Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 323 Lu Qingfeng must have done it on purpose

Chapter 323 Lu Qingfeng must have done it on purpose

Find yourself?Zhou Niannian blinked her eyes before realizing that she had been out for a whole day and didn't go back after dark, no wonder Lu Qingfeng came out to find her.

There is no phone at this time, so I will just make a phone call later when I go back later.

Since he hasn't gone back for so long, Lu Qingfeng is worried about him.

Her heart warmed up, facing Shang Lu Qingfeng's dark face, she stepped forward to hold his hand with a smile, and said in a low voice, "I'm fine, don't worry."

Holding her soft and delicate hand, Lu Qingfeng let out a heavy breath, and his heart fell down.

"I won't be able to go shopping alone anymore." Frowning, he almost said through gritted teeth.

Yue Xiaomeng behind Zhou Niannian couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Did you misunderstand the word alone, there are so many big living people standing here."

Lu Qingfeng turned his eyes sideways, "The result of walking with you is that I ended up here, what's the difference from walking alone?"

Yue Xiaomeng was speechless.

Qi Jiayan couldn't help laughing.

Li Chengyu patted Yue Xiaomeng's shoulder with sympathy, "Countless painful experiences have told me, don't argue with my brother Lu, the consequences of the argument will be even worse. In his heart, as long as he is not with Zhou Niannian, then Zhou Niannian is acting alone."

Yue Xiaomeng slapped Li Chengyu's hand off, and glared at him, "Don't put me on the same side as you, my IQ is online."

Li Chengyu: "."

He shouldn't be so kind to comfort Yue Xiaomeng.

Cao Haiyun hugged Niu Niu and apologized to Lu Qingfeng, "I'm sorry, I'm all to blame for today's incident. Niannian fought with others to help me, I"

"Are you still fighting?" Lu Qingfeng raised his eyebrows and raised his voice.

Cao Haiyun's voice stopped abruptly, and she looked at Zhou Niannian apologetically. She seemed to have said something wrong?
What if Zhou Niannian's fiance thinks that Zhou Niannian is not quiet enough?
Unexpectedly, in the next second, she saw Lu Qingfeng check Zhou Niannian up and down again with a dark face, gritted her teeth and asked, "Who did you fight with? Are you injured?"

Zhou Niannian took Lu Qingfeng's hand and shook his head, "I'm not injured, I beat him unilaterally, don't worry."

Lu Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but said: "Didn't you use too much force? Are you tired? You still have to take me with you when you go shopping in the future. You don't need to do it yourself when you encounter such a thing."

A group of people behind them felt a crow flying over their heads.

Li Chengyu covered his face and collapsed, why did he feel that his Brother Lu was about to run wild on the road of his wife and slave?
Cao Haiyun stared blankly at Lu Qingfeng, apparently completely unaware that Lu Qingfeng was such a person.

The bicycle bell rang again, and Chen Shangde came running out of breath on his bicycle, accompanied by Guan Pengtian.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help covering her face, and went out for a walk by herself, how many people were alarmed by this?
"Why did you find so many people?" She couldn't help but blame Lu Qingfeng for making a fuss.

Lu Qingfeng didn't take it seriously, "If you don't come back after dark, of course I have to ask someone to look for it with me."

While talking, Guan Pengtian and Chen Shangde came over. Guan Pengtian was relieved to see that Zhou Niannian was fine, "Just find someone, it's getting late, let's go back quickly."

There were no buses at this time, and the four men all came by bicycle, and each of them happened to bring a girl.

Zhou Niannian naturally sat on Lu Qingfeng's back seat.

"You go back to school first, I'll look for Ah Liang, this guy has gone somewhere." Zhou Niannian said to Yue Xiaomeng and Qi Jiayan.

Seeing that they were all gone, Lu Qingfeng walked into the alley in the direction Zhou Niannian pointed out.

She suspected that the bird Mr. Li was talking about was Ah Liang, worried that Ah Liang would be injured, so she decided to go to the juggling troupe to have a look.

The alley that had been noisy all day quieted down, illuminated by dim street lights, the surroundings were quiet, and the sound of bicycles riding on the road could be heard far away.

As soon as he turned into the direction where the juggling troupe was, a black shadow rushed into Zhou Niannian's arms, "Niannian, hurry up, hide in the alley on the left, where the streetlight is broken."

When Zhou Niannian heard Ah Liang's voice, she immediately whispered to Lu Qingfeng, "Turn into the alley on the left."

Lu Qingfeng turned his arms, and the bicycle turned steadily into the alley on the left.

There was a noisy voice from the alley just now, "That bird is running over there, chase after it."

The alley on the left was pitch black, Zhou Niannian jumped off his bicycle, and just as Lu Qingfeng parked his bicycle, he heard footsteps approaching the entrance of the alley.

The blinding light was getting closer and closer with the sound of chaotic footsteps, Zhou Niannian heard the voice of the Er Niu whom he had only met in the afternoon, "Master said, this bird is very rare, we must catch it and domesticate it well, we must catch it Live."

As soon as the voice fell, the light shone into the alley, and Zhou Niannian was thinking where to hide Ah Liang, when he was suddenly pulled into a broad embrace.

Er Niu rushed into the alley with people, and flashlights shone over them one after another.

The dark alley was suddenly brightly illuminated, and when Er Niu saw two figures embracing tightly in the alley, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

A tall man was holding a petite woman in his arms. The man's head was resting on the woman's shoulder, as if he was gnawing at the woman's neck.

The woman turned her back to them, unable to see her face clearly.

"Brother Er Niu, why didn't you go in and look for it?" The person behind Er Niu poked his head, saw the situation in front of him, and couldn't help whistling, "Tsk tsk, a pair of (wild) mandarin ducks."

Er Niu waved his hand, "Let's go, go, there's nothing here."

After all, he took the people out.

The alley was once again plunged into darkness.

Zhou Niannian was held in Lu Qingfeng's arms, his chin was resting on her shoulder, the shallow and warm breath lingered on her neck, she even felt Lu Qingfeng's warm lips touched her for the first time. nape of neck.

Although it was only a short touch, she still couldn't help shrinking her neck, feeling that her heart was about to jump out.

It was the first time her heart beat so fast in front of Lu Qingfeng!

"How long are you going to hug me? It's about to suffocate me. Let go!" Ah Liang's voice was muffled.

Only then did Zhou Niannian realize that Ah Liang was still in his arms, so she hurriedly pushed Lu Qingfeng away, lowered her head and asked Ah Liang, "Are you okay?"

In the dark, I heard Ah Liang's dissatisfied complaint: "Lu Qingfeng must have done it on purpose, there are so many ways to hide me, why do you have to choose this one?"

"There is also you, Nian Nian, can you be more confident, but just hug you, you see your heart is about to jump out."

"Shut up!" Zhou Niannian wanted to cover Ah Liang's big mouth, secretly glad that Lu Qingfeng couldn't understand Ah Liang's words, and even more fortunate that the street lights in the alley were broken, otherwise Lu Qingfeng would definitely be able to see her blushing face .

"I haven't talked about you yet. What did you do to let the juggling troupe chase you?" She patted Ah Liang's head in the dark with her feeling, just to vent her personal anger!
 When I was writing this chapter, I couldn't help but sit in front of the computer with my aunt smiling, hehe~~ Continue to ask my friends for monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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