Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 322 Brother Lu is crazy looking for you

Chapter 322 Brother Lu is crazy looking for you (monthly ticket 100+)
Er Niu brought back four papers, three of which were Zhang Dahai's IOUs, and Zhang Dahai borrowed 100 yuan from Team Leader Li back and forth.

The last one wrote that Zhang Dahai was unable to repay the borrowed money, and was willing to send his daughter Niuniu to a juggling troupe as an apprentice to pay off the debt with work.

Leader Li stood up, bowed his body slightly and looked at Li Dongxing flatteringly, "Comrade, you see, this is really a written note held by Zhang Dahai himself, and he really owes me money and hasn't paid it back."

"Besides, he sent his daughter to the juggling troupe as an apprentice to pay off debts with work. This...isn't it illegal? How can there be no apprentices in our business? Do you think this is the reason?"

Li Dongxing frowned, "The child is still too young, even if it is not illegal for you to take an apprentice, paying off the debt with work requires the consent of both parents of the child. Now the mother does not agree, it is illegal for you to take the child away forcibly, you know?"

Leader Li nodded and smiled, "Yes, yes, the police comrades are right. I have realized my mistake. I don't want this child. I will only ask Zhang Dahai to pay off the debt. Do you think it will work?"

"I actually borrowed this debt, and I can't let it go, don't you think?"

Li Dongxing glanced at Leader Li, but didn't speak.

Zhou Niannian frowned as he looked at Team Leader Li, whose performance was significantly different before and after. He seemed a little anxious.

When he was first arrested, Team Leader Li relied on his three-inch tongue to complain endlessly. He looked like he was also the one who suffered. I also want Zhou Niannian to compensate him.

Now he doesn't say a word about Zhou Niannian beating him, and he admits his mistake, saying that he only asks Zhang Dahai for debt.

It's only a few minutes, and he has changed too much.

Li Dongxing obviously also noticed his change, so he just stared at Leader Li and didn't speak.

Leader Li had a smile on his face, looking very calm, but if you look carefully, there is a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

"Comrade policeman, I did something wrong today. The 100 yuan owed by Zhang Dahai plus the interest should add up to 120 yuan. How about this? I don't want the interest. I just treat it as compensation for scaring the child today. We can go back to this point.”

"The laws of our country can't stipulate that those who owe debts can't collect debts, can they?" Leader Li gritted his teeth.

Li Dongxing looked at Cao Haiyun and asked her, "What do you think of Leader Li's proposal?"

Cao Haiyun has no objection. For her, Niu Niu is more important than anything else, as long as she doesn't use Niu Niu to repay the debt, she doesn't care about anything else.

As for Zhang Dahai, once he heard that he could save 20 yuan in interest, he naturally had no objections.

The two parties reached a temporary settlement, and Li Dongxing asked both parties to sign, educated Team Leader Li and Zhang Dahai for a while, and then informed them that they could leave.

A younger thug apprentice brought by Team Leader Li pulled Team Leader Li puzzled, "Master, let's reconcile like this? Is it still not settled for the woman who hurt you? No matter what, I have to let the woman pay for it." To bankrupt, right?"

Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked down by Team Leader Li, "Take your head off, we are civilized people, what are you going to pursue, besides, wasn't there a misunderstanding at that time?"

As he said that, he gave the little apprentice a hard look, "Hurry up, don't embarrass me here."

The little apprentice rubbed his legs and stood up, with a strange look on his face. He looked at Leader Li as if saying: Master, do you misunderstand the word civilized person?

A group of people walked out of the investigation office, Li Dongxing looked at Zhou Niannian, and said with concern: "This kind of person is used to mixing in society, and usually has some influence. If you beat him today, you must pay attention to safety when you go back. Do you want me to send you back? ?”

Zhou Niannian shook his head, paused, and couldn't help asking Li Dongxing: "Don't you think that leader Li is a bit strange?"

Li Dongxing nodded, "It's a bit strange. I guess he heard that the juggling troupe was destroyed, and he was anxious to go back to see the loss. Compared with the 100 yuan owed by Zhang Dahai, he must be more concerned about the juggling troupe's loss."

It seemed to make sense, Zhou Niannian's eyes flashed, but he still felt that Team Leader Li was a bit weird, and stopped talking when he saw Zhang Dahai coming out of the room with a disheveled face.

"If you want to sell the child in the future, you will break the law. It's not up to you to solve it in a day or two." Li Dongxing's impression of Zhang Dahai was obviously worse, and he taught him a few words with a straight face.

Zhang Dahai shrank his neck and said nothing.

Cao Haiyun carried the child out of the lounge, and Zhou Niannian waved goodbye to Li Dongxing.

Li Dongxing smiled, "I hope that the next time we meet, it will not be in such a situation."

Zhou Niannian found it quite interesting after thinking about it. The two meetings involved the case, so she couldn't help laughing.

A group of people walked out of the investigation station only to find that it was already dark, and the dim street lights outside had already been turned on.

Cao Haiyun walked up to Zhou Niannian and said in a low voice, "Niannian, I'll take Niuniu back to school with you."

Zhou Niannian nodded, and Zhang Dahai glared at him suddenly, "Cao Haiyun, do you think it's wrong? Give me the child, and I'll take it home."

Niuniu had already woken up, and seeing Zhang Dahai's fierce appearance, she lay down in Cao Haiyun's arms in fright, and cried loudly: "I want my mother, I want my mother."

Qi Jiayan used to help coax Niuniu in a low voice, Yue Xiaomeng looked down on this kind of person the most, pinched his waist and scolded back, "Zhang Dahai, are you still human, the child is scared like this by you, you How dare you say you want a child, are you going to take it back and beat Niuniu?"

"She's my child, what do I want, what's your business?" Zhang Dahai spat on the ground, then reached out to snatch Niuniu.

"Dogs can't change eating shit." Zhou Niannian sneered, and stood in front of Cao Haiyun. When he was about to remove Zhang Dahai's arm, a long arm stretched out and held Zhang Dahai, and fell over his shoulder. Zhang Dahai was in a panic. fell to the ground.

Zhou Niannian raised her head, met Lu Qingfeng's anxious eyes, and couldn't help smiling, "Lu Qingfeng, you're here."

Lu Qingfeng's face was dark, and his expression was very anxious. He looked up and down Zhou Niannian, and seeing that her hair was not messed up, he snorted heavily just now, and stared at Zhang Dahai with his dark eyes, "What do you want to do?"

Zhang Dahai looked at Lu Qingfeng, who suddenly appeared, and saw that he was tall and sharp-eyed. He was extremely ruthless when he fell over just now. He knew that the person in front of him was not easy to provoke, so he got up from the ground and glared at Cao Haiyun, then turned around. Ran.

Only then did Zhou Niannian realize that Lu Qingfeng seemed to be angry, she blinked in confusion, not understanding why he was angry.

Just as he was about to ask, Li Chengyu came out on his bicycle, and when he saw Zhou Niannian, he let out a long breath, "Grandma, didn't you come to the Tianqiao to shop? Why did you come to the investigation office? You don't know that Brother Lu is looking for you!" crazy."

 Thank you for the monthly pass, the cute ones, it’s finally over 100. This chapter is about adding updates when the monthly pass is over 100. There will be updates at 50 pm and [-] pm. Continue to ask your friends for monthly tickets, and every [-] monthly tickets will add one Zhang Oh, come on, friends!
(End of this chapter)

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