Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 330 This is the reward I ask for myself

Chapter 330 This is the reward I ask for myself
When going back to eat at noon, Zhou Niannian kept avoiding Lu Qingfeng's eyes, not daring to meet Lu Qingfeng's eyes.

Lu Qingfeng is fine, but if you look closely, the corners of his mouth are always upturned.

Yang Shutong rolled his eyes at the two of them, squinted his eyes and smiled, "Cleaning is tiring, right? You two are so tired that you don't want to talk anymore. Why don't I ask my aunt to help clean in the afternoon."

A meatball that Lu Qingfeng had just caught suddenly fell on the table, "No need."

He almost rejected Yang Shutong's proposal without even thinking about it, "There's not much room, the two of us can clean it up by ourselves."

Yang Shutong looked at Lu Qingfeng jokingly, and winked at him, with a look that I understood for his mother, but he still deliberately asked Zhou Niannian, who was sullenly eating, "Are you tired of Niannian? Do you want to go with Auntie?" "

Lu Qingfeng frowned at his mother's strong bad taste.

Zhou Niannian didn't see the eyebrows and lawsuits between the mother and son, looked down at the dishes in front of her, and shook her head vaguely: "Fortunately, the two of us can clean up by ourselves when we have time."

Lu Qingfeng turned his head and glanced at the top of Zhou Niannian's hair, his eyes darkened, and the corners of his mouth curled up silently.

When I went to clean in the afternoon, Lu Qingfeng saw that Zhou Niannian seemed a little uncomfortable, so he didn't tease her, and cleaned silently.

He has been busy until dark, and finally tidied up the Zhou family.

Zhou Niannian clapped his hands, glanced at the bright and clean window, and said with a smile: "From now on, come and clean it every day, and then buy some bedding and bedding to dry, and then I can help others."

Lu Qingfeng fetched a basin of water and told her to wash her hands.

It was already dark, and the lights in the room were turned on, making it a little dim. ,

When Zhou Niannian put his hand into the water basin, Lu Qingfeng's big hand was also put into the water.

The water basin with the red magpie climbing on the branch suddenly had a pair of big hands, and the water in the water basin was suddenly higher, the water was rippling, and the big hands caught the small hands in the water.

Zhou Niannian raised her head and stared at him, "What are you doing. Hmm."

The warm scent of mint covered her again, hot, with a hint of irresistibility.

Zhou Niannian subconsciously withdrew her hand, but was firmly held by the big hand in the water.

After a while, the warm breath left, and she met Lu Qingfeng's black eyes as bright as obsidian, and heard him smile slightly: "This is the reward I ask for myself."

Zhou Niannian's face turned hot, and she looked down at the tightly clenched hands in the water, feeling her heart beating fast.

Back at the dormitory at night, Zhou Niannian suffered from insomnia.

As soon as she closed her eyes, what happened in the morning and afternoon flashed before her eyes, and she felt the warm mint breath rolling between her lips in a trance.

Repeatedly did not sleep well all night.

In the boys' dormitory, Li Chengyu sat up from the bed with a broken face, lay down on the edge of the bed and looked down, "Brother Lu, what good thing did you have today, can you tell us to make everyone happy together, don't just smirk by yourself, It's too oozing."

From Lu Qingfeng's return to the present, in the two hours, he has laughed out loud seven or eight times.

Every time I ask him what's going on, he just smiles and gives him a special look, "I won't tell you!"

Then after a while, he laughed out loud again, with a look on his face that I am very happy, that I have a happy event.

I asked him but he didn't say anything.

Lu Qingfeng didn't even wink at him this time, "I'm happy, but I won't tell you why I'm so happy."

Li Chengyu.
Where did Brother Lu learn such a flamboyant operation?

Early the next morning, Zhou Niannian got up early to go to Guan Ping's class, and when he came back, he met Yue Xiaomeng coming in from outside angrily.

"Didn't you accompany Cao Haiyun to the court today?" Zhou Niannian asked suspiciously, "Who made you so angry? Where are Sister Haiyun and Niuniu?"

She remembered yesterday that Cao Haiyun said that he would go to the court today, and Yue Xiaomeng said that he would go with her and Niuniu.

"Lawyer Li has something to do temporarily, so he went to the court this afternoon. Sister Haiyun took Niuniu to the library." Yue Xiaomeng drank a glass of water before sitting by the bed.

Cao Haiyun's matter was not deliberately concealed, so many teachers and classmates in the department knew what happened to her, and they asked her to take Niu Niu to class or to the library on weekdays.

Cao Haiyun thought about sending the child to the nursery after the case was settled.

"Since you didn't go to the court, where did you go? Why are you so angry?" Zhou Niannian sat next to Yue Xiaomeng and asked, putting his arm around Yue Xiaomeng's shoulder.

Yue Xiaomeng patted his legs bitterly, puffed his cheeks and announced: "I want to quit the music club."

"You just joined and are about to quit today, what's going on?"

Yue Xiaomeng let out a heavy breath, "I had a quarrel with that Zhu Qiaoyun in the music club today, what kind of people are there in the music club, they tell people's right and wrong behind their backs, and look at me and make me sick."

Zhou Niannian blinked in confusion, "Who is Zhu Qiaoyun? Why are you two arguing?"

"Zhu Qiaoyun is the president of the music club. Because of her good voice, she always raises her chin when she speaks," Yue Xiaomeng said angrily. You are not good, I can't get angry, so I congratulated her and had a fight."

"About me?" Zhou Niannian frowned, a little amused, "I don't know who this Zhu Qiaoyun is, what can she say about me?"

Yue Xiaomeng bit her lip, hesitated for a while, and then looked at Zhou Niannian, "She said that you and Bai Yuqing are biological sisters, and that you were influenced by your parents during the college entrance examination, and you failed the political examination. You just find someone to pass. She passed her own political trial, but ignored her."

"You also said that Bai Yuqing tried to pass the political trial by herself, but you misunderstood her and said that she is not good, because you just don't want her to go home and recognize her biological parents."

"When I heard it, I was furious and had a fight with Zhu Qiaoyun. Nian Nian, you don't know how much Zhu Qiaoyun is going too far. She spread rumors about your scheming everywhere in the music club."

Having said this, Yue Xiaomeng took Zhou Niannian's arm and said angrily, "Niannian, do you think she is crazy? How can you say that you and that Bai Yuqing are biological sisters, she"

She spoke to Zhou Niannian with a calm expression, her voice stopped abruptly, she looked at Zhou Niannian dumbfounded, and stammered and asked: "Niannian, she, you, you and that Bai Yuqing, you can't really be sisters Bar?"

Zhou Niannian sighed, "She is indeed my parents' biological daughter. She was lost when she was over two years old. Later, when I went to the countryside, I met her and thought she looked a bit like my mother. My parents It was only after I came here that I found out about it.”

Yue Xiaomeng looked astonished, and it took him a while to lean on the head of the bed and mutter to himself: "Isn't it? Is this world so small?"

(End of this chapter)

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