Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 332 I want to investigate

Chapter 332 I want to investigate

Zhou Niannian felt that Zhu Qiaoyun was simply baffled.

"I see you look pretty, but it's a pity, tsk tsk, your brain is not easy to control." Zhou Niannian sneered while pressing Zhu Qiaoyun, "It's okay to be used as a gun, but it's very exciting to be a gun. I really doubt that your family doesn’t sell guns, does it?”

Zhu Qiaoyun's arms were pinned down, so she could only scold Zhou Niannian angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about, your family is the one selling guns."

Zhou Niannian lightly exerted a skillful force on his hand, Zhu Qiaoyun only felt a sharp pain in his elbow, and couldn't help screaming, "Zhou Niannian, you dare to break my arm and try."

"Try to slander me with your mouth full of dung." Zhou Niannian snorted coldly.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Suddenly there was an exclamation at the door, Zhou Niannian looked up and saw Bai Yuqing half-covered her mouth, looking at herself in shock, "Niannian, did Qiaoyun offend you? Don't play tricks Yun, if there is any misunderstanding, let's talk about it."

Zhou Niannian sneered, "There is no misunderstanding between me and her, she is unilaterally slandering me, but between you and me, I think there may be some things that need to be discussed face to face."

Bai Yuqing's expression changed slightly, and then she bit her lip lightly, as if she had been wronged, "Let go of Qiaoyun first, let's go out and talk about anything."

Zhou Niannian did not let go of Zhu Qiaoyun, but pressed down on her arm, Zhu Qiaoyun let out an even more miserable scream.

"This Zhu Qiaoyun is your good friend, right?" She curled her lips and looked at Bai Yuqing with a half-smile.

Bai Yuqing didn't know why she asked this question, but she did get very close to Zhu Qiaoyun recently, and many people in the student union saw it.

It would be inappropriate to say that Zhu Qiaoyun is not his good friend.

She hesitated a little, then looked at Zhou Niannian pretending to be gentle and said: "Qiaoyun and I get along very well, if she offends you in any way, Niannian, don't be angry, I will apologize to you on her behalf."

She spoke with a look of helplessness on her face, as if she was very afraid of Zhou Niannian's anger.

Zhou Niannian sneered and shook her head, "I didn't misunderstand her, it was she who made me misunderstand you."

"Zhu Qiaoyun said that I often bullied you when I was in Zezhou, and even suppressed you everywhere, and said that I stopped you everywhere in order not to let you recognize your relatives, and even said that Lu Qingfeng's baby kiss since childhood should be with you. "

"I want to know if you told Zhu Qiaoyun these words, or did Zhu Qiaoyun make them up?"

Bai Yuqing's expression changed, she bit her lips tightly, and did not speak.

She regretted walking in just now, she shouldn't have come in just now.

She did mutter those words to Zhu Qiaoyun paradoxically, the purpose is to make herself a vulnerable group and make herself look pitiful, so that many people will stand by her side.

After Zhou Hongshan and his wife returned to Beijing, she went to kneel and beg and cry, and believed that Zhou Hongshan and his wife could forgive her.

At that time, no one in the school would know what she had done, even if Zhou Niannian said it, no one would really believe it.

So she was vague in front of Zhu Qiaoyun. These days, Zhu Qiaoyun spread rumors everywhere. Many people in the performance department and music club sympathized with her experience.

It's just that she didn't expect that Zhu Qiaoyun would go to confront Zhou Niannian face to face, this idiot, at that time chose Zhu Qiaoyun to confide because she was also in the student union, and she seemed to be easy to trust.

I didn't expect her to be so stupid, stupid enough to question Zhou Niannian face to face.

Now that Zhou Niannian asked her face to face, Bai Yuqing really didn't know what to say.

If you don't admit that you told Zhu Qiaoyun, Zhu Qiaoyun can expose her on the spot.

She gritted her teeth, and could only make the expression on her face look more aggrieved, "Nian Nian, I was wrong in the past, I won't talk nonsense in the future, can you let Qiao Yun go, look at you Almost broke her arm."

Her ambiguous statement caused the students around to look at Zhou Niannian with strange eyes.

Zhu Qiaoyun looked at Bai Yuqing moved, "Yuqing, don't be afraid, she doesn't dare to do anything to me in public, tell me how she bullied you, and expose her in front of the big guys true face."

Bai Yuqing shook her head in panic, as if she was very frightened: "Forget it, Qiao Yun, the past is over after all, I don't want to pursue it anymore, I"

"Ah!" Before Bai Yuqing finished speaking, she was suddenly interrupted by Zhu Qiaoyun's scream.

It turned out that Zhou Niannian turned Zhu Qiaoyun over, pushed her to sit on the chair, and slapped the pen and paper in front of Zhu Qiaoyun.

"Why didn't you pursue it?" She looked at Bai Yuqing calmly, "If you don't want to pursue it, I have to. Now please tell me in detail how I bullied you in Zezhou County, and you suspected that I stole it. You and Lu Qingfeng's marriage, right?"

"Come on, let's talk about these things in detail," she said, patting Zhu Qiaoyun, "You take notes, record everything she said, and then I will find my lawyer."

"Lawyer." Bai Yuqing choked for breath, and smiled uncomfortably, "Why did you return the car to the lawyer? I told you I won't pursue it."

Zhou Niannian frowned and sneered, "I think you made a mistake? Now I'm going to investigate, of course I have to figure out the ins and outs of the matter."

After finishing speaking, he slapped the table hard and drank with a sullen face: "Write to me!"

Zhu Qiaoyun trembled in fright, and reflexively picked up the pen and began to write.

Zhou Niannian watched from the side, her hands resting on Zhu Qiaoyun's shoulder calmly.

Zhu Qiaoyun only felt as if a heavy stone was pressing on her shoulders, she couldn't move, she could only pick up a pen to write, but in a moment she wrote out what she just said about Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian shook the paper at Bai Yuqing, "About my crime of oppressing you, do you have anything else to add?"

Bai Yuqing was dumbfounded and didn't react.

Zhou Niannian put away the note slowly, "Since there is no one, then you can wait for the court to summon you."

Zhu Qiaoyun panicked when she heard the word "court", "What do you have to do with the court?"

Zhou Niannian squinted at her, "Why is it not about the court? You spread rumors and slandered my reputation for no reason, saying that I oppressed her and stole her marriage. I will not defend myself and let the court judge me. See Who is bullying whom?"

"The matter involved the Rainbow Factory in Zezhou County and Lu Qingfeng's family. Whether I bullied Bai Yuqing or not, I can ask the workers in Zezhou County to investigate and collect evidence. I think they must be very concerned about Bai Yuqing's performance during his tenure. Vividly."

"Whether I stole her marriage or not, you can ask Lu's parents for verification."

When Zhou Niannian said this, he looked at Bai Yuqing with a smile on his face, "To put it bluntly, the court can easily make a clear judgment. Do I need to remind you two, how many years is the sentence for slandering others and damaging their honor?"

 It was noon when I came back from the hospital with my child, and went to the kindergarten to hold a parent-teacher meeting, so the update was a bit late, and the second update was after four o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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