Chapter 324
Ah Liang asked back in surprise, "How do you know that the people chasing me are jugglers?"

Zhou Niannian slapped him again, "You don't care how I know, first tell me what you did?"

Lu Qingfeng, who was beside him, heard her asking Ah Liang, and quietly walked to the entrance of the alley to watch the wind.

As soon as he left, Zhou Niannian suddenly felt that his breathing was much easier, and his heartbeat was not so fast.

Ah Liang seemed a little dissatisfied with being photographed twice in a row, and couldn't help but jumped out of her arms, floating in the air, "Nian Nian, let me tell you, something is wrong with this juggling troupe."

Zhou Niannian paused while patting his heart, "Did you find anything? What's wrong?"

"I saw that the juggling troupe was very lively, and it was much more interesting than the babbling show, so I wanted to reveal the secrets and see how they acted, so I went to their backyard."

Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes, "So you let the boulder-breaking stone fall from his chest, and the fire sword you swallowed became a real sword, and even broke his big sword?"

"Yeah? How do you know?" Ah Liang was dumbfounded again.

Zhou Niannian snorted and gritted his teeth, "Don't tell me that what you found wrong with the juggling troupe is that they are performing fake tricks, right?"

"Are you stupid? Which juggling troupe's boulders on the chest are real stones, swallowing swords and daring to swallow golden swords? That's just a trick to make ends meet."

Ah Liang seemed a little unhappy, "I'm just curious,"

After all, as if to prove itself, it continued: "I have other discoveries."

Seeing Lu Qingfeng come back, Zhou Niannian whispered to himself to go out, followed Lu Qingfeng's bicycle and walked out, casually asked Ah Liang: "Do you have any other earth-shattering discoveries?"

"I found out that there is a cellar in the backyard of the juggling troupe. There are many children locked up in the cellar. They are all tied hands and feet, and some of them are wounded."

Zhou Niannian froze suddenly, "What did you say?"

Hearing her whisper, Lu Qingfeng turned his head and looked over, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Niannian confirmed with Ah Liang once again, "Did you really see the child locked up in the cellar in the backyard?"

Ah Liang nodded, "Of course, I broke down the cellar door and secretly bit the ropes of the two children. Unfortunately, the guards found out later, so they chased me."

Zhou Niannian recalled that when Er Niu talked about what A Liang did when he was at the investigation office, he mentioned the child in the backyard.

After that, Leader Li's attitude became unusually fast, and his attitude of admitting mistakes was very positive.

Thinking about it now, Erniu should be talking about the children in the backyard
"What did Ah Liang say?" Seeing that she was silent, Lu Qingfeng asked again in a low voice.

Zhou Niannian repeated Ah Liang's words, and briefly talked about Cao Haiyun's matter, "Lu Qingfeng, do you think that leader Li is abducting and selling children?"

Lu Qingfeng thought for a while, "It's hard to say, if it's an apprentice recruited by their juggling troupe, they shouldn't need to be locked up in the cellar and tied up, there must be something tricky about it."

Zhou Niannian bit her lip, "What should we do then? Shall we go to the investigation office to report the situation?"

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, "We don't have evidence, even if we react, people may not believe it, we can't say Ah Liang heard it, can we?"

That's true, Zhou Niannian nodded, suddenly grabbed the handlebar of the bicycle, and said excitedly: "Lu Qingfeng, why don't we go to the juggling troupe at night, how about it?"

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was feasible, "Ah Liang has been tossing around a lot, and it must be messed up now. Let's find a way to go in and have a look. If there is real evidence, we will report the crime."

Lu Qingfeng's face suddenly darkened, "You think you're a heroine, spying on the juggling troupe at night? If you want to go, I'll go by myself. You can't go, it's too dangerous."

Zhou Niannian blinked, "This is a fool, can you rest assured that I will stay outside?"

Lu Qingfeng froze, and silently gave Zhou Niannian a look.

Taking advantage of the weak light at the entrance of the alley, Zhou Niannian took his hand and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, Lu Qingfeng, I have the ability to protect myself. You see, if you're not here today, I'll beat that boss Li too." Ton?"

Lu Qingfeng didn't speak, but his expression softened a little, and he seemed to be hesitating.

Zhou Niannian pointed to Ah Liang who was floating in the air, "Aren't they trying to catch Ah Liang? Let Ah Liang go to the front to attract their attention, and we will sneak in from behind."

Ah Liang: "."

Lu Qingfeng glanced at Ah Liang who was very aggrieved, and nodded after a while, "Okay, just this time, don't do this again in the future."

Zhou Niannian smiled with crooked eyebrows, "Don't worry, it's just this time."

She really likes children, and she is really worried when she hears Ah Liang say that there are many children locked in the cellar, and she won't take a look.

Lu Qingfeng parked his bicycle directly in the alley where the street light was broken, and locked it, and then the two quietly approached the juggling troupe.

After approaching the yard where the juggling troupe was, Zhou Niannian winked at Ah Liang, and then pulled Lu Qingfeng around to the back of the yard.

Fortunately, the buildings in the Tianqiao area were inherited tens or even hundreds of years ago. They are all in the old architectural style, and there is usually a small door in the backyard.

Guessing it was time for Ah Liang to rush in, Lu Qingfeng easily climbed over the wall, opened the small door to let Zhou Niannian in, and then closed the small door falsely.

A lamp was erected not far away in the yard, and the light was dim. As soon as the two of them walked along the base of the wall to the ear room wall at the back door, they heard voices in the yard.

Lu Qingfeng pulled Zhou Niannian to stick it on the wall.

"Did I ask you to spread the news?" Team Leader Li's voice came out in a panic, "We must deliver these children tonight. We have long nights and dreams here."

Immediately afterwards came a strange voice, "It was passed on to Master, and the other party said that we agreed to hand over [-] children, but now there are only [-], and if there is one less, then the price will have to be calculated separately."

Leader Li swears, "It's all because Er Niu, that bastard. Today at the investigation office, if I hadn't reacted quickly, this bastard would have slipped his mouth."

"If one is missing, it will be one less. A cheaper price is better than throwing it in our hands. I always feel uneasy in our team. I will pay for it earlier and deliver it."

The strange voice echoed: "Master is right. They said the delivery at the old place at three o'clock this morning."

"Well, that's good, you hurry up and clean it up, and we'll act after the street lights go out." As soon as Leader Li finished giving the order, he sternly shouted: "What's the sound? Who's there?"

Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian froze and almost pressed their whole bodies against the wall.

Er Niu ran over panting, "Master, that bird flew back to make trouble again."

Leader Li's face darkened, "The stinky bird from there, you must catch it tonight, I'm going to stew it."

After all, he led the people to the front yard.

Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief, halfway through, when a dazzling light suddenly shone in his direction, "Who is there? Come out."

(End of this chapter)

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