Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 341 Do You Love Big Brother?

Chapter 341 Do You Love Big Brother?
Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan sat in the living room with sullen faces, while Zhou Changguo and Liang Ying stood beside them with their heads down, waiting to be punished as if they had done something wrong.

Zhou Niannian heard such a sentence when he opened the door, and immediately wondered whether he should go in or not.

Zhou Hongshan heard the sound of the door opening, turned around and saw Zhou Niannian standing at the door, waving: "Niannian is back, you go upstairs first, Mom and Dad have something to say with your elder brother and sister-in-law."

Zhou Niannian closed the door behind her backhand, Liang Ying raised her eyes to meet hers, and a flash of embarrassment flashed in her eyes.

Zhou Niannian hesitated for a moment, and wanted to say something, but Li Xiangxiu glared at her, "You go upstairs first, this is not a topic that you, an unmarried girl, can interrupt."

Zhou Niannian saw Li Xiangxiu's sullen face and very angry look, so she nodded, "I'll go upstairs first, mom, if you have anything to say, talk to elder brother and sister-in-law slowly, getting angry will hurt you."

After that, she went upstairs quickly, and heard Zhou Changguo's voice downstairs, "Mom and Dad, this matter is not Liang Ying's fault, it's my problem."

Unable to hear the words behind, Zhou Niannian entered his room, a little surprised by the topic he just heard.

Her elder brother and Liang Ying have been married for so long, but they have never had sex. Is it her elder brother's problem or Liang Ying's problem?

She remembered how when Liang Ying and the others first came back, when Liang Ying packed her clothes, she and her eldest brother's clothes were separated.

Now it seems that no matter how well-organized the couple's things are, they don't have to be so clearly defined, as if they were two strangers.

The voice downstairs was high and low, accompanied by Li Xiangxiu's critical voice, and gradually became inaudible. Later, Zhou Niannian heard a deafening sound of closing the door. She looked from the balcony and saw Zhou Changguo strode away from the house, tense. The back view revealed that he was in a rage at the moment.

After a while, Zhou Niannian heard someone coming upstairs.

She opened the door and went out, only to meet Liang Yinghong walking up with circles around her eyes.

Seeing Zhou Niannian suddenly, Liang Ying froze for a moment, then avoided her sight in embarrassment.

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, stepped forward and took her arm, "Sister-in-law, would you like to talk to me?"

Liang Ying's arms stiffened, she lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then nodded slightly.

Zhou Niannian pulled Liang Ying to her room and poured her a glass of water.

Liang Ying rubbed the cup for a long time before raising her head and smiling bitterly: "You probably don't know why I married your elder brother, do you?"

Zhou Niannian nodded. At the beginning, Liang Ying had vaguely said that Zhou Changguo asked her if she would like to have a date. She remembered that she still muttered that it was not Zhou Changguo's behavior style. Now it seems that it was just Liang Ying's cover-up.

Liang Ying sighed, put down the water glass, covered her face for a while, calmed down a little, and then said in a low voice: "My parents' problems are very serious, and they may not be able to be transferred back to the capital."

"They only have me as a daughter. They don't want me to be implicated and stay in Xincheng. After hearing the news that the Zhou family is going back to the city, they tried to get Chang Guo and me drunk and put us on the same bed. .”

When Liang Ying said this, her voice became inaudible, as if she was still very guilty about what happened back then.

After listening for a long time, Zhou Niannian probably understood what was going on.

Liang Ying's parents are also at the Xincheng Farm, but it's not the same farm as Zhou Hongshan and his wife, but a more remote farm with more difficult conditions.

As more and more people's problems were investigated and they began to return to the capital, Liang Ying's parents also moved their minds and asked some friends to inquire. The reply was that their problems were too serious, and it might be difficult to return to the capital. .

Liang's father and Liang's mother were a little desperate, and couldn't bear to hurt their only daughter, so they thought of a plan to help her return to Beijing.

Both Liang Ying and Zhou Changguo were building the Corps, and they walked very close to each other on weekdays. Liang's father and Liang's mother also met Zhou Changguo. After hearing that the Zhou family's problems had been investigated, Liang's parents and Liang's mother went to the Corps.

They brought some food prepared on the farm, and they called Zhou Changguo to celebrate, and they got Zhou Changguo and Liang Ying drunk.

Afterwards, of course, many people in the Construction Corps discovered that the two woke up in the same bed.

This incident caused quite a stir in the Construction Corps. Zhou Changguo was still calm at the time, and immediately said that he had drunk too much and had offended Liang Ying, and expressed his willingness to marry Liang Ying responsibly.

The two registered their marriage just before returning to Kyoto.

"Although your eldest brother doesn't say it, he knows in his heart that my parents designed him, and he has resentment in his heart," Liang Ying sighed quietly, "I also feel sorry for him. If the situation is more stable, he will be freed, but the right time has not been found.”

Sitting next to Liang Ying, Zhou Niannian reached out to hold her hand, only to realize that it was only autumn, but Liang Ying's hand was cold.

She sighed in her heart, "Sister-in-law, do you love brother?"

Liang Ying's hands trembled slightly, her lips trembled, but she didn't reply for a while.

Zhou Niannian understood.

She remembered that when she went to visit Zhou Changguo in Xincheng, when she saw Liang Ying for the first time, Liang Ying's eyebrows at that time were full of heroic spirit, cheerful and straightforward.

At that time, she could clearly feel that Liang Ying had a crush on Zhou Changguo.

After returning to Beijing for half a year, thinking about it carefully, Liang Ying always seemed to be a little cautious in front of Zhou Changguo.

Liang Ying's brows now no longer had the heroic spirit they had before, but instead there was a ray of sadness.

"You love big brother, don't you?" Zhou Niannian asked tentatively.

Liang Ying bit her lip, and didn't deny it for a while, but smiled wryly: "What's the use of love, your elder brother has someone in his heart."

Zhou Niannian frowned, could Zhou Changguo still miss Huang Yujuan who abandoned him?

She held Liang Ying's hand tightly, "Sister-in-law, listen to me, no matter what reason you married eldest brother, you are now husband and wife, this is your fate, you certainly don't want yourself Did you give up this fate without making any efforts for this marriage?"

"Are you willing to do that?"

Liang Ying's expression changed, but he didn't speak.

"If you always feel guilty towards elder brother, then you can't get along naturally, sister-in-law, why don't you try to transform your guilt into love, try to be better to elder brother, and make him fall in love with you too You, isn't this the best of both worlds?"

Zhou Niannian sincerely encouraged Liang Ying.

In her previous life, she didn't know how Liang Ying and Zhou Changguo got along, but now that she saw the problems between the two, she couldn't ignore them, especially because she liked Liang Ying, a bold and unpretentious sister-in-law.

"You don't have to worry about Mom, I'll tell you what to do. You just need to think about how to get along with big brother naturally in the future."

Liang Ying pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment, then nodded lightly, "Let me try it."

(End of this chapter)

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