Chapter 327
Zhou Niannian got up early the next morning and went back to the dormitory.

She had Guanping class in the first period in the morning, and she didn't dare to be late, and she still hasn't finished reading the tome of the original text, and she only wrote one-third of the study report.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, Yue Xiaomeng saw her and winked at her: "Niannian, you don't come home at night, oh oh, tell me the truth, were you with Lu Qingfeng last night?"

Zhou Niannian patted her on the head, "What are you thinking about, something happened last night, I couldn't come back in time."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to see Cao Haiyun sat up from Yue Xiaomeng's lower bunk, and Niuniu was sleeping soundly on the bed, so he lowered his voice and told what happened last night.

Yue Xiaomeng and Cao Haiyun were dumbfounded.

After a while, Cao Haiyun wiped away his tears, and said with a trace of gratitude: "Nian Nian, fortunately, I met you yesterday. If it weren't for you, Niu Niu would have been sold to other places by these traffickers. In my life What's the point of living, you saved the lives of our mother and daughter."

As he said that, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth and scolding Zhang Dahai, "This one who kills a thousand knives, Niuniu is his own daughter, how can he be willing to part with it, something inhumane."

Zhou Niannian also felt that Zhang Dahai was really not a good guy, "What are you going to do next?"

Cao Haiyun wiped away tears, and gritted his teeth, "I want to divorce him, and I'm going to fight for the custody of the child. From now on, Niuniu will follow me, and our mother and I will feel more at ease eating bran and swallowing vegetables than following such a man."

Yue Xiaomeng agreed very much, "Sister Haiyun, you're right if you think so, this kind of man must not be with him."

She was very sympathetic to what happened to Cao Haiyun, and she changed her name to Sister Haiyun after she came back yesterday.

Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Cao Haiyun was very upright.

When she met Zhang Dahai, a scumbag like Zhang Dahai, she was afraid that Cao Haiyun would not be able to figure it out, and would not insist on a divorce because of his old-fashioned thinking, so she could only take Niu Niu to suffer.

"I'll help you find a lawyer later, tell him your request, and he will help you." Zhou Niannian thought of Li Anming who helped her with the lawsuit last time, and decided to turn to Guan Ping and ask him if he would accept Cao Haiyun's case. case.

At this time, people's ideas are still somewhat conservative. Many women would rather grit their teeth and endure the misfortune in their marriage than divorce, because they are afraid that they will be treated differently by others.

Of course, divorce lawsuits are even more difficult, especially for those like Cao Haiyun who want to get custody of their children.

Cao Haiyun also studied law. Although he only learned the basics now, he also knows that divorce lawsuits are not easy to fight.

She smoothed her hair, looked at the sleeping Niu Niu with tender eyes, and said softly, "Nian Nian, no matter what the price is, I will get the custody of Niu Niu."

"I won't be polite to you at this time, thank you, Nian Nian."

Zhou Niannian smiled, a little appreciative of Cao Haiyun's straightforwardness and lack of embarrassment, "They all live in the same dormitory, so don't be so polite with me."

"The boss Li said that he needed to gather 20 children for the transaction, and Niu Niu was the No. [-], so he must have set up a trick for Zhang Dahai to get involved, so Zhang Dahai owed so much money."

"In addition, you can ask for leave today to go to the hospital for an injury examination. Both you and Niuniu have injuries. This is evidence of Zhang Dahai's domestic violence."

Cao Haiyun nodded as she listened, the corners of her eyes were still bruised, but she was no longer as secretive as yesterday.

Yue Xiaomeng actively recommended herself: "Sister Haiyun, don't be afraid, I will accompany you and Niuniu to the hospital."

In Guan Ping's class, Zhou Niannian didn't dare to ask for leave, so she asked Yue Xiaomeng to accompany Cao Haiyun to the hospital.

About going to Tianqiao to look for her yesterday, Guan Pengtian told Guan Ping when he got back, and when get out of class was over, Guan Ping left her to talk, "What happened yesterday?"

Zhou Niannian briefly mentioned the matter of Cao Haiyun, and also about Mr. Li's abduction and trafficking of children. By the way, he asked Li Anming, "Teacher, please ask Lawyer Li if he can take this case."

Guan Ping agreed, and within two days Li Anming came to the school to find her and agreed to take over Cao Haiyun's case.

With Li Anming around, Zhou Niannian felt relieved.

In the blink of an eye, it was the beginning of May, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter. Zhou Niannian went to class step by step, while Lu Qingfeng was busy with the affairs of the student union.

Recently, the student union is mainly promoting the establishment of clubs, and then distributes funds to each club, and the clubs organize students to carry out activities.

Lu Qingfeng was so busy that he came to see Zhou Niannian less frequently.

During lunch that day, Yue Xiaomeng asked Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan, "Do you think we should also join some club?"

Qi Jiayan shook her head, resolutely refusing, "Our medical department has too many classes, and the only spare time I have, I don't want to participate in any club activities."

Zhou Niannian nodded, "I still need to read the writing report."

Just kidding, she couldn't even finish the report Guan Ping left her, so she didn't have time to participate in club activities.

Yue Xiaomeng took a sip of the food sullenly, "You don't want to participate, I am the only one left, why don't I join a music club to have fun, I think I can sing, right? read?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, "Well, it must be better than mine."

Regarding singing, Zhou Niannian had long since given up on saving herself.

Qi Jiayan couldn't help laughing.

Yue Xiaomeng did what he said, and hurriedly went to the music club to sign up after eating.

Qi Jiayan still had class in the afternoon and went to the dormitory to take a nap. Zhou Niannian had no class in the afternoon and was going to the library to read. As soon as she left the restaurant, she heard the school's loudspeaker start broadcasting.

"Zhou Niannian from the Law Department, and Lu Qingfeng from the Business Administration Department, please come to the principal's office after hearing the broadcast."

The clear radio echoed in every corner of the campus, Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched, and he turned and walked towards the school office.

When we arrived at the school office, Lu Qingfeng was already inside. Besides Lu Wenhan, there was also a policeman in uniform inside.

Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, the man turned his head, and Zhou Niannian was surprised to find that it was Li Dongxing.

"We have found both of you." Li Dongxing stood up smiling when he saw Zhou Niannian.

It turned out that he called their school through the investigation office, told about what Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian had done, and said that he wanted to come to the school to meet the two of them.

The students didn't know Lu Qingfeng's identity, but many teachers knew that the teachers in the school office responded to Lu Wenhan when they received the call.

Lu Wenhan asked Li Dongxing to come directly to his office.

"According to the trading clues provided by Team Leader Li, we successfully set up our defenses, caught the person who traded with him, and uncovered a large-scale human trafficking gang in Kyoto. Comrade Lu and Comrade Zhou, you two have made great contributions." Li Dongxing said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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