Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 321 Where did the bird come from?

Chapter 321
Cao Haiyun became more and more disappointed when Zhang Dahai swore again and again, and repeated his old ways again and again.

The news of the resumption of the college entrance examination rekindled her hope.

She wanted to take the opportunity of resuming the college entrance examination to go back to the city and fight for a good learning environment for her daughter. Cao Haiyun persuaded Zhang Dahai to sign up for the college entrance examination with herself.

Zhang Dahai was not good at studying, so Cao Haiyun asked him to choose a technical secondary school, thinking about learning a skill.

When Zhang Dahai first signed up, he also vowed to study hard with him, but within two days of reading, he couldn't control himself and went out when the friends in the village yelled.

Cao Haiyun took care of him several times but was beaten by him, and then he simply ignored him.

During the college entrance examination, Zhang Dahai was called to the casino without even entering the examination room.

After the results came out, Cao Haiyun was admitted to Kyoto University, which caused a great sensation in the village. People in the village said behind their backs that Cao Haiyun would definitely not want Zhang Dahai again.

For this reason, Zhang Dahai beat Cao Haiyun frequently, and even threatened Cao Haiyun that if he dared to divorce him, he would beat Niuniu to death.

If Cao Haiyun hadn't been careful, Zhang Dahai would have torn up her university admission letter.

When he came to the capital to report for duty, Zhang Dahai had to follow him, and Cao Haiyun was reluctant to give up on Niu Niu, so he rented a small yard in a small alley behind the overpass with the family's only savings.

She attends school on weekdays and comes back here to see her children on weekends.

Unexpectedly, not long after Zhang Dahai came to Beijing, he sneaked into the casino again. This time he almost lost his pants, so someone urged him to borrow money from the leader of the Li family class.

I thought I could make money by borrowing money, but who knew that the more I lost, the more money I borrowed.

When the day came and he couldn't repay the debt, Team Leader Li suggested that Zhang Dahai should use Niuniu to pay off the debt.

Zhang Dahai agreed without much hesitation. Anyway, Niuniu could learn to juggle for a living after entering Li's class, so he signed the contract, and when he was about to send Niuniu there, Cao Haiyun refused to agree.

So there was the scene that Zhou Niannian and the others saw at the beginning today.

Things were not very complicated, and the statement was recorded very quickly.

Squad leader Li sat back on the chair, smiled and said to Li Dongxing: "Comrade, our Li family's troupe is a serious juggling troupe, but we just looked at Zhang Dahai's pity, so I lent him some money, and he signed the IOU seriously."

"Besides, he is willing to use his daughter to pay off the debt. I haven't broken any law, right? Can you let me go?"

Li Dongxing frowned, "Do you think it's the old society now? Who gave you the guts to repay debts with people? You are illegally buying and selling people, you know?"

Leader Li's expression changed, and he said with a bitter face: "Comrade, Zhang Dahai really agreed to send his daughter to pay off the debt. I have the paper signed by him. Don't care about my business. I'm just a well-behaved juggler." The head of the team."

"Comrade, let me go. There are still a lot of things in the team, and they are all pointing at me to eat."

Li Dongxing patted the table and signaled him to be quiet, "You said you have a document signed by Dahai, where is the document?"

Leader Li thought for a while, "It's in the team, comrade. If you don't believe me, you can find someone to follow me to get it from the team. It's close anyway, and I'll be back in a while."

Li Dongxing beckoned a colleague to come in and asked him to go back with one of Team Leader Li's subordinates to get the documents.

"Er Niu, the paper is in the drawer of my room. When you go back, tidy up the team, appease the big guys, and say that I will go back soon." Leader Li pointed to the notes and squatted at the door A black fat man.

The black fat man nodded, stood up and followed the police.

Zhou Niannian frowned, always feeling that Leader Li seemed to have something in his words.

The police over there sorted out the confessions of several people, and asked everyone to sign and press their fingerprints. Er Niu, who went back to the juggling troupe to get the papers, came back, and he came back with a chicken feather on his head.

As soon as his weird appearance came in, Yue Xiaomeng burst out laughing. If it wasn't because he realized that he was in the investigation office, Yue Xiaomeng would probably be able to laugh to the ground.

Looking at Erniu's weird appearance, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Didn't I just ask you to find a proof? How did you make it look like you crawled out of a chicken coop?" Leader Li stared at Er Niu, apparently feeling ashamed of his most proud apprentice.

Er Niu wiped the chicken feathers on his head and almost cried, "Master, don't mention it, our juggling team failed today, a bird came from somewhere and ruined the juggling performance. "

"Master Zhang's chest was broken with a big rock, and the big rock didn't break. It almost smashed Master Zhang. Master Wang's fire-swallowing sword pierced his throat. The bird also gave us all the big knives we usually use. Broken."

"The common people saw that our knives were hollow, and they all shouted that they had been fooled, and they smashed our things on the spot. When I went back, our people were full of troupes chasing that bird."

"That bird is so hateful, it tore up all the chicken coops we raised, and all the chickens in the coop flew away."



There were several laughs in the room at the same time. Er Niu's voice became softer as he spoke, and he looked at Leader Li with an aggrieved expression, "I found this receipt after crawling back into the house among a group of chickens."

"Haha." Yue Xiaomeng couldn't bear it anymore, went out laughing wildly with his stomach in his arms.

Others in the room, even Li Dongxing couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Niannian had a not-so-good association in his mind, a bird flying from somewhere?And she happened to bring a bird to go shopping today.

"Is that bird Ah Liang?" Qi Jiayan asked Zhou Niannian in a low voice with a strange expression on her face.

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched, and he imagined the scene described by Erniu, "Ah Liang is the only one who can do such a thing."

Qi Jiayan couldn't help laughing in a low voice, "Li Ban mainly knows that you raised the bird, so he probably vomited blood, wondering what kind of grudge he has with us, hehe."

Zhou Niannian also thought it was funny, she beat up Team Leader Li, Ah Liang almost took over Team Leader Li's juggling troupe, what kind of enmity really is.

Leader Li obviously didn't expect such a turn of events, his angry face turned into a pig's liver color, but he didn't dare to lose his temper because he was worried that this was an investigation office, so he just gave Erniu a look, "A group of useless things, even a Can't catch a bird."

Er Niu shrank his neck in grievance, "Master, that bird is really weird, it dug out everything in the team, even the children in the backyard."

"Okay, don't talk about it, I'm ashamed!" Leader Li's face darkened suddenly, and he interrupted him loudly, glaring at him, "I haven't given the paper to the police comrades yet."

Only then did Er Niu react, and quickly turned out the written documents and gave them to Li Dongxing.

(End of this chapter)

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