back then, "In order to pass the political review, you published a newspaper claiming that you had nothing to do with my parents. I think that newspaper should be fine." Did you find it?"

"Now that I know my parents are coming back, you have such a face, Bai Yuqing, you make me sick when you look at me like this."

After that, she turned around and pulled Lu Qingfeng away.

Bai Yuqing stood where she was, looking at the two walking away hand in hand, her eyes gradually became clouded.

"Student Yuqing, so you know Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng very well?" A girl walked up the corridor and looked at Bai Yuqing curiously.

"What did they tell you just now? Did they bully you? Why are you crying?"

Bai Yuqing recognized this girl from the acting department, her name was Zhu Qiaoyun, and this time she also joined the student union as the deputy head of the propaganda department of the student union.

She smiled softly, shook her head, with a sad expression on her face, "No, I did something wrong back then, and it's also right for her not to forgive me."

There is a story, Zhu Qiaoyun rolled her eyes, and pulled Bai Yuqing, "There are many people in the office, let's go, I will accompany you out to relax, let's go out and talk, maybe you can feel better."

After all, he dragged the two of them downstairs.

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng returned to Lu's house and asked about Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu's return to the city.

Lu Wenhan sighed, "I've been inquiring about this news for the past few days, and I've gone to the Return City Work Allocation Office two or three times, and the news I got is not easy to handle."

"Now the policy is gradually loosening, and many people have to be recalled to Kyoto. There are too many people, and they have to be arranged in batches. The people in the work dispatching office of returning to the city said that they prioritize the long time in the countryside, and the investigation of historical issues is very clear. People come back."

"Your parents have just released the investigation. It may not be easy to return to the capital."

As Lu Wenhan said, his brows were furrowed, obviously he didn't look optimistic about this matter.

Zhou Niannian was a little disappointed, her parents finally dismissed the investigation, she thought she would be reunited with her parents soon.

Unexpectedly, the parents will not be able to come back in a short time.

The only gratification is that the investigation of the parents' problem has been clarified. There is no need to suffer too much in Xincheng. The two older brothers can also sign up for the college entrance examination this year, and they will not be affected again.

Seeing her sullen expression, Lu Qingfeng held her hand to comfort her: "Don't worry, he will always come back, and my dad will also keep an eye on this matter."

His only regret now is that his strength is still too weak to affect this matter.

Zhou Niannian smiled and shook her head, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Lu Qingfeng's lips moved, only then did he realize that Zhou Niannian's attitude towards him today was different from a few days ago.

When I first confessed my love to her, she always treated me very strangely in the past two days, her temper would come when she said it, and she felt a little weird.

Zhou Niannian is much more natural today.

He wanted to ask Zhou Niannian if he had figured it out, but he was afraid of getting a negative answer. Besides, Zhou Niannian was depressed now, so it was not the time to ask.

Lu Qingfeng's lips moved, thinking of what Tian Guangqi said, he thought it was better to pursue Zhou Niannian for a while before asking.

He got up and went upstairs, found A Liang in Zhou Niannian's room, looked at A Liang threateningly: "Hey, Nian Nian is in a bad mood, go down and coax her, make her happy, do you hear me?"

Ah Liang rolled her eyes, "I'm not her pet, okay?"

Lu Qingfeng couldn't understand what Ah Liang said, but judging from its expression, he probably guessed that it was not happy. He squinted his eyes, picked up Ah Liang's feet, and lifted it down, "You It’s best to be sensible, otherwise I’ll expose you to eating my mother’s beautifying honey and drinking my father’s medicinal wine to see if you can still live here.”

Damn, you actually threatened Master Bird?Ah Liang stared at Lu Qingfeng sadly and angrily, and snorted, forget it, the bird was under the eaves, so she had to bow her head.

Lu Qingfeng carried Ah Liang all the way downstairs, and put it on the table in front of Zhou Niannian, "Niannian, look at what's wrong with Ah Liang, she doesn't seem happy."

"Ah Liang is unhappy?"

"Who messed with Ah Liang?"

Two concerned voices rang out at the same time, Yang Shutong came out from the kitchen, Lu Wenhan sat up from the sofa, and rushed over.

Lu Qingfeng: "."

Why does a bird receive more attention in his house than his son, so angry!
Both Lu Wenhan and Yang Shutong love this beautiful and human bird raised by Zhou Niannian, especially Yang Shutong, who makes something to feed Ah Liang herself every day.

Ah Liang glanced at Lu Qingfeng proudly, but when Zhou Niannian approached her eyes, a layer of sadness quickly appeared in her eyes. The fast Lu Qingfeng was dumbfounded, thinking that Ah Liang would really be a major player in the acting world if she didn't go to the acting world. loss.

"What's wrong with Ah Liang?" Zhou Niannian's attention was indeed attracted, she leaned over to Ah Liang, and poked Ah Liang's head with concern.

Ah Liang looked at it sadly, "I'm so lonely, I'm so lonely. Since I came here, I've been at home every day, and I haven't gone out for a stroll. I want to go shopping."

Zhou Niannian was immediately amused by its resentful tone, and the previous loss and boredom were swept away.

"Okay, I'll take you out for a walk tomorrow." Thinking that she hadn't gone out for a long time since she returned to Kyoto, Zhou Niannian patted Ah Liang on the head.

Ah Liang's eyes lit up, she swept away the previous sadness, and looked at Lu Qingfeng proudly, "You are not allowed to take Lu Qingfeng with you, I won't go shopping with him, a straight man with iron blood, it's no fun at all."

Zhou Niannian: "."

If Lu Qingfeng knew Ah Liang's evaluation of him, would he really tell her to drive him out of the Lu family?
 Yes, the plot needs it, I still have to let the white drama come out and dance for a while, I hope everyone will be patient, haha!I'm going to run outside for a day today, and the third watch will be after [-]:[-] pm.

(End of this chapter)

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