Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 326 Putting Hope on Cold Water

Chapter 326 Putting Hope on Cold Water
Zhou Niannian was so startled by Lu Wenhan's words that he almost fell down the stairs.

She looked down at the clothes on her body. During the panic and fight, a button of her jacket fell off, and her clothes and trousers were covered with dirt, and she climbed the wall.

Looking at the hair again, a head of black hair has long since fallen out, and the rubber bands that tied the hair did not know where they went.

No wonder Uncle Lu and Aunt Lu misunderstood this appearance.

As soon as Lu Wenhan's words fell, Yang Shutong's voice of disapproval came, "Let me tell you, Nian Nian is still young, and besides, she has suffered a lot in the past two years, you can't let her get pregnant now, no matter what. Let her take care of herself."

Zhou Niannian suddenly felt that thunder was flying over his head, and Aunt Lu's brainstorming speed was faster, and she was thinking of the child for a while.

She hurried up the stairs in embarrassment, she really didn't want to listen to the conversation of their family anymore.

If we continue to talk like this, it is estimated that we will be able to talk about the birth of the child and going to school in a while.


Downstairs, Lu Qingfeng looked at his parents dumbfounded, and sighed, "Dad, Mom, what are you thinking, Niannian and I ran into something when we went out today."

He briefly described what happened today.

After Lu Wenhan and Yang Shutong finished listening, they looked at each other. After a while, Lu Wenhan coughed twice, looking a little uncomfortable, "Well, since you and Nian Nian have nothing to do with each other, that's fine, otherwise be careful when Uncle Zhou comes back and beats you up."

Yang Shutong seemed a little disappointed, "It seems that we still can't hold a wedding right away."

She even thought about the list of guests for the wedding banquet just now.

The corners of Lu Qingfeng's mouth twitched, and he rubbed his face, "Dad, Mom, can I go to sleep?"

Lu Wenhan waved his hand, "Go away."

"You are a principal, the principal of the highest institution, Dad, can we stop being so rude?" Lu Qingfeng asked with a black face.

Lu Wenhan waved his hand indifferently, "Then let me change the word, kneel down."

The corner of Lu Qingfeng's mouth twitched, he was really too lazy to argue with his father that the word kneeling was not very civilized, so he went upstairs.

Zhou Niannian was standing at the door of his bedroom, and when he saw him coming up, she lowered her head and seemed a little uncomfortable, "Well, I'll take a look at your injuries and give you some medicine."

She said as she shook the bruise medicine in her hand.

Seeing her looking down at her toes, Lu Qingfeng guessed with a flash of her eyes that she must have heard the conversation downstairs just now.

He originally wanted to say that it was just a flesh injury that didn't need to be treated with medicine, but when he said it, he nodded in a strange way, and he said it: "My back hurts, please help me see if I'm injured later."

Zhou Niannian raised her head with a worried expression, "Where is it? Go into the room and let me take a look."

The corners of Lu Qingfeng's mouth curled up involuntarily.

Pushing open the door to let Zhou Niannian in, he closed the door casually, and then consciously lifted up his clothes, revealing his back.

Zhou Niannian was taken aback by his slightly eager action, and her eyes fell on his back.

Zhou Niannian came back to his senses, his face suddenly burned up, "Well, that... your shoulder hurts a bit, I'll apply some medicine for you."

She moved her finger up, and there was a scratch on Lu Qingfeng's shoulder bone, and the left side was a little red and swollen.

Afraid that Lu Qingfeng would see that she was blushing badly, she turned around and went out to get a basin of water, wet the towel, gently wipe the wound clean, then squeezed out the ointment, and applied it lightly.

"What are you thinking? There is no response when I talk to you." Before Lu Qingfeng put his hand down, he was patted lightly on the shoulder suddenly, and he subconsciously groaned, "What did you just say?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he realized how hoarse his voice was.

Zhou Niannian was also taken aback by his voice, but she was feeling uncomfortable at the moment, and hurriedly wiped her hands, "I told you not to get water on your wound, and don't take a bath tonight, go to bed quickly, I'll go back first .”

After all, he lowered his head and didn't dare to look into Lu Qingfeng's eyes, opened the door and went back to his room.

Until closing the door of his own room, Zhou Niannian leaned against the door, patted his still hot face lightly, and couldn't help laughing at himself for making a fuss.

I lived for nothing in my previous life for decades, but just looking at the man's back made me blush like this.

She leaned against the door and thought about what she saw just now, and couldn't help but giggle for a while.

Sighing, Lu Qingfeng resigned to his fate and walked into the bathroom with the basin in his hand. At this time, he could only hope for cold water.

Downstairs in Lu Wenhan's and his wife's room, Lu Wenhan looked at Yang Shutong who was lying on the bedside flipping a book, and asked in wonder, "Don't you need to go up and see if your son is injured?"

In the past, when his son came back from a fight, he would be furious, criticize and beat him up, and Yang Shutong would quietly chase him upstairs to help his son apply medicine.

Yang Shutong rolled his eyes at him, and continued to flip through the book calmly, "Why don't I go up to make people hate me now? My son has a wife now, so he definitely wants Niannian to give him medicine, and I just get in the way when I go up. "

Lu Wenhan thought about it, couldn't help laughing, and reached out to take the book in her hand, "Since you don't want to go up to annoy others, go to bed quickly, what time is it, and read a book."

Yang Shutong yawned, "Actually, I didn't notice much, I'm just spending time here."

Lu Wenhan was very puzzled, "Sleep when you are sleepy, what time will you stay up?"

Yang Shu sat up with Gulu, looked at her husband with great interest, and winked: "I want to go up and listen later."

Lu Wenhan: "."

His wife is not studious all day long, and she reads to refresh her mind, so that she can listen to her son's corner later.

"You are really a real mother! Dare to listen to your son's corner!" He turned off the light with a dark face, "Sleep!"

Seeing that her husband did not support her decision, Yang Shutong curled her lips in disappointment and lay down to sleep.

 How are you guys spending the Mid-Autumn Festival?Are you ready for mooncakes?For those who don’t like mooncakes, I prepared pig’s trotters. Haha, yes, I love pig’s trotters~~~
(End of this chapter)

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