Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 340 The one who is anxious is Lu Qingfeng

Chapter 340 The one who is anxious is Lu Qingfeng
Zhou Niannian thought about it, and felt that what Ah Liang said was also reasonable.

If it wasn't for Ah Liang last time, she really couldn't expose the abduction and trafficking of children by the juggling troupe, and she wouldn't be able to make meritorious deeds to get her parents back.

"Okay, I'll give you a credit. After all, where do you want to go?" She looked at Ah Liang with a smile.

Ah Liang floated around in the air excitedly, "You don't need to go shopping, I want to go back to Zhou's house."

Zhou Niannian was very speechless, "You protested for a long time, either to go out for a stroll, or to come back to my house? Why? Is it good that Lu's house doesn't live?"

Ah Liang drooped her head dejectedly, looking a bit distressed, "Lu Qingfeng feeds me human food every day, if I eat like this, I will almost be unable to fly, okay?"

"I'm going to live at your house. You first agree with your mother that you are not allowed to feed me. I can fend for myself. Uh, no, I can be self-sufficient."

Zhou Niannian glanced at Ah Liang's obviously rounded stomach, and couldn't help laughing and bent over.

"You still make fun of his fat and round figure, I think your figure is getting close to that of fat and round."

Ah Liang jumped up angrily: "Don't mention that fat bird in front of me, how can I get close to her, I'm much slimmer than her, okay?"

Zhou Niannian looked at it curiously, "Hey, it's been more than half a year, why do you still get so angry when you mention Feiyuan, what's the matter? You are a male bird anyway, so it's better to say that Feiyuan is at a disadvantage, right?"

Ah Liang was a little annoyed: "You are discriminating against our male birds, what's wrong with the male birds? Isn't the innocence of the male birds innocent?"

What he said made sense, but Zhou Niannian was speechless.

"But you always avoid Fat Yuan like this. Is it the solution to the problem? What if it finds it one day?"

Ah Liang flew around the room a little annoyed, "Let's wait until it finds us."

Seeing that it obviously didn't want to discuss this topic anymore, Zhou Niannian picked it up and went downstairs and told Yang Shutong to take Ah Liang home.

Yang Shutong was a little bit reluctant. Ah Liang had lived at home for several months. She liked this bird very much, and thought it was very human, as if it could understand people's speech.

"If you live next door, you can go see it every day." Zhou Niannian said with a smile, causing Ah Liang to roll her eyes, afraid that she would suggest that Yang Shutong bring food to feed it.

Zhou's family and Lu's family live next to each other, and it's not impossible to see them if they live next door. Yang Shutong soon stopped the entanglement and asked Zhou Niannian to take Ah Liang away.

Li Xiangxiu welcomes Ah Liang to live at home. On weekdays, she is the only one who goes to work and goes to school. When Ah Liang comes, she can go out for a walk.

Zhou Niannian settled Ah Liang, and confirmed again: "You really don't want to go out with me?"

Ah Liang shook her head, "It's not the time when I first came to Kyoto. I am very familiar with the surroundings, so I can go out and play by myself, and I don't need you."

"Little heartless." Zhou Niannian patted her on the head and left downstairs.

When she went downstairs, she felt extremely quiet, and she realized that Bai Yuqing was not at home.

Today is the weekend, doesn't she like to pretend to be obedient and filial in front of her parents on weekends?

Li Xiangxiu brought out fruit from the kitchen and asked her to eat, "Are you going out today?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, "My roommate, Sister Haiyun, won the case. I made an agreement with Xiaomeng that today I will help her celebrate with her child."

After more than a month of tossing, the case between Cao Haiyun and Zhang Dahai finally ended with Cao Haiyun winning the case. Niuniu’s custody was awarded to Cao Haiyun. Zhang Dahai was sentenced to two years in prison for gambling and paying off debts with his children, and was repatriated to his hometown for reform.

After this incident, Cao Haiyun, Zhou Niannian, and Yue Xiaomeng also got closer. Today they got better and went to the restaurant together to celebrate her and Niu Niu's rebirth.

Li Xiangxiu was a little disappointed, "You have to go out too. After a weekend, your eldest brother didn't come back, your father went out to visit old friends, your second brother went out to play, and even Yuqing and Shangde went out to play. I'm alone."

Zhou Niannian paused while eating the peach, Bai Yuqing and Chen Shangde went out, the two seemed to be very close.

She looked at Li Xiangxiu's sad expression, smiled and stepped forward to put her arms around Li Xiangxiu's neck coquettishly, "Do you think you are lonely without anyone to accompany you? Mom, you can go shopping with Aunt Lu and go shopping. Two beautiful clothes, well-dressed, took care of my dad's eyes brightened."

Li Xiangxiu's face was embarrassing, and she couldn't help pinching her cheek, "No matter how big or small, you dare to make fun of me and your father."

He said with a sigh, "You think I don't want to go shopping with your Aunt Lu? I'm avoiding her now."

"Ah? Why?" Zhou Niannian was puzzled.

Li Xiangxiu looked helpless, "It's not that your Aunt Lu recently discussed your wedding date with Qingfeng when she saw me, and your father didn't allow me to let go of my agreement so quickly. I have a dilemma, so I can only avoid your Aunt Lu. "

Zhou Niannian.
The last time she heard Aunt Lu said that she hoped that she and Lu Qingfeng would get married as soon as possible. She didn't expect her to act so quickly. It was less than a month since her parents returned to Beijing, and they had already put this matter on the agenda.

Li Xiangxiu turned her head and patted Zhou Niannian on the head, "I see your father is so stubborn, you and Qingfeng don't need to think about getting married this year."

Zhou Niannian withdrew her arms and sat back on the sofa, "If you don't tie it up, don't tie it up, anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

It was Lu Qingfeng who was in a hurry, Zhou Niannian wanted to laugh when he thought of Lu Qingfeng hugging him in a hurry.

"I don't know what your father is trying to do. I can understand your Aunt Lu's mood. She just wants to have a grandson sooner. Your eldest brother is married now, and now I also want to get your sister-in-law pregnant sooner."

"And your second brother, by the way, and Qingqing, she is so close to that kid from the Chen family, she doesn't know if she is going to have a date, no, I have to ask her when I come back today."

Seeing that Li Xiangxiu couldn't stop talking more and more, Zhou Niannian quickly found an excuse and slipped away.

In the blink of an eye, September, Zhou Niannian was promoted to sophomore, Liang Ying and Zhou Changan both passed the college entrance examination, Liang Ying was admitted to National Defense University majoring in telecommunications, Zhou Changan was admitted to Kyoto University majoring in electromechanical.

Yang Shutong still failed to discuss the wedding date of Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng with Zhou Hongshan and his wife. Zhou Hongshan refused to let go on the grounds that Zhou Niannian was the youngest and none of his older brothers and sisters had a date yet.

Lu Qingfeng didn't know how wronged he was because of this. He didn't know how many times he hugged Zhou Niannian and secretly wanted to cook rice, but finally gave up helplessly.

It was Friday, and there was no class on Saturday. Zhou Niannian returned home on Friday night, and as soon as she opened the door to enter, she heard Li Xiangxiu's angry voice: "Liang Ying, since you married into this family, my mother-in-law has never dared I'm being picky about you, and you're still refusing to have sex with Chang Guo, what exactly do you mean?"

 This chapter is a transitional plot, and the things that should be explained still have to be explained, and the progress will be accelerated later

(End of this chapter)

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