Chapter 337
Zhou Hongshan and his wife felt that enough, they sat down on the sofa and saw Bai Yuqing standing behind.

"Qingqing, come here quickly." She coaxed her eyes and waved to Bai Yuqing, letting Bai Yuqing come to her side, "Son, this will be your home from now on. Mom will tidy up a room for you later, so you can live at home. We live together as a family."

Bai Yuqing's eyes lit up, and he looked at Zhou Hongshan with some hesitation.

She clearly felt that Zhou Hongshan's attitude towards her was a little cold on the way back.

Did he know what he had declared in the newspaper?

That's right, Zhou Niannian must have told them about it long ago.

Bai Yuqing gritted her teeth and knelt down on the ground, "Dad, Mom, I'm sorry for you, me."

She said, tears streaming down slowly, crying very sadly.

Li Xiangxiu was startled, and immediately went to pull her up, "Qingqing, what's wrong with you, you got up to talk, why did you kneel down?"

Zhou Hongshan frowned, and said lightly, "Speak up if you have something to say."

Bai Yuqing was crying like pear blossoms were raining, she shook her head and refused to get up, "No, I did something wrong, just let me finish my sentence."

"During the college entrance examination last winter, Niannian and I failed the political examination. Niannian was recommended by the county leaders, but I didn't."

"At that time, my parents were investigating, and I wanted to fight for the opportunity to go to college, and I wanted to come to Kyoto earlier, which might be helpful to you, so I gritted my teeth and published in the newspaper saying that the parent-child relationship between me and you is not clear, so My political review just passed."

When she said this, she raised her head and looked at Li Xiangxiu with tearful eyes, "I know it's wrong to do this, I'm sorry Mom and Dad, but I really couldn't help it at the time, I asked everyone who could, and I didn't Nian Nian is so capable, she can ask the county leaders to help."

Zhou Niannian helped Zhou Hongshan and his wife put their luggage into the bedroom. When she went out, she happened to see Bai Yuqing kneeling in front of Zhou Hongshan and crying. She froze for a moment, pursed her lips, and went upstairs quietly.

It was quiet upstairs, Liang Ying was packing clothes in the room by herself, Zhou Changguo and Zhou Changan were talking next door.

Zhou Niannian went in with a pair of new pillows, "Sister-in-law, when I bought the pillows, I didn't know that you were married to my elder brother. You only put one in this room. Fortunately, I have two more pairs. You can replace this pair of pillows with new ones." Bar."

She handed the pillow to Liang Ying, and picked up the original pillow on the bed.

"Thank you, I still want to be careful." Liang Ying smiled and took the pillow, put it on the bed, turned around and began to tidy up her clothes.

Sitting on the bed, Zhou Niannian watched Liang Ying put her clothes in the right shelf of the closet, and Zhou Changguo's clothes on the left. The husband and wife's clothes were clearly defined, as if they were in two worlds. She couldn't help being happy.

"Sister-in-law, you tidy up your clothes too neatly. You have clearly defined the boundaries between my elder brother and your clothes. You are indeed a person who has been in the Corps."

Liang Ying paused for a moment with the hand holding the clothes, and then continued to put the clothes in the cabinet as if nothing had happened.

Zhou Niannian came up to Liang Ying with some gossip, winked her eyes and asked with a smile: "Sister-in-law, I secretly asked you a question, why did my elder brother confess his love to you?"

Liang Ying's expression froze, she quickly lowered her head to get her clothes, concealed the embarrassment in her eyes, and said vaguely: "It's not like you don't know your elder brother's temperament, how can you confess, just ask me if I would like to Willing to be with him."

Zhou Niannian thought about Zhou Changguo's gentle personality, his eyes flickered, it was so directly unlike his elder brother's style.

She thought that Liang Ying was embarrassed, so she smiled and stopped asking, "Sister-in-law, you are not familiar with our house when you first came, so if you have anything to do in the future, just tell me directly, the whole family is welcome."

Liang Ying turned around and thanked her with a sincere smile.

Zhou Niannian got up again and went to Zhou Changan's room next door. The two brothers were half lying on the bed, and the other was sitting on a chair. They didn't know what they were talking about. As soon as Zhou Niannian entered, the two stopped talking at the same time.

She squinted her eyes, and stared at Zhou Changan pretending to be displeased, "What are you two whispering, and you still keep it from me?"

Zhou Changan sat up from the bed, and waved to her with a smile, "What's wrong downstairs, what are you crying about?"

As for Bai Yuqing, his biological sister who had just come back, he hadn't formally contacted her yet.

Zhou Niannian wanted to say that Bai Yuqing was acting, but she swallowed the words after thinking about it, "I'm not sure, let's meet and have fun."

Zhou Changan frowned, "You should laugh when you meet Huan, it's annoying to cry."

Zhou Changguo smiled and stood up, "You two talk, I guess Qingfeng will come to order dinner in a while, I'll go back to the room to clean up."

Zhou Changguo went back to his room. Liang Ying had just packed his clothes. When he saw him coming in, he rubbed his hands together awkwardly, "Well, I packed all the clothes. You can see if they fit."

After all, she looked at Zhou Changguo expectantly.

Zhou Changguo casually glanced at the closet, nodded lightly, "You can deal with these matters as you see fit."

Liang Ying smiled and said in a low voice, "Nian Nian came over just now and asked me how you confessed your love to me."

Speaking of this, she saw Zhou Changguo's brows wrinkled in displeasure, and quickly waved her hands, "Don't worry, I didn't talk nonsense, I"

She lowered her head and wrung her hands in a little helplessness, her voice was lower, "I said you just ask me directly if I want to have a partner, and I agree."

Zhou Changguo took a deep look at her, then nodded slightly, "Well, I see."

After that, he glanced at the double pillows on the bed, and took out another quilt from the cabinet, "I'll make the floor tonight, you can sleep on the bed."

A look of disappointment flashed across Liang Ying's eyes, and he gave a low hum.

The air in the room had a palpitating tranquility, and Zhou Changguo seemed a little uncomfortable, and stood up, "Let's go down, and go to Uncle Lu's house for dinner later."

Speaking of going out the door first, Liang Ying glanced at the quilt that Zhou Changguo took out again, and walked out with her head downcast with a sad expression.

Zhou Changguo first went to the next door to call Zhou Niannian, and Zhou Changan went downstairs together.

The "Happy Encounter" downstairs has come to an end, I don't know how Bai Yuqing coaxed her with a lot of tongue, Zhou Hongshan's expression was calm, but Li Xiangxiu was talking with her arms around Bai Yuqing with a smile on her face.

"Chang Guo, Chang An, come here and meet Qing Qing formally." Li Xiangxiu greeted her two sons to come forward, "Qing Qing, this is your elder brother Zhou Chang Guo, sister-in-law Liang Ying, your second brother Zhou Chang An, don't worry about it when you read it." I told you, you already knew each other."

Bai Yuqing stood up with a smile on her face, and gently called everyone one by one: "Hello, elder brother, hello, sister-in-law, and hello, second brother."

Seeing her sons and daughters recognize each other in front of her, Li Xiangxiu couldn't help wiping away tears again, then turned her head and said to Zhou Hongshan, "Old Zhou, since we are back, let's hold a formal banquet and let Qingqing recognize our ancestors and return to our ancestors." .”

 It’s much better today, my stomach doesn’t hurt anymore, I only have diarrhea, I’ll try to add another chapter tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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