Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 338 Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian's Little Sweetness

Chapter 338 Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian's Little Sweetness

Bai Yuqing paused for breath, and looked nervously at Zhou Hongshan.

If she can change her surname to Zhou and formally recognize her ancestors, she will be a serious Miss Zhou family.

Her life will be completely different in the future.

Zhou Hongshan smiled and comforted his wife, "There is no rush for this matter. We just came back, and I haven't made any arrangements for my work. There are also things about Chang Guo and Chang An. We have to take care of them one by one."

"Besides, we haven't been in the capital for two years, and now we don't know everyone well. Who should we invite over? We have to discuss this matter after everything is stable."

"Also, we haven't met Qingqing's adoptive parents yet. If we want to move her household registration back to our house, we need the consent of her adoptive parents, right?"

Bai Yuqing couldn't help blurting out, "My household registration has been transferred to the school, and I don't need their consent."

Zhou Hongshan frowned, "That's not right. After all, they have raised you for a long time. It's reasonable, and your mother and I have to thank him."

Bai Yuqing bit her lip, and explained with an uncomfortable expression, "They...they didn't treat me well. When I was a child, I couldn't even eat enough. I..."

She said that the circles of her eyes couldn't help but turn red again.

Li Xiangxiu was a little distressed, but felt that what her husband said was very reasonable, so she patted Bai Yuqing's shoulder, "Don't cry, you have returned to your parents, and the future will be a good day. What your father said is also reasonable. Let's take it slow."

Bai Yuqing nodded slightly, but involuntarily clenched the hand hanging by her side.

Lu Qingfeng knocked on the door outside and asked the Zhou family to come over for dinner.

The family locked the door and walked to the next door.

Lu Qingfeng walked last, holding Zhou Niannian's hand with a natural expression.

Ever since he and Zhou Niannian confessed their feelings to each other, he really wished to be with Zhou Niannian all the time, and he couldn't bear to part with Zhou Niannian for a minute.

In the past, he often felt that the poems he had learned were too sour, but now Lu Qingfeng felt that no single poem could describe his feelings towards Zhou Niannian at this moment.

Zhou Hongshan walked in front, and when he turned his head, he saw Lu Qingfeng holding Zhou Niannian's hand, and immediately coughed dryly, a particularly severe dry cough.

Zhou Niannian walked over immediately and asked with concern: "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Hongshan stood up straight, and took his daughter into Lu's house, "It's okay, I just felt that my throat was a little dry, probably because I didn't drink enough water on the way."

Lu Wenhan and his wife greeted them enthusiastically. As soon as the two families met, they immediately had endless topics to talk about.

Sitting next to her, Bai Yuqing acted like an outsider, watching a group of people chatting lively, and no one greeted her, the smile on the corner of her mouth almost couldn't hold back.

It wasn't until Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu finished exchanging greetings that they remembered to introduce her.

"This is my daughter Qingqing who was lost that year, and now I have found her." Li Xiangxiu pulled Bai Yuqing to introduce, "Qingqing, this is Uncle Lu, Aunt Lu, call someone quickly."

Bai Yuqing remembered the last time he came to Lu's house and was chased away by Lu Wenhan and his wife without even entering the door, the smile on the corner of his mouth froze, and then he put on a well-behaved smile and said, "Hello, Uncle Lu, Hello Aunt Lu."

Both Lu Wenhan and Yang Shutong smiled and nodded.

"The food is ready, let's take a seat." Yang Shutong greeted everyone to take a seat after nodding.

The meal was very lively, the two families chatted and laughed, chatted about the experience of the past two years, and talked about future arrangements.

Liang Ying sat next to Zhou Niannian, eating quietly with her head down.

Zhou Niannian did not ignore her new sister-in-law, and kept chatting with Liang Ying, which eased Liang Ying's nervousness a lot.

On the contrary, Bai Yuqing, who was sitting at the head of Zhou Chang'an, was more like an outsider. Although she always tried to integrate into the conversation of the two families with a smile on her face, unfortunately, she didn't seem to be very successful.

"Sister-in-law, what are your plans, should you go to work first or take this year's college entrance examination?" Zhou Niannian asked Liang Ying's plan in a low voice.

Liang Ying glanced at Zhou Changguo's expression next to him, and hesitated, "I haven't made up my mind yet. Your elder brother has been transferred to the Corps here, and he will work directly. After that, he can go to the military academy. I haven't decided whether to go to the Corps or the Corps." Take the college entrance examination."

In fact, she was very willing to follow Zhou Changguo to the Corps, but thinking of the reason why the two got married, Liang Ying lowered her head a little dejectedly.

Zhou Changguo probably didn't want to take her to the Corps, did he?

Zhou Niannian thought about the past life. In the previous life, Zhou Changguo and Liang Ying also got married this year, but they were transferred back to Kyoto early in the previous life. Both of them were in the Corps, and they got married after being arranged by the leader.

They came back late in this life, but the matter of Zhou Changguo going to the Corps has not changed, and Liang Ying seems to have other ideas.

Seeing her hesitation, Zhou Niannian smiled, "Registration for the college entrance examination is about to begin, and my second brother will definitely take it. You can prepare first, and even if it is the college entrance examination, you can also apply for the military academy. After graduation, you can go to the Corps to do logistics Or work related to literature and art, isn't it the same as staying with the elder brother?"

Liang Ying's eyes lit up, apparently Zhou Niannian's proposal moved her a little.

Lu Qingfeng put the thorny fish into Zhou Niannian's bowl, and frowned at her, "Can you stop talking, I haven't eaten much, eat quickly."

Zhou Niannian made a face at him, smiled and lowered her head to eat.

Lu Qingfeng shook his head and smiled dotingly, and tightly held Zhou Niannian's hand under the table.

When Liang Ying glanced over, she happened to see this scene, and a look of envy flashed in her eyes.

That kind of sweetness that only exists between couples makes people's heart flutter. When will she and Zhou Changguo have such a sweet interaction?
She couldn't help but look up at Zhou Changguo's profile.

Sensing her gaze, Zhou Changguo turned his head and asked calmly, "What's wrong?"

Liang Ying shook her head and smiled, saying she was fine.

Zhou Changguo picked up a chopstick and put it in her bowl, "Eat more."

Liang Ying looked at the dishes in the bowl in surprise and joy, and murmured for a moment: "Thank you!"

In fact, she should be content, her parents used that method to force Zhou Changguo to marry her, and Zhou Changguo can still treat her so peacefully, she should be content.

She has always wanted to marry Zhou Changguo, and now she is his wife, isn't she?
One day they can be like Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng. Liang Ying took a deep breath and felt that the food in her mouth was extraordinarily delicious.

It was already 09:30 after a meal, and when I returned to Zhou's house, Zhou Niannian proposed to go back to school.

Li Xiangxiu was a little displeased, "Why are you going back to school so late, can't you live at home?"

Zhou Niannian smiled and took Li Xiangxiu's arm, "Mom, don't worry, I have a lot of classes, so it's more convenient to live in school. Besides, Lu Qingfeng will go back with me. I'll come back to live on weekends, okay?"

Only then did Li Xiangxiu put away her displeasure, and reluctantly agreed.

Bai Yuqing hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice, "Then I, let me go back to school together."

(End of this chapter)

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