Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 325 You Are Too Excited

Chapter 325 You Are Too Excited

Zhou Niannian didn't let go of his breath and got stuck in his throat like this. He never thought that Team Leader Li would be so sharp and turn around to kill him halfway.

The glaring light of the flashlight shone on her face. Before Zhou Niannian could react, Lu Qingfeng pushed her to the back door, "Quickly report the crime and find someone."

Zhou Niannian looked back, Lu Qingfeng had already walked out facing the light, she bit her lip, opened the back door, and ran out quickly.

"There's another person out, chase me!" Leader Li shouted angrily, and immediately some soldiers split into two groups, all the way to Lu Qingfeng, and all the way to the front yard, to surround Zhou Niannian.

When Zhou Niannian came out of the alley at the back door, he heard the sound of footsteps running towards the gate, "This way, this way."

In the middle, there was Ah Liang's exasperated cry, "Run there, why don't you come after Master Bird?"

Obviously it doesn't know what Zhou Niannian has exposed.

Zhou Niannian bit her lower lip, forced herself to calm down, thought about the location of the investigation station where Li Dongxing was, and immediately retreated decisively into the alley, and quickly got out from the opposite side.

Since she was a child, she has been wandering around the overpass since she was a child, and she is quite familiar with the terrain in this area. When she ran to the entrance of the alley, she heard hurried footsteps and noisy voices from the entrance of the alley behind her.

She decisively turned another turn, then turned right again, and ran out quickly.

Worried that Lu Qingfeng alone would not be a match for those people, Zhou Niannian was very scared, and even regretted his proposal to spy on the juggling troupe at night.

She ran faster and faster. Fortunately, she has been exercising for the past two years, and her physical fitness has become stronger and stronger. It took her about five or six minutes to run to the gate of the investigation office.

The lights in the investigation office have been turned off, only the lights in the guard's office and the duty room are on.

Zhou Niannian slapped the glass of the guard's room vigorously, and shouted hastily, "Help, is there anyone?"

The door of the guard room was opened, probably because her voice was too high, the door of the duty room was also opened, and Li Dongxing rushed out from inside.

Seeing Zhou Niannian who was in a hurry and almost jumping at the door, Li Dongxing froze for a moment, then strode over, "Comrade Zhou, why are you still here, what happened?"

Zhou Niannian grabbed him, "It's great that you're here, hurry up, send someone to the juggling troupe, the troupe leader has imprisoned many children, and he's going to trade with others tonight, my fiancé is there to stop him."

She spoke quickly and anxiously, but fortunately Li Dongxing understood, his expression changed, and he immediately blew the whistle in his hand.

It was the whistle of an emergency assembly, but after a while, there were chaotic footsteps in the investigation office, and all the comrades on duty gathered.

"Comrades, there is something wrong with the juggling troupe of the Li family. Let's go over and have a look." Li Dongxing waved his hand and asked Zhou Niannian to lead the way, and a group of people quickly ran towards the juggling troupe.

When they arrived at the backyard of the juggling class, a group of people were already fighting with Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng's mouth had faint blood stains, and he was surrounded by a group of people and still stood upright.

Li Dongxing rushed in with his people, and quickly took control of the situation. Seeing this, leader Li ran out desperately, only to be kicked back by Zhou Niannian, who had been staring at him for a long time.

Immediately, two policemen stepped forward and held down Team Leader Li.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Niannian worriedly ran to Lu Qingfeng to check his injuries.

Lu Qingfeng raised his hand to wipe away the blood from his mouth, and shook his head lightly, "Skin injuries are fine, just go back and apply some medicine."

Zhou Niannian was relieved to see that he was standing upright and his movements were fine.

According to Zhou Niannian's instructions, Li Dongxing led people to find the entrance of the cellar, and rescued nineteen children from inside. The oldest was only eight years old, and the youngest was just over three years old.

These children had obviously been imprisoned for a period of time, and they were greatly frightened. When they came up, they huddled tightly together, looking at the people in the yard tremblingly, their eyes full of fear.

Zhou Niannian's eyes became hot, and she almost shed tears, wishing she could step up and give Leader Li two swords.

The children were abducted and trafficked by him at such a young age. These children may have had a happy and happy family, but because of Mr. Li's evil deeds, they may have changed the family and the children's lives.

"Children, don't be afraid." She couldn't help but hugged the youngest little girl in her arms, patted her tenderly, and then explained softly to the children: "The police uncle has already rescued you. You go back with the police uncle, they can send you back to your parents."

Maybe it was because they heard the words "Mom and Dad", the children cried louder, but the expressions on their faces relaxed a lot.

The little girl in Zhou Niannian's arms couldn't help wrapping her arms around Zhou Niannian's neck, crying until she couldn't breathe, "Mom, I...I want a mother."

After finally comforting the children, Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng helped send the children to the investigation station.

The investigation office was already brightly lit. With such a big case, Li Dongxing naturally rushed to report to his superiors, and the leaders rushed back to the office to preside over the matter.

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng cooperated to do some investigations, and it was already 12:30 in the morning when they walked out of the investigation office.

The two looked at each other, couldn't help reaching out and holding each other, and smiled softly.

"It was a thrilling night!" Zhou Niannian muttered to himself.

Lu Qingfeng hooked his lips, and gently brushed Zhou Niannian's hair behind Zhou Niannian's ear with his other hand, "Fortunately, those children were saved."

Zhou Niannian nodded heavily, this was the most gratifying thing for her, she never thought that so many things would come out of going shopping.

"Comrade Lu, Comrade Zhou!" Li Dongxing chased him out from the investigation office, "It's too late, the leader said let me drive you back, and we will send someone to send Comrade Lu's bicycle back tomorrow."

It was indeed too late, Zhou Niannian did not refuse.

At this time, the school's gate and dormitory were closed, and the two of them had to go back to Lu's house.

Although the sound of entering the door was very soft, it still woke up Yang Shutong and Lu Wenhan.

The two people didn't know that they had gone out for a whole day today and didn't come back. Seeing this time, the two people entered the door with disheveled clothes and tired expressions. Lu Wenhan and Yang Shutong looked at each other, and immediately misunderstood the two of them.

"Niannian, go up and rest first." Yang Shutong patted Zhou Niannian's hand tenderly, then glared at Lu Qingfeng, "You stay!"

Zhou Niannian blinked in confusion, wanting to say that Lu Qingfeng was still injured, but before he could say anything, Yang Shutong gently but firmly pushed him up the stairs.

Forget it, let's go upstairs to find medicine for Lu Qingfeng first, Zhou Niannian lifted his foot up the stairs, and before reaching the second floor, he heard Lu Wenhan's low voice from downstairs: "Stinky boy, the wedding date between you and Niannian has not yet been set. , why are you in such a hurry? Seeing that the corners of your mouth are broken, aren't you too excited?"

"Also, it's not that there is no room at home, why are you still going crazy outside with Nian Nian?"

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, cuties~~
(End of this chapter)

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