Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 318 Will You Say Human Chapter?

Chapter 318 Can you speak human language?

Zhang Dahai turned his head viciously, and met a pair of clear and clear apricot eyes. The owner of the eyes looked at him coldly, "What kind of man is he who bullies women and children?"

"Who are you, dare to meddle in my affairs?" Zhang Dahai struggled hard, but was surprised to find that he couldn't break free from Zhou Niannian's grip at all, and couldn't help saying angrily, "Bitch, let me go!" , this is my family's business, you mind your own business."

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Niannian had already let go of his arm, and slapped him backhand, "Can you speak human language? Shut up if you can't speak human language."

Zhang Dahai was stunned by the slap, his face twisted in anger, and he kicked Zhou Niannian.

As early as Zhou Niannian was holding Zhang Dahai's arm, Qi Jiayan and Yue Xiaomeng had already stepped forward to help Cao Haiyun up.

Seeing Zhang Dahai kicking over, Cao Haiyun immediately pulled Zhou Niannian to block Zhou Niannian, and Zhang Dahai almost kicked him to the ground.

"Zhang Dahai, beat me to death if you have the guts, they are my classmates, don't beat them." She hugged Zhang Dahai's leg, gritted her teeth and stared at him.

"I said where did you meddle in other people's business, so you called a helper, Cao Haiyun, you've become more courageous, see how I deal with you." Zhang Dahai pinched Niuniu with one hand, and slapped Cao Haiyun with the other.

Of course the slap didn't go down, and was blocked by Zhou Niannian again, this time Zhou Niannian was not polite to him, and with all his strength, he directly took off one of his arms.

Zhang Dahai only felt a sharp pain in his arm, and then the whole arm drooped down. He screamed, "Hey, bitch, if you dare to take my arm off, I will fight you."

Zhou Niannian had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his whole body exuded a bitter chill. He stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Dahai's arm holding Niu Niu. With a lot of strength, Zhang Dahai screamed again and let go of Niu Niu.

She stretched out her hand to catch the crying Niuniu, and handed it to Cao Haiyun.

"Mom! Mom!" As soon as Niuniu got into her mother's arms, she immediately put her arms around Cao Haiyun's neck and burst into tears.

Cao Haiyun hugged the child tightly, tears kept falling down, making people's eyes sour.

Both of Zhang Dahai's arms were taken off by Zhou Niannian. Seeing that the situation was not good, he glared at Zhou Niannian viciously, his dead fish eyes almost popping out, "Wait, I won't stop here, Cao Haiyun , and you, if you dare to join forces with outsiders to beat me, I will not let you go."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and ran towards the end of the alley with his arms drooping.

Zhou Niannian turned around and saw that Cao Haiyun was so busy crying with the child in his arms that he couldn't breathe, sighed silently, and stepped forward to persuade Cao Haiyun: "Go home and give the child some water, let her relax. Take it easy."

Cao Haiyun wiped away his tears, came to his senses, and glanced at Zhou Niannian with a complicated expression, "Zhou Niannian, thank you for what happened today, you"

She bit her lips, "Hurry up and go, Zhang Dahai will definitely call someone over, you are all girls, you are too disadvantaged here."

Zhou Niannian frowned, "Then why don't you and the child leave?"

Yue Xiaomeng was straightforward and asked, "Yeah, since he went to call someone, what are you still doing here, hurry up and run away with the child."

Cao Haiyun patted Niu Niu's back lightly, giving her comfort, and then smiled wryly: "Where can I go, take this child, as long as I take the child away, Zhang Dahai will report the crime, I"

She said, tears falling down again.

Qi Jiayan pointed to Niu Niu who was hiccupping because of crying, "You go home first and feed the child some water."

Seeing that her daughter was breathing more and more anxiously, Cao Haiyun didn't care about talking at the moment, and hurriedly carried the child into the yard behind her.

Zhou Niannian, Yue Xiaomeng and Qi Jiayan looked at each other, Yue Xiaomeng whispered: "Isn't it good for us to go this way? After all, it's a dormitory."

Zhou Niannian nodded. Although she was not familiar with Cao Haiyun, she had no holidays with her on weekdays. Zhou Niannian really couldn't do it while watching her being bullied.

Furthermore, she worked as a teacher in a mountain village for so many years in her previous life, and was with children all day long. In her heart, every child is an angel sent from heaven to the world.

Zhou Niannian was annoyed that Zhang Dahai treated his daughter like this.

She whispered a few words to Yue Xiaomeng, Yue Xiaomeng nodded knowingly, then turned to go in the opposite direction.

She dragged Qi Jiayan into the courtyard.

Cao Haiyun entered the room and took a bowl to feed his daughter two sips of water, then patted her on the back lightly, coaxing her in a low voice: "Niuniu, don't be afraid, mom is here, mom will protect you."

After repeating this four or five times, Niuniu's mood gradually stabilized. After being frightened and crying for so long, she fell asleep next to her mother's shoulder exhaustedly.

"Put the child on the bed and let her sleep comfortably." A faint voice sounded from behind.

Cao Haiyun was stunned for a moment, turned around and saw Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan were still there, his expression changed, "Why are you still here, hurry up, Zhang Dahai will bring someone here later, it will be too late if you want to leave."

"After all, you are in a dormitory. How can we see you being bullied by others? I have asked Xiaomeng to report the crime. Don't worry." Zhou Niannian smiled lightly, trying to find a place to sit down, and looked at the dirty and messy room. There was also a faint sour smell, his eyes flickered, and he simply stood still.

Cao Haiyun noticed her expression, she looked a little helpless, she wanted to put the child down, but the child was frightened and hugged her neck tightly and did not let go.

She had no choice but to hug the child tightly, pointed to the stool at the door, and said in a low voice: "Let's sit and talk in the yard, today's matter, thank you very much."

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan moved the chairs and placed them in the yard. The yard was very small, and it could be seen that it was a big yard with the neighbor next door, separated by brick walls into two small yards.

Cao Haiyun sat on the threshold with the child in his arms, smoothed his messy hair, revealing the livid face and swollen eyes.

Zhou Niannian frowned, "Does Zhang Dahai beat you often?"

Cao Haiyun paused as he stroked his hair, let his hair down again, covered the wound at the corner of his eye, and sighed, "In the two years when I first married him, he treated me well. He got into the bad habit of gambling, and he lost all the money in the family, so he forced me to give him money, and if he didn't pay him, he beat me."

As she spoke, her voice became smaller and smaller, and her sadness could not be concealed.

"He beat you, and you still lived with him?" Qi Jiayan looked at Cao Haiyun with a complicated expression, saw the shadow of her mother in Cao Haiyun, and couldn't help showing a touch of indignation when she spoke.

Cao Haiyun pursed her lips and was about to say something when she suddenly heard chaotic footsteps outside and Zhang Dahai's shout: "The door is still open, they must not have gone far."

Cao Haiyun stood up in a panic, his face was pale, "It's not good, Zhang Dahai is here, you go away."

 I am short of 7 monthly tickets, and I can get the honor of 100 monthly tickets. Friends who have monthly tickets, please help me make an honor, hee hee~ Thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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