Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 319 This Woman Is So Cruel

Chapter 319 This Woman Is So Cruel
Zhou Niannian sat on the chair and didn't move. Yue Xiaomeng has already gone to report the crime, and the people from the investigation office will arrive soon, so she just needs to wait a little longer.

"Jiayan, help take care of some of the children."

Qi Jiayan understood, got up and stood in front of Cao Haiyun.

Cao Haiyun looked at Zhou Niannian nervously, "Zhou Niannian, listen to me, all Zhang Dahai knows are people of the third class, don't force yourself with him, you will suffer, you guys go away."

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, and asked Cao Haiyun solemnly, "Do you still want to live with him when he hits you like this? You won't feel bad if I beat him later, right?"

Cao Haiyun was stunned for a moment, gritted his teeth and shook his head, "I don't want to be with him for a long time, and I feel sorry for him? How is that possible?"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Niannian realized the meaning of Zhou Niannian's words, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Zhou Niannian in disbelief, "How could you beat Zhang Dahai?"

Zhou Niannian was relieved, as long as Cao Haiyun was clear about it, she didn't want to help and be beaten up in the end.

"You'll know if you can beat it or not."

As soon as her words fell, Zhang Dahai's figure appeared at the door. Seeing Zhou Niannian, he froze for a moment, as if he didn't expect Zhou Niannian and the others to stay.

"It's them, Team Leader Li, it's this bitch who stopped me from sending the child there." He pointed at Zhou Niannian viciously, and spat on the ground.

Zhou Niannian sneered, "Oh, I didn't expect to connect the arm so quickly. It seems that the attack was too light just now. I should have hit you with a comminuted fracture."

Thinking of Zhou Niannian's ruthlessness in removing his arms just now, Zhang Dahai's arms shook subconsciously.

Behind him came a middle-aged man with a pointed chin and a thin face. He wore a round hat and a walnut in his hand. Stop our Li family class from accepting apprentices?"

Zhou Niannian frowned, intuiting that Team Leader Li made people feel very uncomfortable.

"You have to be willing to accept apprentices, or do you like to force apprentices because your class has different requirements for accepting apprentices?"

Leader Li's face suddenly darkened, and the walnut plate in his hand became louder, "It's not up to you to talk about why our Li family class accepts apprentices. I think you guys are still pretty, why don't you follow into our Li family together?" Ben, I promise to let you enjoy delicious food and drink spicy food, how about it?"

The thugs who followed him let out a burst of laughter, the wicked laughter made Zhou Niannian feel a little sick.

"Master, why are you talking nonsense with them? Just take them all back to the class and let the master train them for a few days, and there is nothing to keep them."

"Yes, Master, rest next to you, let us come and keep it for a while before the battle ends."

Hearing this, Zhang Dahai moved to the side, and even dragged a chair over, wiped it, and smiled shyly: "Leader, sit down."

Leader Li pretended to sit down.

Zhang Dahai rolled up his sleeves proudly and stared at Zhou Niannian, "If you are sensible, follow Team Leader Li, otherwise, you will have good fruit to eat."

Cao Haiyun hugged Niuniu tightly, her face was pale, her lips were bleeding from biting, "Zhang Dahai, this is our family's business, don't bring outsiders in, let Zhou Niannian and the others leave, I'll make a break with you."

Zhang Dahai spat on the ground, "Girls who want to toast and don't eat fine wine, now they want to leave, but it's too late, I tell you, the person Leader Li likes won't leave."

"Haha, that's a good point!" Leader Li gave Zhang Dahai an approving look.

Zhou Niannian winked and asked Qi Jiayan to take Cao Haiyun back.

She herself walked towards class leader Li with a smile, "That's quite interesting, I wonder if we are going to Li's class, what kind of kung fu can the class leader teach us?"

Leader Li saw that her face was gentle, and there seemed to be a trace of fear in her eyes, so she couldn't help raising her legs cheerfully, "I can call you a lot, for example."

"For example, if you capture the thief, you must first capture the king." Before he finished speaking, Zhou Niannian raised his foot and kicked Team Leader Li's heart with lightning speed.

Leader Li might as well let her make a sudden attack, he just felt a huge force hit him, his whole body instantly flew up, and then fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassing posture.

A sharp pain hit his lumbar spine in an instant, and then he felt a fishy sweetness in his throat, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and before he could react, a foot stepped on his chest.

As soon as that foot stepped on it, he suddenly felt that his internal organs were about to be displaced, and the pain made him break out in a cold sweat.

All of this happened in an instant, the thugs brought by Team Leader Li and Zhang Dahai were only a blink of an eye, and Zhou Niannian had already stepped on his feet.

The cold-eyed girl stepped on Leader Li's chest with one foot, and Leader Li's arm with the other foot, but she stood very steadily, looking at the five or six thugs with a half-smile, "If you are sensible, you'd better not Come here, or I won't guarantee that your arms and internal organs will be intact."

"I'm telling you that I was in a good mood when I took off Zhang Dahai's arms just now, but now I'm not in a good mood. It's not as simple as taking off my arms."

Leader Li gulped down the blood that reached his throat and swallowed it back. He never expected that he would be trampled on in the blink of an eye.

Just now Zhang Dahai ran crying and said that a woman had taken off his arms. He also made fun of Zhang Dahai for being too cowardly to beat a woman.

When he got to his place, he was beaten until he vomited blood before he even had a chance to fight. Where did this woman come from? She was so cruel.

"Don't, don't come here, don't come here." Leader Li glared at his subordinates.

The thugs stood still and did not dare to move.

Seeing this, Zhang Dahai sneaked into the yard, since he is not from Li's class, he naturally would not care about Li's life or death.

All he could think about was to snatch Niuniu from Cao Haiyun's arms and sell the little girl to pay off his gambling debts.

Zhou Niannian noticed Zhang Dahai's behavior and kicked hard, "Leader Li, it seems that someone doesn't take you seriously."

Leader Li let out a scream, and glared at Zhang Dahai fiercely, "Zhang Dahai, I'm going to fuck you, sir, please stop and don't move."

After finishing speaking, he yelled at his subordinates, "Why are you still standing there, hold Zhang Dahai quickly, he wants to kill me."

When Zhou Niannian stepped on it just now, he felt that his arm was going to be useless.

Several thugs stepped forward and quickly held Zhang Dahai down. In order to show off, one of the thugs even kicked Zhang Dahai and knocked him to the ground.

"Leader Li, can we discuss the matter of recruiting apprentices now?" Zhou Niannian looked at Leader Li with a half-smile.

Leader Li nodded fawningly: "We are easy to discuss, easy to discuss."

As soon as the words fell, footsteps sounded outside, accompanied by Yue Xiaomeng's panting voice, "Nian Nian, the comrades from the investigation office are here, I am."

(End of this chapter)

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