Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 342 Nian Nian is the most caring little padded jacket

Chapter 342 Nian Nian is the most caring little padded jacket
After chatting with Liang Ying, Zhou Niannian went downstairs to appease the angry Li Xiangxiu.

Li Xiangxiu was complaining to Zhou Hongshan that her dream of holding a grandson had been shattered, but when she saw Zhou Niannian coming down, she reluctantly stopped talking.

Zhou Niannian stepped forward, took her arm, leaned his head on her shoulder and acted like a spoiled child, "Mom, losing your temper like this hurts your body, you say you little old lady, why are you so angry?"

Li Xiangxiu was stimulated, and patted her, "Who are you talking about the little old lady, your mother and I are not that old, right?"

Zhou Niannian sat up straight pretendingly, and looked her up and down.

To tell you the truth, Li Xiangxiu is not yet 50 years old this year. She took good care of herself before. She worked on the farm in Xincheng for the past two years. She was a little older than before, but she went back to Beijing to raise her for a few months. She still looks younger than her peers.

"Only old ladies are so anxious to hold a grandson. You are so eager to urge your elder brother and sister-in-law to hold a grandson. What are you not a little old lady?" Zhou Niannian refuted her solemnly.

Li Xiangxiu was stunned for a moment, and then murmured for a moment: "Where is there anyone who is married and doesn't have children? Am I wrong in asking so?"

After she finished speaking, she felt that what she said seemed to lack confidence, so she sat up straight and patted the coffee table, "Besides, I'm not angry because of this incident, I thought Liang Ying was treated so well, how could they lie to me like this? "

"If I hadn't found out by chance that they didn't have sex, I don't know how long they would have kept it a secret."

"Ahem!" Zhou Hongshan, who was sitting next to him, suddenly coughed violently, "Nian Nian is still young, what are you talking about with her?"

Li Xiangxiu came to her senses suddenly, she looked uncomfortable for a moment, and then she gave Zhou Niannian a look: "You little kid, why are you messing around here, what time is it and you don't go to bed yet."

Zhou Niannian sat down with a smile, hugged Li Xiangxiu and refused to let go, "Mom, I'm already 20 years old, I'm no longer a child, can you let them handle the matter of elder brother and sister-in-law?"

Li Xiangxiu glanced at her suspiciously, "Liang Ying asked you to come down to intercede?"

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "No, it's not like you don't know about big brother's temperament. I was hurt by that Huang Yujuan back then, and my sister-in-law needs to temper it little by little."

"You should support sister-in-law, but you can't hold her back at this time."

Li Xiangxiu frowned, "So it's really your elder brother's fault? I didn't like that Huang Yujuan back then. Your elder brother only wanted to get engaged, and then abandoned our family at a critical moment. What's wrong with this kind of woman?" Worth remembering, Chang Guo is a worthless guy."

Zhou Niannian agreed sincerely, "That's why big brother needs a cheerful and cheerful girl like sister-in-law. Mom, don't worry about it, okay? Oh, dad, you can also say a few words."

Zhou Hongshan thought for a while and persuaded his wife: "What Nian Nian said makes sense. If you have the leisure time, hurry up and find a partner for Chang An. You're almost 24 years old and don't have a date. What's it like?"

"There is also the matter of Qingqing and that boy from the Chen family. You go and find out what Qingqing is saying. Although we don't have much contact with the Chen family, the boy from the Chen family is also a good person. If it is suitable, we will make a decision."

"Well, after all, it's the most worry-free for us Niannian."

Zhou Niannian smiled and hugged Zhou Hongshan coquettishly, "Dad, I'm the best, right?"

Zhou Hongshan nodded solemnly: "Well, Niannian is Dad's most intimate little padded jacket."

Bai Yuqing just opened the door and came in. Hearing these words, the hand holding the doorknob tightened unconsciously, and then she smiled gently, "Dad, Mom, Nian Nian, you are all here."

Zhou Niannian smiled faintly, nodded, got up and waved to Zhou Hongshan and his wife, "Now the little padded jacket is going to go upstairs to sleep."

After that, he turned and went up the stairs.

Zhou Changan, Lu Qingfeng, and Li Chengyu ate outside and came back after drinking some wine. When they saw Bai Yuqing standing at the door, they scratched their heads in wonder, "Qingqing, what are you doing standing there, go in."

Bai Yuqing came back to her senses, and walked in as if nothing had happened.

Li Xiangxiu waved at the two of them, "You two come here, I just have something to tell you two, Chang An, you are the elder brother, let's talk about you first, you are not young anymore, when can I bring back a date for mom?"

Zhou Changan screamed, "Mom, why are you bringing this up carefully? You want to take your grandson to find your elder brother and sister-in-law."

Zhou Niannian who was going upstairs couldn't help but lit three candles for Zhou Changan when he heard this.

Poor second brother, he must not know that he poked his mother's pain, and it should be repaired badly tonight.

She pushed open the door happily and walked in. As soon as she entered, she was pulled into a hot embrace, covered with a thin smell of alcohol.

Zhou Niannian was pecked twice, and pushed Lu Qingfeng away in disgust, "Okay, you have used all the tricks of exploring the boudoir at night."

Zhou's house and Lu's house are next to each other, her room is the farthest to the west, and Lu Qingfeng's is the farthest to the east. It doesn't take much thinking to know that Lu Qingfeng crawled over from the balcony.

Lu Qingfeng, who was pushed away, lay on Zhou Niannian's bed sullenly, and looked at Zhou Niannian with a pair of dark eyes aggrieved, "Since Uncle and Aunt Zhou came back, you have given me too little time, Uncle Zhou still watches So strict, I can only rely on myself."

Zhou Niannian was amused by his words of self-reliance. He sat on the edge of the bed, propped his hands on the bed, and squinted at Lu Qingfeng, "Have you been drinking? With my second brother?"

Lu Qingfeng took a deep breath, felt Zhou Niannian's breath on the quilt, and then sat up and sighed: "My parents came to discuss the wedding date, but your parents always disagree, I can only find a way to fight outside Ah, let your second brother help me find a way to convince your parents."

Peripheral Assault.
"Where did this strategy come from? It's still a set." Zhou Niannian looked at him with joy.

Lu Qingfeng gritted his teeth, and suddenly pulled Zhou Niannian over, "Little heartless, for the sake of our future, I wish I could even read through the 36 strategies. You are still in the mood to make fun of me."

Before Zhou Niannian could react, she was already pinned on the bed. Looking at Lu Qingfeng's dark eyes, she raised two fingers to make a sincere guarantee: "I didn't make fun of you, really, I'm very moved, but I Parents just don’t agree, what can I do.”

Lu Qingfeng looked at her curved almond eyes and mischievous smile, couldn't help but darken them, and slowly lowered his head, grabbing the tenderness that belonged to him.

The interior is cozy.
"Nian Nian, are you asleep?" Zhou Hongshan's knock on the door suddenly sounded outside, "If you haven't slept, can Dad come in?"

Lu Qingfeng's body froze, he thumped out of the bed muffled, and uttered two muffled low curse sounds.

"Dad, wait a minute, I'm changing clothes." Zhou Niannian shouted nervously, afraid that Zhou Hongshan would open the door and come in.

 There is another update at [-]pm!

(End of this chapter)

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