Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 334 You Make Another Appraisal

Chapter 334 You have another appraisal

Why on earth are you angry?
These words were thrown into Zhou Niannian's heart like a stone, causing ripples in her heart.

"You and I are just angry because of what Zhu Qiaoyun said." She pushed Lu Qingfeng and moved her body to the side. "If you have something to say, talk it out. Why are you so close? This is a school."

Lu Qingfeng curled his lips, sat up obediently, but looked straight at Zhou Niannian.

Under such focused and enthusiastic eyes, Zhou Niannian felt his heart was hot and flustered, and even a little overwhelmed.

"Nian Nian, do you fall in love with me?" Lu Qingfeng's voice was soft and low, with faint excitement and slight temptation.

Zhou Niannian felt as if fireworks exploded in her heart for an instant, and Lu Qingfeng's words exploded in her ears.

Did she fall in love with Lu Qingfeng?

It has been more than a month since Lu Qingfeng confessed to her. At first, she was very entangled in her feelings for Lu Qingfeng, and even avoided Lu Qingfeng a little.

Later she figured it out, since she was not sure, just let it be.

But after Lu Qingfeng confessed to her, it seemed as if he had suddenly opened the gate of his feelings, and he always treated himself warmly and domineeringly.

In the relationship between the two of them, Lu Qingfeng was actually more proactive, especially these days, he had done more work on his own body, and took advantage of himself by taking advantage of the opportunity to go to Zhou's house to clean up.

Zhou Niannian knew in her heart that she did not reject intimacy with Lu Qingfeng.

Is this love?Wanting to be with this person all the time, thinking about him all the time, and even hearing others say that he might be snatched away, all these caused a lot of unreasonable anxiety in my heart.

Zhou Niannian's eyes became brighter and brighter as she thought about it, and she raised her head to meet Shang Lu Qingfeng's focused and clear black eyes, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "You're right."

What?Lu Qingfeng froze for a moment, but didn't react.

Zhou Niannian added with a smile: "I might really fall in love with you."

As soon as the words fell, she could clearly hear Lu Qingfeng's breathing was a little heavy, and then she was hugged into a hot embrace.

Someone lightly pecked her forehead, and she heard Lu Qingfeng whisper in her ear: "Nian Nian, I love you, from now on I will let you live like a delicate girl forever, without worrying about anything. "

Zhou Niannian felt that this was really the most beautiful thing she had ever heard.

She couldn't help but raised her hand to hug Lu Qingfeng, and suddenly realized that this was the school, so she quickly pushed him twice, but she didn't push him. She couldn't help but raised her hand and hit Lu Qingfeng on the back twice: "Let go of me!" , This is a school, how embarrassing it is for people to see."

Lu Qingfeng didn't take it seriously: "What are you afraid of? We are an unmarried couple, and it's not that we have no names or divisions."

Is this a matter of title?Zhou Niannian thumped him amusedly, "Let go of me."

Lu Qingfeng's heart was so excited at this moment that he couldn't help himself, he just wanted to find a corner where no one was around, and hug Zhou Niannian in his arms like this.

Sensing Zhou Niannian's struggle, he let go of Zhou Niannian with some embarrassment, took her hand, and looked at Zhou Niannian eagerly: "Let's go clean up now."

Zhou Niannian glanced at the campus that was already shrouded in night, and his face immediately burned when he met Lu Qingfeng's eyes that were almost devouring.

This guy doesn't want to clean up, he obviously has other plans.

But Lu Qingfeng pulled her up, held her hand tightly with his hot hands, and strode forward, "Let's go, don't you have the key with you? Let's go now, take the rest Clean up the living room, and after two days, Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou will be able to live directly when they come."

Seeing her hasty pace, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but blushed even more. She held Lu Qingfeng tightly and stayed where she was.

Feeling the pulling force behind him, Lu Qingfeng looked back at Zhou Niannian in confusion.

"That... I'm hungry." Zhou Niannian shook the watch on his wrist at him, "It's past six o'clock, it's time for dinner, let's go to the restaurant for dinner."

Lu Qingfeng paused, then pulled her back and continued to walk out, "I won't go to the restaurant, I'm happy today, let's go out to eat."

The two went to the state-run restaurant opposite the school and ordered Zhou Niannian's favorite ribs and fish.

It was time to eat, and there were quite a few people coming to eat in the state-run restaurant. The two of them found the innermost seat by the window.

Sitting opposite Zhou Niannian, Lu Qingfeng quietly picked out the fishbone for Zhou Niannian, and watched Zhou Niannian eat intently after picking out the fishbone.

Zhou Niannian was flustered by him, couldn't help but stared at him and said in a low voice, "What are you doing looking at me, hurry up and eat, it will be cold in a while."

Lu Qingfeng casually picked up two mouthfuls of rice, still staring at Zhou Niannian intently: "You eat, I am very happy watching you eat, and you will be full without eating."

"Slick tongue." Zhou Niannian couldn't help giving him a look.

Zhou Niannian's mind immediately flashed a series of scenes that happened during cleaning.

This is probably also the reason why Lu Qingfeng galloped on the road of hooliganism.

After finishing the meal, Lu Qingfeng couldn't wait to drag Zhou Niannian away, "Let's go, go back and clean up."

It's already past seven o'clock, what cleaning is there, Zhou Niannian helplessly wants to break free from Lu Qingfeng, but Lu Qingfeng's hands are very strong.

"It's too late, why not tomorrow."

Lu Qingfeng turned his head and looked at her seriously, his eyes were amazingly bright, "Believe me, I can definitely clean out your house tonight."

In this way, Zhou Niannian was dragged back to Zhou's house. As soon as she entered the door, she was hugged tightly in a warm embrace. Lu Qingfeng murmured: "You can judge whether I am glib or not."

Zhou Niannian: "."

She resignedly assured Lu Qingfeng: "You are not glib, I believe in you."

Having received the guarantee, Lu Qingfeng hummed a song in a good mood and went to clean up. Perhaps because he was in a good mood, his work was more effective with less effort, and soon he finished cleaning the rest of the living room.

Looking at the brand-new home, Zhou Niannian breathed a long sigh of relief, "Finally, the cleaning is finished. When I find time to buy some bedding on the weekend, I can wait for my parents and brothers to come back with peace of mind."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Qingfeng sighed softly behind him: "I think I may have cleaned too fast."

Zhou Niannian turned back to face Lu Qingfeng's wolf-like green eyes, instantly understood what Lu Qingfeng meant, and immediately felt embarrassed, and couldn't help uttering two words softly: "Rogue!"

 Acute gastroenteritis early in the morning, vomiting, diarrhea, pain, and fever. After going to the hospital for an injection, I lay in bed and rested until one o'clock before getting up and starting to code. When I wrote this chapter, I felt so sweet, sitting in front of the computer My aunt smiled and felt that my stomach pain disappeared. I have to say that writing is a wonderful process. It allows me to cry and laugh with my protagonist.

(End of this chapter)

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