Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 320 Meeting an Old Acquaintance

Chapter 320 Meeting an Old Acquaintance

Yue Xiaomeng rushed into the yard sweating profusely, and when he saw the situation in the yard, his voice stopped abruptly.

A group of comrades from the investigation institute in uniform who rushed in behind were all dumbfounded.

What's happening here?
There were three girls in the yard, one of them was holding the child in panic, and the other stood in front of her with a sullen face.

A slender girl stood in the middle of the yard. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the girl, making her look particularly gentle, er, if one ignored the person under her feet.

On the left side of the gate, five or six men held down a black-faced man.

The girl who stepped on people looked at the person who rushed in, and clapped her hands with some regret, "I'm sorry, Leader Li, it seems that you can only talk to the people from the investigation office."

When the man who led the rush in looked at Zhou Niannian, surprise flashed across his eyes, "Comrade Zhou Zhou? I didn't expect to meet you here again."

Zhou Niannian turned his head, looked at the standard Chinese character face, blinked, and recognized the person, "Are you Comrade Li Dongxing? Have you come to Kyoto too?"

Li Dongxing put away the equipment in his hand with a smile, and nodded: "Well, I just transferred to Kyoto from Nancheng earlier this month, and I'm at the investigation office near Tianqiao."

"I thought I was unfamiliar with the place when I came to Kyoto, but I didn't expect to meet Comrade Zhou. It is really destined. However, I hope that the next time we meet will not be like this fate."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but laugh.

The winter before last year, when she and Qi Jiayan passed through Nancheng on a business trip, the Qi family stole their ham sausage and sold it on the black market. At that time, it was Li Dongxing who led people to help track it down for two days.

Today she helped Cao Haiyun fight, but unexpectedly met Li Dongxing again.

Leader Li, who was being stepped on by Zhou Niannian, heard this, and almost spat out another mouthful of blood. He is still being stepped on, okay?

Can you stop patronizing the chat?

"Comrade, comrade help me, this woman is so cruel, she will hit me as soon as she comes up." He looked at Li Dongxing pleadingly.

Li Dongxing put away the smile on his face and waved his hand, "Howl, what's going on, go back to the office and talk."

Zhou Niannian withdrew his foot, the people brought by Li Dongxing immediately stepped forward and detained Leader Li, and the thugs he brought also squatted obediently on the ground.

Leader Li complained, "Comrade, it's really none of my business. Our Li's class is just accepting an apprentice. Look, why did this matter get so big?"

"Or we won't accept this apprentice. Comrade, you can let us go back. You can ask Zhang Dahai for specific matters."

After finishing speaking, he cast a glance at Zhang Dahai, "Don't you think so, Dahai?"

Zhang Dahai nodded his head, "That's right, comrade, just ask me if you have anything to say, it's none of Li's business, it's because this woman is so vicious, she beats people indiscriminately."

Li Dongxing said with a stern face, "What's going on, I'll go to the office to take notes, and ask you what to say before you say anything."

After all, with a wave of his hand, the comrades of the investigation office immediately escorted Leader Li, Zhang Dahai and others out.

Li Dongxing looked at Zhou Niannian, "Comrade Zhou, according to the rules, you"

Zhou Niannian smiled and nodded, "I understand, we will go back with you to make notes."

Li Dongxing breathed a sigh of relief and made a gesture of please.

Zhou Niannian glanced at Cao Haiyun, Cao Haiyun understood, and walked up to her with the child in his arms.

"If you want to get rid of that Zhang Dahai completely, seize this opportunity. This Officer Li is an upright person. I have dealt with her before."

Cao Haiyun pursed his lips and nodded heavily.

A group of people followed Li Dongxing to the direction of the investigation office.

Yue Xiaomeng held Zhou Niannian's arm and muttered, "What's this called? I went out to play and even went to the investigation station."

Zhou Niannian said with a smile: "Good sisters, shouldn't they go to the same window together, carry guns together, share adversity together, and share life together. Uh, the latter sentence seems inappropriate."

Yue Xiaomeng stared at Zhou Niannian dumbfounded, as if saying that you are Niannian like this.

Qi Jiayan patted Yue Xiaomeng's shoulder with a broken smile, "Where are we now? With Niannian, life will always have surprises. You are just making a record, and she and I have also killed a bad guy together. "

"Really? Really?" Yue Xiaomeng pulled Qi Jiayan in amazement, "Tell me about it, I regret that I didn't get to know you earlier, and I feel like I missed a lot of wonderful things."

As he spoke, he arrived at the investigation station, Zhou Niannian blinked, "Yue Xiaomeng, the investigation station is so close, can you tell me why it took you so long to call the police comrades?"

Yue Xiaomeng smiled, scratched his head, and shrunk his neck, "Nian Nian, I lost my way."

Zhou Niannian: "."

Well, it is not easy for Yue Xiaomeng to find the investigation office in the winding alley here on the Tianqiao.

Cao Haiyun at the side listened to the joking conversation of the three, a look of envy flashed in his eyes, and his head drooped even lower.

After entering the investigation station, Niu Niu hadn't woken up yet, so Li Dongxing called a lesbian and took Niu Niu to the lounge to sleep.

Everyone entered the interrogation room together to take notes.

Only then did Zhou Niannian know about Cao Haiyun's past.

She went to the countryside as soon as she graduated from high school. When she first arrived in the countryside, she was very uncomfortable with the life in the countryside, and she couldn't do the work in the countryside, so she suffered a lot.

Fortunately, she was not stupid, so she gritted her teeth and persevered, but she persisted slowly. At first, she held the hope of returning to the city and did not look for a partner in the countryside.

But as she got older, the day-to-day work gradually wore away her enthusiasm, and the educated youths who went to the countryside together gradually got married and had children in the countryside. At the age of 22, she became an old girl.

It was at this time that Zhang Dahai proposed to marry her. During the years she lived in the country, Zhang Dahai often helped her with work, and when she didn't earn enough work points, Zhang Dahai often helped her earn.

She had a good impression of Zhang Dahai. Zhang Dahai proposed marriage, and she agreed after thinking about it.

In the first two years after marriage, the couple lived in harmony. Apart from Zhang Dahai's love of drinking, he had a bout of drunken madness after drinking, and had no other problems.

In the second year after marriage, she gave birth to her daughter, Niuniu, who had dystocia and hemorrhage during childbirth. The doctor said that it would be difficult for her to get pregnant again in the future.

Zhang Dahai was very disappointed when he heard this. He wanted a son wholeheartedly. Cao Haiyun couldn't have one, so he felt that the family's incense would be cut off in his own generation.

This made Zhang Dahai very depressed and unwilling to work anymore. In his words, there is only one girl, no matter how much she earns, no one will pass on the incense, so what's the use.

Gradually, Zhang Dahai became more and more addicted to alcohol. When he was drunk, he would beat Cao Haiyun when he thought of things that could not happen to him. Later, he also became addicted to gambling and almost lost all his family fortune.

Cao Haiyun persuaded him many times, and he vowed to change every time, but the next day he couldn't resist the temptation and went to gamble again.

(End of this chapter)

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