Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 328 1 big surprises

Chapter 328 A Big Surprise

Li Dongxing was sincerely grateful to Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng.

He had just been transferred to the capital, and although he had performed well in Nancheng, everything had to start all over again in the capital.

The people in the investigation office are somewhat dissatisfied with him, and he also needs to make meritorious service as soon as possible to show his strength.

As soon as he was transferred, the leader of the institute assigned him the case of children who had been missing frequently recently.

Li Dongxing secretly investigated for a few days, and found nothing special. Those children seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Some people from the investigation office often sarcasm in front of him on weekdays, saying that his performance in Nancheng is watery.

Li Dongxing gritted his teeth and endured it, vowing to solve the case and make a great contribution to prove his strength.

And just at this time Zhou Niannian presented him with the opportunity to make meritorious service.

This missing child case, which was a headache for the director, was solved so easily.

"The juggling troupe of Li's family has been in the Tianqiao area for seven or eight years. Many people go to see them performing juggling on weekdays. The comrades from our investigation office also go to check regularly. That troupe leader Li is very cunning, and he took care of everything very well. , never showed any clues.”

"If it weren't for you this time, we would have never thought that the criminal gang would abduct and sell the children through the juggling troupe."

The more Li Dongxing said, the more excited he became, "I came here today to express my gratitude on my own behalf. Our director said that he would bring people over to present the pennant tomorrow. Oh, by the way, there will be reporters coming to report at that time."

After all, such a big case was solved, Li Dongxing felt that their director was also proud, and the director looked at him with a smile in the past two days.

As soon as the case was solved, the director immediately notified the newspaper and TV station, and asked them to help find and notify the child's family.

All in all, this incident was quite a disturbance.

He was afraid of scaring Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng, so he came here in advance to inform them.

"There are still newspapers coming to interview?" Lu Wenhan heard this, his eyes flickered slightly, and he smiled.

Li Dongxing nodded, "This incident has caused a lot of trouble, and our director has also been praised by the higher-ups, saying that thanks to Comrade Zhou and Comrade Lu, the newspaper office will definitely come to interview them."

Lu Wenhan thought for a while and said, "If someone comes from the newspaper tomorrow, I will deal with it. The two of them are mainly students. I don't want them to be exposed too much because of such things."

Li Dongxing is a policeman. He understood that Lu Wenhan's purpose was to protect Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian, so he nodded, "I will report this matter to our director when I get back. Let him communicate with the newspaper in advance."

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng looked at each other without speaking.

They all knew that Lu Wenhan wanted to protect their hearts and sent Li Dongxing away. Lu Wenhan smiled and said to Zhou Niannian: "You have indeed made meritorious service in this matter, work hard, maybe your parents will be able to do it soon." came back."

Zhou Niannian's eyes lit up, "Really? Uncle Lu, can I help my parents?"

Lu Wenhan nodded, "The problem with your parents has actually been investigated clearly, and now there is only an opportunity to return to Beijing, and now, you have created this opportunity."

"Don't worry about the rest, Uncle Lu will take care of it."

This was really an unexpected surprise for Zhou Niannian, she didn't care if she made a contribution or not, but it would be great if her parents could return to Beijing sooner.

The next day people from the newspaper really came to interview. Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng accepted the interview as usual, introduced what happened and then left.

Lu Wenhan was responsible for the rest of the matter. Zhou Niannian didn't know what he said, but within two days, the school awarded them the honorary certificate of outstanding three good students in Kyoto.

Lu Wenhan compiled Zhou Niannian's meritorious service into materials, and attached a certificate issued by the investigation office at the back, and sent them to the Returning City Work Allocation Office.

On Saturday, Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng went back to Lu's house for dinner as usual. Lu Wenhan happily told her, "I got the news from the return city work dispatch office this morning that your parents should be back in mid-May."

Zhou Niannian was overjoyed, "That's great, I'll write to them right now."

Lu Qingfeng grabbed her, and pointed helplessly at the phone in the living room, "I have a phone at home, why write a letter?"

Zhou Niannian patted his head, really happy and confused.

Her parents have already lifted the isolation investigation. It's not that she doesn't have a phone at school. It's more convenient to make a phone call at Lu's house.

"Call later, there is good news, let's tell your parents together later." Lu Wenhan waved his hand, stopping Zhou Niannian from making a call.

"What else is there to do?" Zhou Niannian turned his head, his bright eyes were full of smiles.

Yang Shutong turned around and took out a bunch of keys from the small drawer of the coffee table, and shook them in front of Zhou Niannian, "The Homecoming Work Allocation Office is already arranging your father's job. The keys to the house have been sent back."

That was a big surprise.

Zhou Niannian took the keys from the house and stroked the lines on the keys, her eyes were reddened. She never thought that she could use her own strength to bring her parents back to the capital in this life.

Because of her rebirth, Bai Yuqing was recognized as a relative in advance, but the troubled parents returned to the capital late, and after going around for a while, she let her parents come back again, which is great!
She quickly dialed the number of Xincheng Farm, who said to call Zhou Hongshan and his wife.

About 10 minutes later, Zhou Niannian dialed the phone again, and it was Li Xiangxiu who answered the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Zhou Niannian couldn't wait to tell them the news that they could return to the capital, "Uncle Lu said that the work coordination office for returning to the city will send a telegram to Xincheng Farm soon, and you can pack your things first."

"The keys to the house have also been brought back. I'll pack up first. Dad, Mom, you and your brother can come back now. I'll be waiting for you at home."

She couldn't help but choked up at the last sentence.

Li Xiangxiu was crying on the other end of the phone.

Zhou Hongshan answered the phone and asked what was going on. Zhou Niannian didn't say anything about his meritorious service, but only said a few words, saying that he would tell them in detail when they came back.

After hanging up the phone, she sniffed, and a handkerchief was handed to her.

She raised her head to face Lu Qingfeng's frowning, "I'm happy, don't cry."

As he spoke, he took a handkerchief to help her wipe away her tears.

Zhou Niannian felt that Yang Shutong and Lu Wenhan were both there, so she was a little embarrassed, and wanted to reach out to take the handkerchief to wipe her tears, but when she raised her eyes, she saw Yang Shutong and Lu Wenhan looking up at the sky at the same time, as if they couldn't see anything. Even more embarrassing.

Wiping away her tears carelessly, she picked up the key and went out, "Aunt Lu, I'll go home and clean up first."

Lu Wenhan frowned, "There is an aunt at home, let the aunt be with you."

Before he finished speaking, he felt his wife step on his foot hard.

 A guest came to the house, and after a lot of work, I found that it was already past ten o'clock, haha, hurry up and update!
(End of this chapter)

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