Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 317 Meeting Cao Haiyun

Chapter 317 Meeting Cao Haiyun

Lu Qingfeng was very concerned about Zhou Niannian taking Ah Liang out for a stroll instead of himself, so he closed the door and communicated with Ah Liang for 10 minutes, and when he came out he left with a sullen face.

Zhou Niannian was very curious, he couldn't understand Ah Liang's words at all, what is the communication between one person and one bird.

She asked Ah Liang, and Ah Liang said aggrievedly, "He threatened me."

"What reason do you have in his hands to make others threaten you?"

Ah Liang hehe, after a long while, he whispered: "I was curious, so I quietly borrowed some honey from Aunt Lu's beauty, and Uncle Lu's medicinal wine to taste. Really, I just borrowed a little bit."

Zhou Niannian: "."

You are really thick-skinned, are you sure it's borrowing, not stealing?
Ah Liang understood what she meant, and jumped a little annoyed: "It's really only a little bit, and he still wants to threaten me with this matter, hmph, I won't follow his tricks."

Zhou Niannian was speechless, too lazy to pay attention to the grievances between them.

Because he promised to take Ah Liang out for a stroll, Zhou Niannian specially chose a Sunday and called Qi Jiayan and Yue Xiaomeng together.

"Where shall we go for a stroll?" Neither Yue Xiaomeng nor Qi Jiayan were from Kyoto, and both of them were faintly excited.

Zhou Niannian thought about it, in fact, it is the best choice for girls to go shopping and eat, but in this day and age, you can only go shopping in department stores, and you can only eat in state-run restaurants, which is really a lot of fun.

"Why don't you take you to the Tianqiao area, it's more lively, there are jugglers, storytellers, temples, theaters, etc."

Yue Xiaomeng and Qi Jiayan readily agreed.

Ah Liang also flew around the three girls excitedly, and landed on Zhou Niannian again, "This is fun, let me experience the smell of fireworks in the world."

"Nian Nian, this bird you raised is really beautiful." Yue Xiaomeng looked at A Liang Zhuan with great interest, "I really want to have such a pet."

Ah Liang proudly raised her neck, and snorted disdainfully: "Master Bird, I am not a pet, this is the only one, there is no semicolon."

Zhou Niannian was very speechless about its arrogance and smelly fart, and put her arms around Yue Xiaomeng's shoulders, "Let's go, go to the Tianqiao for a stroll, there are all kinds of good things there, maybe I can find a pet for you."

The three girls took the bus to the Tianqiao area.

As soon as you get out of the car, you can feel the lively atmosphere.

For Zhou Niannian, Tianqiao has a lot of her memories.

When I was young, the policy was not so strict at that time, and Tianqiao can be said to be a place where she and the children in the compound often came to play.

She always came with her two brothers and Lu Qingfeng and the others.

Five elements and eight works, all kinds of juggling and eating, row upon row of sheds, juggling with drums and drums, and bustling downtown, this place is always very lively.

Even though there are no many peddlers due to the current policy, there are still theater troupes and juggling troupes performing here, and naturally there are many restaurants selling snacks.

Yue Xiaomeng rushed into the crowd in surprise, swayed around and rushed back to pull Zhou Niannian and asked, "Isn't it called Tianqiao? Why didn't you see the bridge?"

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing, "This is where the emperor used to go to worship the sky. There was indeed a bridge built before, so it was called the Tianqiao, but the bridge was demolished later."

Yue Xiaomeng let out a cry, and excitedly dragged Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan inside, "Come on, let's watch the juggling first, and then go to the opera, shall we?"

Zhou Niannian naturally had no objection, as for Ah Liang, she had already rushed into the crowd excitedly.

The three girls watched juggling and listened to the play lively, and it was already noon when they came out.

"I don't know where Ah Liang went for a stroll," Zhou Niannian looked around, but he didn't see Ah Liang's shadow, so he dragged Yue Xiaomeng and Qi Jiayan to eat first.

After ordering a few famous snacks from Tianqiao in my memory, the three girls didn't want to leave the way they ate.

"It's really delicious," Yue Xiaomeng asked Zhou Niannian, holding his stomach, "Where shall we go next?"

Qi Jiayan hiccupped with her mouth half-covered, "Let's find a quiet place, I'll doze off when I'm full."

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, "Why don't we go to Wanming Road at the back, I remember there is a bookstore there, we can sit in there and read a book to rest for a while, when you feel refreshed, let's go to a movie, how about it?"

Neither Qi Jiayan nor Yue Xiaomeng had any objections, and followed Zhou Niannian to find the bookstore she mentioned.

"Fortunately, Nian Nian is a native of Kyoto. This place is so remote, and it wasn't you who took it with us. We really couldn't find such a quiet place." Qi Jiayan sighed.

Just after lunch, there were very few people in the store.

The three of them chose their favorite books and read them.

About half an hour later, there was a faint noise outside, and there was a faint voice for help.

Zhou Niannian frowned and stood up.

The clerk standing at the door poked his probe out and curled his lips, "There is a family next door, and the woman doesn't come back often. Whenever she comes back, the couple will fight, and the man beats the child."

"It's noisy every week. It's so noisy that my bookstore can't be quiet. It's really annoying."

"Damn it, give me back the child, give me back the child." A shrill female voice came, accompanied by the heart-piercing cry of the child.

The restless Yue Xiaomeng ran to the door and poked his head, exclaimed: "Oh my God, Niannian, it's Cao Haiyun."

Zhou Niannian walked to the door and looked out, and saw a woman with disheveled hair entangled with a man at the door of a house on the right side of the bookstore. The man was holding a three or four-year-old little girl in his arms, crying loudly.

The man seemed a little angry, and slapped the woman with his backhand. The woman was turned around by the slap, and she met Zhou Niannian's eyes.

It was really Cao Haiyun.

She gave Zhou Niannian a cold look, then turned her head and hugged the man's arm, "Zhang Dahai, return the child to me, she is still so young, she needs to go to school."

The man kicked over, "Little girl, what kind of book are you reading? If you dare to yell again, I've been playing lightly these two days, haven't you?"

Cao Haiyun was kicked to the ground, but he gritted his teeth and hugged Zhang Dahai's thigh tightly, refusing to let go: "Unless you beat me to death, I will never let you send Niuniu to the juggling troupe. "

"Smelly bitch, dare to challenge me, I think you are really tired of work." Zhang Dahai was angry, and slapped Niu Niu who was crying in his arms, "Do you let go, don't let go Let me kill the little bastard first."

Niuniu was slapped and cried even worse. Cao Haiyun bit her lip when she saw the child crying, "Zhang Dahai, you are not human!"

Zhang Dahai snorted coldly, seeing that Cao Haiyun would not let go, he raised his hand again, but the slap did not hit Niu Niu, and was stopped by a slender arm in midair.

(End of this chapter)

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