Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 331 Beware of She Prying Your Corner

Chapter 331 Beware of She Prying Your Corner

Yue Xiaomeng quickly accepted the fact after he finished talking, and frowned displeasedly, "But this is also your family's business, what's the matter with that Zhu Qiaoyun, who goes around talking about you in the music club, saying that you are afraid of Bai Yuqing Stealing your parents' love for you, deliberately targeting Bai Yuqing, I'm sorry, it's none of her business."

Zhou Niannian was amused by her, "Yes, this matter was originally our family's business, but think about it, how could Zhu Qiaoyun know about my family's family business?"

Yue Xiaomeng was stunned for a moment, his eyes flashed, and he realized, "You mean that Bai Yuqing told her all this?"

Zhou Niannian was noncommittal.

She didn't even know who Zhu Qiaoyun was, presumably that Zhu Qiaoyun didn't know much about her, but he spoke clearly about the matter between her and Bai Yuqing, so she knew who it was without thinking.

This is because her parents are coming back, Bai Yuqing wants to clean herself up, and use the power of public opinion to get the Zhou family to recognize her mother?

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhou Niannian's mouth, did Bai Yuqing really treat everyone else as fools?

Rumors quickly spread within Kyoto University, and people who were acquainted came to ask Zhou Niannian directly, such as Wang Hao, "Squad leader, I heard that you and Bai Yuqing from the Department of Acting are sisters?"

Zhou Niannian slightly raised his eyebrows, "What do you think?"

Wang Hao scratched his head, "It's true that there are noses and eyes in the school now, right?"

Zhou Niannian smiled lightly, "She does look a bit like my mother, but whether it is true or not, we will have to wait until my parents come back to find out."

Wang Hao was dumbfounded for a while, and cursed a mantra, "You don't know, Bai Yuqing usually goes to Brother Lu in the student union if he has nothing to do, and looks like he knows Brother Lu very well, which makes me sick to see."

"If she is really your sister, you have to be careful of her, be careful of her prying your corner."

Wang Hao said the last sentence in a particularly low voice, and after finishing speaking, he returned to his seat with a smile, and if he didn't go back again, the teacher who gave the lecture above probably hated him so much that the tip of chalk would hit him on the head.

As soon as Wang Hao left, Chen Shangde secretly sat next to Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian glanced at him helplessly, it seems that there are too many curious people today.

"Sister-in-law, are you and Bai Yuqing from the Acting Department really sisters?" Chen Shangde wrote a note with excitement and handed it over quietly.

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched, obviously speechless about his behavior of passing the note.

They are all sitting so close, won't they speak directly if they have something to say?What a waste of time writing notes.

"Why don't you ask Lu Qingfeng if you want to know?" She asked Chen Shangde in a low voice.

Except for class time, Chen Shangde almost hangs out with Lu Qingfeng and Li Chengyu at other times, and instead of asking about Lu Qingfeng, he came to text her.

Chen Shangde chuckled, and pushed up the eyes that slipped down the bridge of his nose, "I'm afraid of being beaten by Brother Lu."

Zhou Niannian was speechless, and rolled his eyes at him, "Aren't you afraid of being beaten by me?"

Chen Shangde shook his head, "Is it true that you haven't told me?"

"How about the real thing, so what if it's fake?" Zhou Niannian didn't answer him directly, but raised his hand abruptly, "Teacher, Chen Shangde can answer this question."

The high math teacher who was glaring angrily at this side suddenly smiled, "Student Chen Shangde, come up and explain this question to everyone."

Chen Shangde was so startled that he almost fell off his seat, and then he looked at Zhou Niannian with aggrieved face, he never thought that Zhou Niannian had the ability to raise his hand for others.

"Sister-in-law, why did you fail in school like Brother Lu?" He muttered aggrievedly, but he had no choice but to walk up to the podium under the constant urging of the high math teacher.

God knows he didn't know what the teacher said just now.

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, Zhou Niannian rushed out of the classroom.

She let out a long breath, and decided to go to the student union to find Lu Qingfeng.

Wang Hao said to be careful about Bai Yuqing prying into the corner of his wall. Although she had confidence in Lu Qingfeng, she felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Since Lu Qingfeng joined the student union, this was the second time she came to the student union to look for him.

However, the last time I came here, I was too impressed. Many people knew about her relationship with Lu Qingfeng. As soon as she entered the student union office, someone told her: "Today there is an exchange meeting with the student union of the University of Science and Technology. Lu Qingfeng Brother took people to a meeting and should be back soon."

Zhou Niannian had no classes, so he decided to wait for Lu Qingfeng in the office for a while.

A girl in a goose-yellow dress walked in at the door of the office, with long hair hanging over her shoulders, she looked pretty, but unfortunately, her face was narrow and narrow, her cheekbones were raised, and her whole face looked unsightly.

The girl went straight to Lu Qingfeng's desk, raised her chin slightly, "You are Zhou Niannian? Come out, I have something to tell you."

Zhou Niannian nodded lightly, "I'm Zhou Niannian, just talk here if you have anything to do."

The girl frowned, as if she was very unhappy, "It's better to talk about some things, I'm afraid you won't be able to lose that person if you say it here."

Her voice was a bit harsh, but she didn't deliberately suppress it, causing the few students in the office to turn their heads and look over.

Zhou Niannian leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, and looked at her amusedly: "Student, I don't seem to know you, right? Before talking to strangers, introduce yourself, this is the most basic manners, you Don't you understand?"

"In addition, you said that I can't afford to lose that person. It's interesting. I, Zhou Niannian, have always done things aboveboard. I really don't know what shameful things I have done."

The girl blushed from her sarcasm, "You don't know me? I'm Zhu Qiaoyun, the deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Student Union. I'm the same sister as Bai Yuqing. I know everything you did to Yuqing."

"Why are you so arrogant? You used to bully and embarrass Yuqing everywhere because you were the deputy director of the factory. She is your own sister. Fortunately, she still speaks for you and defends you everywhere. You are really shameless."

"Actually, you bully Yuqing everywhere because you are afraid that she will snatch Brother Lu, right? Brother Lu and Yuqing are about the same age. If you want to make a baby kiss, you also book them. How could it be yours?"

"I didn't expect you to be so unpredictable at such a young age, it's really disgusting"

Zhu Qiaoyun began to curse at Zhou Niannian incessantly, but before she finished speaking, Zhou Niannian slapped her back and stopped abruptly.

She covered her face belatedly, only to feel that half of her face was in hot pain, and then she raised her voice and screamed: "You, you dare to hit me? I can't spare you."

After all, let's start scratching Zhou Niannian.

With a sneer on the corner of Zhou Niannian's mouth, he dodged to the side, pressed her back on the table, looked at Zhu Qiaoyun coldly and said:

"I, Zhou Niannian, have always done things neatly. When dealing with people behind the scenes, gossiping villains, I have always dealt with them directly. A slap in the face is considered light."

"What is the matter between me and Bai Yuqing? It's between us. What does it have to do with you? If Bai Yuqing has any objections to me, let her come to me by herself."

 There are only two changes today!

(End of this chapter)

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