Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 335 I Will

Chapter 335 I Will

Lu Qingfeng didn't take it seriously, "If a man can still sit still in front of the woman he loves, then he may not be a gentleman, but has a hidden disease."

Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes, "What kind of theory is this?"

Lu Qingfeng smiled lowly: "Lu's theory is the only one, there is no semicolon."

Zhou Niannian was speechless, and looked at the time, it was already ten o'clock, "Hurry up and go back to the dormitory, if it's later, you really won't go home at night."

Lu Qingfeng shrugged nonchalantly, "After Uncle and Aunt Zhou come back, you might as well not live at home, and you have to run back and forth in the dormitory."

After the two said this, Lu Qingfeng locked the door, took her by the hand and walked out.

Zhou Niannian thought for a while and said, "Let's talk about it when my parents come back. They have already bought the train tickets to come back, and they will arrive at the Kyoto Railway Station at [-]:[-] pm next Wednesday. We will pick them up together."

Naturally, Lu Qingfeng would not object, just kidding, when picking up his father-in-law and mother-in-law, can he not be more positive?
The two walked out of the yard holding hands.

Yang Shutong, who was standing on the balcony collecting clothes, lowered her head and saw two people walking hand in hand under the dim street lights.

Although the light was dim, she still recognized Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian with sharp eyes.

"Old Lu, old Lu." She waved to Lu Wenhan who was in the room, "Come here quickly."

Lu Wenhan put down the book he was flipping through, and came over with his slippers on, "What are you doing, I was so surprised."

Yang Shutong pointed to the two people who had almost reached the gate of the compound, "Nuo, quickly see if that is your son?"

Lu Wenhan straightened his eyes and observed for a while, and couldn't help being happy, "It's ok, this kid, now he can pass through the house without entering."

Yang Shutong sighed, and said with some melancholy: "Why do I always have the feeling that our son is married?"

Lu Wenhan agreed solemnly: "To tell you the truth, I feel the same way!"

Yang Shutong rolled his eyes at him, patted the clothes on his hands twice, and rolled his eyes with a happy smile in a blink of an eye, "It doesn't matter, anyway, after they get married, I will have a daughter-in-law. I have liked this child since I was a child." , when the time comes, I will take Niannian home more often, and my son will have to come back with me."

Lu Wenhan followed her into the bedroom and gave her a thumbs up, "I understand."

Yang Shutong put the clothes into the closet, turned his head and curled his lips, "Of course I understand, my son is no longer ours, I'd better hurry up and look forward to my grandson coming, this time when Lao Zhou and his wife come back, we have to hurry up Discuss with them about the marriage between your son and Niannian, and try to fix the wedding date as soon as possible."

The fact that Zhou Niannian cleaned up Zhu Qiaoyun quickly spread within the school, and many people had different opinions about it.

Some people said that Zhou Niannian was too arrogant, and some people said that Zhu Qiaoyun and Bai Yuqing deserved to be dealt with because they turned right and wrong. In short, as the incident spread, more people knew about the relationship between Bai Yuqing and the Zhou family.

Of course, there are also people who feel sorry for Bai Yuqing's grievances, such as Chen Shangde who is out of his mind.

He went to the acting department early in the morning, waiting for Bai Yuqing, who had finished class.

After Bai Yuqing got out of class, she saw Chen Shangde standing in the corridor, kicking his toes boredly.

"Are you here to look for me?" Bai Yuqing recognized Chen Shangde, her eyes flickered, and she asked softly.

The soft and soft voice penetrated into his ears. Chen Shangde subconsciously stood up straight, looked at Bai Yuqing, and nervously pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Yes, I'm here to find you, classmate Bai, I...I My name is Chen Shangde, I."

Seeing his nervous and bewildered expression, Bai Yuqing smiled, "I know your name, what can you do with me?"

Chen Shangde stared blankly at Bai Yuqing's soft smile, feeling like he was in a dream. He was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly said, "That... I've heard about you and The things between Nian Nian, I know that you have suffered a lot of grievances since you were young."

Bai Yuqing's eyes turned red, and she lowered her head sadly, revealing a white swan neck, "Don't say it, it's my own fate, I don't blame anyone."

Seeing that her eyes were red, Chen Shangde took a step forward anxiously, and waved his hands in a panic, "Don't cry, don't cry, I don't mean anything else, I came to you to say, in fact, Nian Nian and I, Brother Lu, we We all grew up together, I understand Nian Nian, she is not the kind of difficult girl to get along with."

"If there is any misunderstanding between you, why don't I be a middleman, let's sit together and talk it out, it's fine."

Bai Yuqing's hands that wiped her tears froze for a moment, apparently she did not expect that Chen Shangde came to her for this matter.

Chen Shangde saw that she bowed her head and said nothing, thinking that she didn't believe him, and quickly said: "Please believe me, my family members are all in the judicial system, I really grew up with Nian Nian, we are very familiar with each other , I can really help you."

Bai Yuqing quietly raised her head, looked at Chen Shangde with a pair of beautiful eyes, sighed leisurely, and asked in a low voice: "Why are you so kind to me?"

"Ah?" Chen Shangde was stunned for a moment, scratched his head subconsciously, helped his eyes, and then smiled, "I just think you are a very beautiful girl, you shouldn't be wronged, I see you being wronged I feel very uncomfortable."

Bai Yuqing wiped her eye circles lightly, smiled, "Student Chen, if you believe in me so much, I will be satisfied. As for the relationship between me and Niannian, let it be. She doesn't have to treat me as her sister, but I can't." Don't treat her like a sister."

"To hear you say such words for me today, I am already grateful from the bottom of my heart. This is enough, and there is no need to do anything else."

She lowered her head slightly as she spoke, as if she was a little overwhelmed, "If it's possible, you are willing to treat me as a friend and come to listen to me from time to time, then I will be very content."

"I am willing, I am willing." As soon as she finished speaking, Chen Shangde took another step forward excitedly, repeatedly promising, "If you don't find me annoying, I will come to you every day from now on."

Bai Yuqing stared blankly at him, as if she was so moved, she couldn't help showing a smile.

Although Zhou Niannian was in the same class as Chen Shangde, she seldom cared about Chen Shangde's movements. On weekends, she and Lu Qingfeng went to buy a bunch of quilts, and she even picked a bouquet of flowers and put them at home in the living room.

It was Wednesday in a blink of an eye, Zhou Niannian asked the teacher for an afternoon off, Lu Qingfeng drove Lu Wenhan's car, and the two arrived at the train station early.

Zhou Hongshan's train arrived in Kyoto on time. Seeing Zhou Hongshan and his wife coming out of the station one after the other, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but pounce on them with red eyes.

"Dad, Mom!"

"Hey!" Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu responded one after another, couldn't help but hugged Zhou Niannian, and the three embraced and shed tears.

"You are all college students, why do you still cry so much?" Zhou Changguo's voice sounded from behind.

"I'm happy," Zhou Niannian couldn't help retorting with his mouth pouted, and when he raised his head and saw the figure beside Zhou Changguo, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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