Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 333 Nian Nian is the daughter-in-law I dreamed of when I was a child

Chapter 333 Nian Nian is the daughter-in-law I dreamed of when I was a child
After Zhou Niannian finished speaking, she turned around and walked outside.


"Zhou Niannian!"

Two shouts sounded from behind at the same time. After Bai Yuqing and Zhu Qiaoyun finished shouting, they looked at each other, and then looked away.

Zhu Qiaoyun was simply a little frightened, she just said a few gossips, she didn't think it was a big deal, now when she heard Zhou Niannian talking about the court, she immediately became a little scared.

Bai Yuqing panicked.

Zhou Niannian's words reminded her that not everything about her at Rainbow Factory in Zezhou County can be said in front of others, such as her management dereliction of duty, the gossip between her and He Wencai, and the things between her and Zhou Niannian.

You can go to Rainbow Factory to inquire about these things clearly.

She originally wanted to suppress Zhou Niannian through gossip and establish her image of kindness and grievance, but if Zhou Niannian appealed the matter to the court, the nature of the matter would change, it would not be as simple as just spreading rumors up.

"Nian Nian, it's just a few quarrels between us sisters, so there's no need to rise to the level of the court, right?" She looked at Zhou Nian Nian expectantly, as if accusing Zhou Nian Nian of making a fuss out of a molehill.

Zhou Niannian had already reached the door, when she heard this, she turned around and leaned on the door frame to look at her.

"Since I have reached this point today, I will simply say a few more words. First, you were the one who reported in the newspaper that you had nothing to do with my parents in order to pass the political review. You can't blame others. If your parents come back, you are willing to recognize you." , let you enter the house, I have no objection, so you don't have to guard against me in advance."

"Second, I hate people talking behind their backs and making petty moves. Bai Yuqing, we are not the same person, and I don't care what you do. As long as you don't mess with me, I won't see it." you."

"Third, the marriage between Lu Qingfeng and I was decided by the parents of the two families. It has nothing to do with you. If you have any doubts, you can verify it yourself."

After that, she shook the note in her hand, "If you let me hear similar words again, I won't hesitate. See you in court!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out, but suddenly he fell into a warm and wide embrace.

Lu Qingfeng had a morning meeting with the student union of the University of Science and Technology, and had a work exchange. He had been busy all morning, and there were benefits as soon as he entered the door. "Are you looking for me?"

Zhou Niannian took two steps back, glared at him, walked around him and walked straight away.

What's wrong?Lu Qingfeng was confused, and turned his head to see the silence in the office. His eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes swept across the faces of Zhu Qiaoyun and Bai Yuqing, and then asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

Both Bai Yuqing and Zhu Qiaoyun moved aside silently.

Someone in the office who usually disliked them yelled, "Brother Lu, classmate Zhu Qiaoyun said that your marriage to Mrs. Lu was fake, and you should be married to Mrs. Lu's sister, classmate Bai Yuqing."

Bai Yuqing's face turned red all of a sudden, and her hands clenched into fists subconsciously.

Now she doesn't dare to do anything wrong in front of Lu Qingfeng. When she was in Zezhou County before, she tried to get close to Lu Qingfeng, and Lu Qingfeng was not polite to her at all.

After entering the student union, she tried to join in two more times, and Lu Qingfeng was even more honest with her, so she was more careful in her sense of proportion, not wanting Lu Qingfeng to hate herself.

Lu Qingfeng glanced at Bai Yuqing with squinted eyes, and sneered, "Who put this kind of tasteless fart?"

everyone in the office
Someone whistled: "Brother Lu, you are so rude."

Lu Qingfeng sneered, "I can be more rude, let me hear such unnecessary speculations and rumors again, I can beat the rumormongers all over the place, do you believe it?"

Bai Yuqing trembled, and Zhu Qiaoyun subconsciously covered her mouth.

"The marriage between me and Nian Nian was a result of my desperate efforts when I was young. Nian Nian was the daughter-in-law I fell in love with when I was young. If anyone talks nonsense in front of Nian Nian in the future, hehe, don't blame me Lu Qingfeng Do things ruthlessly."

Lu Qingfeng dropped these words, turned around and chased after him.

After a while, there was an uproar in the office.

"Isn't it? Brother Lu fell in love with Mrs. Lu when he was a child, isn't he too precocious?"

"Oh, I'm so envious of this childhood sweetheart feeling."

"I really want to have a childhood sweetheart."

Amidst the sour voice of envy, Bai Yuqing's face turned pale. She felt that standing in the office was like a joke. It seemed that everyone looked at her with mockery.

She clenched her fists behind her back tightly, Lu Qingfeng, Zhou Niannian, I will get back the humiliation you gave me today.

Zhou Niannian, who ran out of the student union, let out a sigh of relief and suppressed the irritability in his heart.

In fact, she was not very angry just now, she was just a little annoyed by Bai Yuqing's endless actions, but she couldn't explain why she was so upset.

It seemed that ever since Wang Hao whispered in her ear to be careful of Bai Yuqing prying the corner of her wall, she became a little irritable.

Lu Qingfeng chased out of the student union building, and saw Zhou Niannian sitting alone on a bench under a tree without going far. He breathed a sigh of relief, strode over, and sat down beside her.

Zhou Niannian gave him a sideways look, but ignored him.

Lu Qingfeng skillfully pulled her hand over and put it in his palm, pinching her white tender fingers little by little.

Zhou Niannian curled her lips and pulled her hand out, and said flatly, "Isn't the student union busy? Go and deal with things. It's great to be accompanied by beautiful women every day when you go in and out."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Qingfeng leaned over.

Zhou Niannian's eyes were wide open, and he was half on his back, almost lying down on the bench, pushing his hand on Lu Qingfeng's shoulder, "What are you doing, get up."

She blushed a little, and stared at Lu Qingfeng nervously, for fear that Lu Qingfeng would do something out of the ordinary. This guy has taken advantage of her several times recently by cleaning up.

Lu Qingfeng remained motionless.

Zhou Niannian became even more nervous, "This is at school, don't mess around, Lu Qingfeng, even if you are, at least you have to wait until you go home."

As soon as the words fell, she heard Lu Qingfeng's shallow laughter above her head.

He raised his head to meet Lu Qingfeng's eyes, the dark eyes were clear and focused, and his eyes were full of her figure.

"Nian Nian, do you know how sour what you said just now? Actually, you are very afraid that I will be snatched away by others, right?" Lu Qingfeng's eyes were full of smiles, and a wicked smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

Zhou Niannian was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously denied it: "Whoever said that, I'm not afraid, let her snatch whoever wants to snatch it."

"Really?" The corners of Lu Qingfeng's mouth curved even higher, staring intently at Zhou Niannian who was speaking insincerely, "Then why were you angry just now? Think about it, and answer me after you think about it."

 There are only two shifts today, take a break, and there will be three shifts tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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