Chapter 339

Lu Qingfeng frowned, obviously displeased that the two-person world between himself and Zhou Niannian was interrupted.

When Li Xiangxiu heard that Zhou Niannian was going back to school, and seeing that Bai Yuqing was also going back to school, Li Xiangxiu felt a little depressed, "Aren't you willing to live at home?"

Bai Yuqing quickly waved her hand, "No, I saw that Niannian was going back, and I thought it would be better for me to live on campus if she lived on campus."

Li Xiangxiu grabbed her and said, "You haven't been with your mother for more than ten years, so you should stay at home. The rooms at home are all ready-made. The upstairs is the room of Niannian and your two brothers. You and we are both Live on the first floor."

Bai Yuqing glanced at Zhou Hongshan's expression, and seeing that he had no intention of objecting, she nodded, "Then I'll spend more time with my parents."

Li Xiangxiu immediately beamed with joy. She always felt that she owed Bai Yuqing, so she wanted to make up for Bai Yuqing a lot.

Zhou Changguo and Zhou Changan came down from downstairs and took the things they brought back from Xincheng and Qingcheng to Bai Yuqing and Zhou Niannian respectively.

Zhou Changguo brought Xincheng's specialty herbal tea, while Zhou Chang'an brought two white silk scarves.

"This thing has just become popular in Qingcheng. I think it looks good on girls, so I brought one for each of you."

Bai Yuqing took the silk scarf, stroked the soft and smooth satin surface, and said with a smile on her face, "Thank you, big brother, second brother."

Smiling, Zhou Niannian took the silk scarf from Zhou Changan's hand, but she didn't take it out. She was stunned for a moment, and when she saw Zhou Changan winked at her, she was immediately happy.

It seemed that his second brother had prepared something else for her.

She took out the silk scarf and winked at Zhou Changan, and said loudly with a smile, "Thank you, Second Brother."

Her voice was so long that Zhou Changan couldn't help but tap her on the head, "Speak well."

Seeing this, Lu Qingfeng stood up from the sofa, and took Zhou Niannian's hand, "Uncle Zhou, Aunt Zhou, it's getting late, we two will go back to school first."

Zhou Hongshan, who was sitting on the sofa, coughed, and stared at Lu Qingfeng, "Let's just go, what does it look like."

Zhou Niannian's face turned hot, and he immediately let go of Lu Qingfeng's hand.

Lu Qingfeng touched his nose and accepted the old man's criticism.

Li Xiangxiu glared at her husband, and couldn't help but pat him, "What are you doing, the children have a good relationship, that's a good thing, don't you want them to fight like before?"

Zhou Hongshan was beaten by his wife, moved to the sofa, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "It's not easy for me to raise a daughter for 20 years, how can I be taken away by outsiders so easily?"

After all, she couldn't help looking at Zhou Niannian eagerly, "Niannian, you can stay at home tonight, okay?"

The plea from the old father made Zhou Niannian instantly embarrassed.

Li Xiangxiu waved his hand and told them to leave first, "Since we have agreed to go back, let's go back, Bengguan your dad, he is out of his mind."

He glared at Zhou Hongshan again, "You have to report to work tomorrow morning, why don't you hurry up and go to sleep?"

Lu Qingfeng took the opportunity to drag Zhou Niannian out the door.

When the two went out, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but laugh, "Haha, how much my dad liked you before, now he hates you so much."

Lu Qingfeng pulled her to his side. Seeing that there was no one around, he quickly pecked her on the mouth, and said aggrievedly: "Little heartless, you dare to laugh at me."

Zhou Niannian said with a smile: "My dad is right. He has worked hard to support me for 20 years. If I get married, he will definitely feel bad."

Lu Qingfeng gritted his teeth, "I'll let my parents come over in two days to discuss the wedding date. I really want to marry you home as soon as possible." He couldn't help but press another kiss on Zhou Niannian's forehead.

Zhou Niannian shook his head happily, "I'm afraid my dad won't agree so easily, just wait and see."

Lu Qingfeng sighed sadly, feeling that his road to marrying a wife might not be easy.

After the Zhou family returned to the capital, Zhou Niannian's life became even busier.

She usually goes to class, and after class, she still has homework left by Guan Ping, and she has to go home to stay with her parents on weekends.

Zhou Hongshan was reinstated as an official and re-entered the financial department to work, which is the same as in his previous life.

Before officially going to work, Zhou Niannian insisted on accompanying Zhou Hongshan to the hospital for a full-body examination.

Zhou Hongshan was a little helpless and didn't want to go to the hospital, "Dad has worked a lot in Xincheng for the past two years, and I feel better than before."

Zhou Niannian dragged him to the hospital, "It's extremely cold in the new city, who knows if there's any root cause, just check it out and rest assured, you don't want to miss work because of your health, do you?"

Hearing that his daughter mentioned work, Zhou Hongshan had nothing to say, and followed him honestly to the hospital for an examination.

The examination results came out, Zhou Hongshan had some mild emphysema, and he needed to take medicine for recuperation.

Zhou Niannian let out a long breath.

In his previous life, Zhou Hongshan was diagnosed with lung cancer not long after returning to Beijing, and died after half a year of treatment, and the Zhou family began to decline.

In this life, she sent herbal medicine to Xincheng early, and Zhou Hongshan took the medicine for more than half a year, and finally recuperated her lung problems in time.

"I'll just say I'm not sick, and you're the only one making a fuss." Zhou Hongshan reprimanded Zhou Niannian with the report.

Zhou Niannian pinched her waist and stared, "Is it wrong that your daughter cares about you?"

Zhou Hongshan smiled immediately, "That's right, that's right, of course it's right for my daughter to care about me."

Zhou Hongshan officially went to work and started busy work. Zhou Changguo left home to report to the Corps in the suburbs. Liang Ying and Zhou Changan stayed at home temporarily.

Liang Ying finally took Zhou Niannian's suggestion and prepared to apply for the military academy for the college entrance examination, so he stayed at home and Zhou Chang'an began to review the textbook knowledge.

This year's college entrance examination is scheduled for mid-July, and there are less than two months left, so it seems very urgent.

Since that night, Bai Yuqing has lived in Zhou's house as a matter of course, and Li Xiangxiu let her live on the first floor, next to their room.

This room is on the north side, so the light is naturally not as sunny as Zhou Niannian's south-facing room on the second floor. At first, Bai Yuqing was secretly happy that she finally lived in Zhou's house, but after seeing Zhou Niannian's room, the joy faded a bit.

She hinted to Li Xiangxiu openly and secretly that she wanted to change rooms with Zhou Niannian, but Li Xiangxiu didn't understand or was unwilling, and she never responded directly to her.

However, considering what Zhou Niannian threatened her last time, and Zhou Niannian was still holding the statement written by Zhu Qiaoyun in his hand, Bai Yuqing was a little more honest in front of Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian only came back to stay for two days on weekends, and was often abducted by Lu Qingfeng to go shopping. Seeing that Bai Yuqing was concentrating on playing the role of a filial daughter to Zhou Hongshan and his wife, she didn't bother to pay attention.

She and Lu Qingfeng went out for a walk too often, Ah Liang inevitably had a problem, and complained to her several times, thinking that Zhou Niannian didn't take it out for a walk.

"The last time I took you out for a stroll, I made a fuss. I dare not take you out again." Zhou Niannian pouted.

Ah Liang was not convinced, "But you also made meritorious service because of this, didn't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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